So when Mei and I had our wedding pictures taken I got to witness a transformation. I sat as they poked her and primped her, applied tape and eyelashes and makeup and who knows what else and at the end of the process she was super model beautiful.
But for everyday life she hates wearing makeup. And I prefer her without it too. There is no fuss and no muss, no waiting while she applies this or that. And I like her natural beauty - I don't need that super model....
So what is my point? I don't begrudge the women wanting to look their best. I wouldn't say "buyer beware" because it is prevalent throughout our society. You should see some of the gorgeous Hollywood stars before they get their makeovers... You wouldn't look twice in normal life...
Anyways, when I was in China I got a chance to meet the people at the agency that Mei used. What I gathered was that they are real sincere in wanting to help their clients. And they are cautious about the type of men the women might meet and what those men might request of the ladies. They see themselves as not only a filter but also a shield for their clients. Quite a few jokes were made about all the men passing themselves off as being "Generals."
And they believe that if they can plant the seed of attraction that they will have better success. So if they have to spin a few tales or flirt on behalf of their client they see no harm in that. Plus they make a living.
In my own experience I started contacting a gal through the EMF's and it started to run into the $200 - 300 range. It was about then that I found this site and when I started pressing "her" for direct contact she started to give me the same stories as Pineau mentioned. She held out a carrot that when her friend (who apparently knew a lot about computers ) got back from her trip abroad that we would be able to QQ then. It sounded suspiciously like she just wanted to make it through the summer on my dime, before she went back to college

It was at this time that I met Mei for the first time, and rather than go through the whole thing all over again I said that I would only communicate with her directly, and for whatever reason, we were "allowed" to exchange QQ numbers. The rest is a whole 'nother story...
Oh, one more thing that the ladies at the agency said... there are a lot of men on these sites who are "pretenders." They are just bored and maybe they want to spend a little money just flirting with some gal, but they have no means and no intention of ever going to China. This is another type that the agency is trying to weed out, and also they don't care that they are taking his money.
So although I met and married Mei through China Love, I know that I am one of the few. And I had help and advice from this site to help me.
A lone wolf would be taken to the cleaners by that site and by all the expenses that he might incur in trying to get a wife from China.