Well guys, my time has finally come. My appeal interview is Monday at 9:00 am. I'm a little nervous and worried, but I've submitted a ton of new evidence (183 pages) of reference letters and pictures and receipts. They wanted two copies of all the evidence submitted, and I'll bring my originals with me.
I had a meeting at the immigration appeal board a little over a month ago to prove that I hadn't abandoned my case. It was (and will be) a serious court setting with an immigration judge and prosecuting immigration person (lawyer? attorney?). They asked me why I missed my previous meeting and they understood when I told them that they had my address listed incorrectly and never received a notice to appear. It was a quick and easy meeting.
The judge suggested that I attend some other immigration appeal hearings, as they are open to the public, but I never got the chance since I live well over 5 hours from Vancouver. I'm going to have to wing it.
I never did hire an immigration lawyer. I just can't justify spending money I don't have for a lawyer to tell me what to say. I believe that we shouldn't be required to hire a lawyer, just to prove that our relationship is real and true. Hire a lawyer to bend the rules and tell you the tricks in order to sneak a fake marriage past immigration - I understand that.
Fingers crossed, and wish me luck. Or call me stupid for not doing everything in my power to ensure my wife can come home. I guess we'll see what the result is on Monday.
Whatever happens, she is my wife, and we love each other. I sure hope she can come home soon.