All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

Jealousy issue. What's your experience in the matter?

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I used google to translate your "quan zhi" - circle, group, or ring, but am at a loss on how to decipher its meaning in your sentence. I'm relatively new  to the site and have been communicating with a young lady from Hengyang since the end of January. I am finding this site indispensable with regards to learning about the chinese culture and way of thinking. Thank you all for contributing to my education.


Welcome Ed to our Forum! You have it actually correct here, it does mean "circle/group of People that you have on your good side (maybe even have them pribed with money) so you can further your own goal in Business or whatever you want to "use" them for your own good. It's like "Money talks" especially in China!

Willy The Londoner:
Welcome Ed

There are a couple of others on here whose, wife, like mine come from Hengyang. 


RobertBfrom aust:
Welcome Ed , to this forum , as you are busy reading any questions just ask , cos so far we have always found an answer ha ha , regards Sujuan and Robert .


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