Hi guys,
sorry for the late reply, for some reason I cant access this site from my hotel's internet. just now I tried to post a reply, but an error occurred, so I lost all of the stories I typed

anyway I am currently in Jakarta, Indonesia. I will be staying here for another 10 days before going back to Melbourne.
my trip to changsha was great! and I survived the flu!! :p
my reason to come to changsha is to meet girls I have been communicating with in the past 5 months in chnluv. I will start with 1, lets say the name is Yun. I have been talking, qq-ing and video with her in the past 3 months.
I stayed at crowne hotel plaza, which is a very strategic hotel to go anywhere, I recommend it

as for the transport from airport, I ordered a hotel pickup from airport with RMB400 cost.
when I arrived at hotel, there she was, sitting in the lobby!

I recognize her straight away haha, she brought a friend, who is quite good at english. my mandarin is quite poor and broken :p and so is Yun's english haha. but I come prepared, I have installed a translator on my phone, and I bought a local sim card called Unicom, which has 3G! muahahhaha
anyway on monday 22nd april after I checked in, we went and get dinner at the hotel, because it was quite late, maybe it was 9pm. after dinner they went home.
on tuesday 23rd, Yun and her friend took a day off from work to spend time with me, I was very happy

we decided to go to zoo, but there are a lot of animals not being displayed

which was a pity. from there we go for lunch and then watch movie. she took me to quite a lot of places in the city, the food was GREAT!

I like spicy food actually

on wed and thurs, Yun cant accompany me at all

but on friday she accompany me after work, this time its just the 2 of us. our communication is a bit hard, thankfully I can understand mandarin, though when I speak its broken :p but both of us are using our phone translator app to help us communicate, it was actually fun. we talked and walked until quite late, and then I accompany her waiting for her bus.
on saturday I flew back to HK and then to jakarta.
that was my story in changsha, the good ones! there are bad ones as well. but I will post that in another reply.
also I will post the picture after I reduce the size
