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Offline fivetrout

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Two bomb shells today...
« on: May 01, 2013, 02:12:04 am »
I read somewhere yesterday on a post, about how Chinese women don't really share all that much with their men, or men to be... about everyday issues in their lives, see no point in it. I nodded my head and agreed. So during our Skype chat...she mentions that today she bought a new house! Now, I know about how house hungry these gals are, and at one time she mentioned she wanted one for her mother as her father is having very serious health issues at present. Also she believes she won't be allowed into the U.S. without a home in China. I told her as I believe it to be...those rules are for a tourist visa's to ensure there will be a return to China, and that it does not apply as a wife. In Wuhan there's a new complex being built for 6 billion yuan's, compiling of several 34 story buildings. They promise completion in about two years. So from my point of view, I would have liked to add some input myself. We had talked of coming back to China when I retire, but I would never want to retire to the "stovepipe" and smog in Wuhan.

Second bomb! She thinks we should have a baby! haha  On a good day I can almost tie my shoes! I laughed as she frowned a bit! Heck, my dad did it at 57, I'm 61 this year. Hong assures me at 46 she is still very capable. jeez......... ::)

People! Not that these are burning questions, but I can see there's been an absence of scuttlebutt going on around here, and I'm trying to wake up the dead!)))))))
Maybe not as good as the crosswords but, hey!


Offline David E

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2013, 03:00:47 am »
Lucky that my wife is in China for 2 weeks "family reunion"...thus I am Bacheloring again and bored to I can happily spend a few moments responding to your bombshells!!!

MMMMM....about babies......I went through this saga for nearly 6 months. I am possibly the oldest member or Willy would be in a close race for that honour ...and my wife was continually prompting me to consider a child...that was BEFORE we were married. Once we actually got married and she came to Aus, she reluctantly 'fessed up that she did not really want another child (she is 45 by the way) but she was told that she MUST be prepared to have a child with her new Western Man...he will demand it !!!!, maybe your Lady is going through the "unrealistic expectations" when she mentions another child...maybe it will all go away once she is sure of you and has a wedding ring on her finger.

If not...well, its really up to you...and the best of luck. For me, at my age I cant think of anything worse than another baby..........even though its still fun to keep trying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(better living through modern Chemistry)

As for lack of shared everyday stuff, I have never experienced this, from day one, Ming was keen to share everything about her life, past, present and future. Sometimes I was glassy eyed with all the trivia, but I put on a brave face and humm'd and haaa'd in the right places.......still do.

I guess we all get to know some differences in Chinese Women along this track...vive la they say !!!

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2013, 03:04:33 am »
Ha ha Chris , those that are able do like to keep us off balance , Sujuan a few weeks after going back to China whilst her visa was being sorted and being bored also said to me whilst on QQ , " Oh and I have bought an apartment [ generally when you buy new in China it is totally bare , and I mean bare all you get is a front door , plumbing and electrical lines and in the floor waste pipe outlets ] from the time she picked up the keys 4 weeks later she had fitted it out and then and only then did I see it as a finished product , here I think we would still be trying to work out what tiles for the floor ha ha .
 During the Shenyang Christmas time I know it all came together as she was happy with it being minus x outside while she was enjoying 20 + C inside .
 Funny your 2 nd subject has come up a couple of times , but I have just said about my worry about her health  ;D and her now beautiful figure that seems to quieten things down , for the moment , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline brett

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2013, 05:48:09 am »
Bombshells, yeah I've had them all the time from Chinese women.

My last gf announced one day that her parents were actually divorced. Well that was a surprise but it kind of explained a lot.

I don't see the point in buying property in China - the government owns all the land. Seen plenty of evictions here in Guangzhou. And this country has a long history of imploding. For now things are stable, but it could all collapse again.

I went to Wuhan on my infamous first trip to China. It was pretty smoggy when I was there, but the air was even worse in the countryside - a mixture of crop burning and coal power station. If I lived here and got married I'd go to one of the coastal cities like Zhuhai or Xiamen, or further along the coast towards Vietnam. Wuhan is also ferociously cold in Winter, and I've got a lovely photo of the Woo family sitting in their apartment building wearing their coats and hats.

There was also very little for a Western guy to do in Wuhan. At least there's a lot going on in Guangzhou. Just been on my buddy's electric bike for a trip downtown and lunch in a pretty good Turkish restaurant. There are plenty of foreigners here so it's easier to fit in.

Oh well if you're ever in Wuhan again then maybe I could pay another visit. I'd love to sneak round to Mrs Woo's and eat more of her incredible cooking :)

Offline shaun

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2013, 12:14:48 pm »
I married a bombshell.  8) 8) 8) 8) :-X ;D
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 12:18:42 pm by shaun »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2013, 10:05:00 pm »

MMMMM....about babies......I went through this saga for nearly 6 months. I am possibly the oldest member or Willy would be in a close race for that honour ...

Well David at least you probably still have a 6 still at the start of your age.  69 is in the past as an age for me but often in my mind and spirit when the call to attention comes!

If I had know your wife was away I could have flown down to Perth as Cathay Pacific had some very cheap special offers from Hong Kong. Just think two old codgers sitting in their twilight years watching the kangaroos and koalas with a cold beer in hand....! 

Its not something worth contemplating yet is it?

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2013, 10:27:14 pm »
Just wait for the next bombshell Chris. That is when your step-son is at marrying age and has a child of his own.   After three months the wife will more than likely hand over the bringing up of the child to her husbands mother. And that includes the step father when you are around your 70's.

You may get lucky and find that there is an available Aunt to do that job otherwise your home and routine could be turned up side down at an age where you crave for a more stable life.

My wife has been constant in the life of our nephews upbringing since he was three months old. Now a year later, after having gone through teething and now well past taking those first tottering steps, we are getting into the stage where a word may come out very soon but at present it is an audible sound that turns into chuckling anow he has found the safe and by pressing multiple buttons he gets the siren to go off on!!!

It looks like this and other little capers will go on now until he is into his third year when he will go to kindergarten school.

Then complete freedom....!  You must be joking my wife has a son and daughter that is fast approaching marital age. So who knows what the next two years will bring!!!   

They say having children keeps you your.  But for me having others children has put years on me.

Maybe soon I will be calling out to scottish-rob.  'Beam me up Scotty'

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline fivetrout

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2013, 01:56:52 am »
OK, now're scaring me! First, he thinks, as with the culture...he will stay and support us. I'm more of thinking...he and his family can come and visit often. Otherwise I will need a little fishing hideaway in the mountains for spiritual help with patience! I am kind of excited to teach him and his mother to fly fish, although trout will become tiresome. First heads or eyeballs on my plate! ;D

Offline shaun

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2013, 04:23:20 am »
I looked forward to teaching my wife to fish in China.  One look at the river and streams and I changed my mind.  Every waterway I've seen in China is brown.

When my wife buys fish in the market I inspect it closely to see if something has been carved off like a second head or some kind or carcinoma that has been protruding from the skin.

Offline brett

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2013, 07:21:56 am »
Ha ha ha the stream near my apartment is pretty bad, and doesn't smell so good either. It doesn't seem to discourage the frogs singing about the beauty of the place though.

Was shopping in Carrefour today browsing the bottom shelf of the foreign foods section (looking for tins that weren't dented - but that's another story). Anyway I stood up and realised I'd been crouching next to a live catfish. It must have jumped out of the fish tank.

Coming to live in China is a crazy idea.

Offline David E

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2013, 03:35:46 pm »

MMMMM....about babies......I went through this saga for nearly 6 months. I am possibly the oldest member or Willy would be in a close race for that honour ...

Well David at least you probably still have a 6 still at the start of your age.  69 is in the past as an age for me but often in my mind and spirit when the call to attention comes!

If I had know your wife was away I could have flown down to Perth as Cathay Pacific had some very cheap special offers from Hong Kong. Just think two old codgers sitting in their twilight years watching the kangaroos and koalas with a cold beer in hand....! 

Its not something worth contemplating yet is it?


Ha Ha Willy.....I have awful visions of just ONE beer.....depends on how quick either of us could struggle to the 'fridge for a refill...who is quicker with the Zimmer-frame ??? We would need to arrange a temporary gopher to look after us...preferrably a 19 year old, blue eyed nympho super-model whos Father owns a pub, private jet and a 60 ft luxury yacht !!! a bag full of that would be a sight to behold...probably kill the pair of us !!!!

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2013, 07:05:50 pm »

MMMMM....about babies......I went through this saga for nearly 6 months. I am possibly the oldest member or Willy would be in a close race for that honour ...

Well David at least you probably still have a 6 still at the start of your age.  69 is in the past as an age for me but often in my mind and spirit when the call to attention comes!

If I had know your wife was away I could have flown down to Perth as Cathay Pacific had some very cheap special offers from Hong Kong. Just think two old codgers sitting in their twilight years watching the kangaroos and koalas with a cold beer in hand....! 

Its not something worth contemplating yet is it?


Ha Ha Willy.....I have awful visions of just ONE beer.....depends on how quick either of us could struggle to the 'fridge for a refill...who is quicker with the Zimmer-frame ??? We would need to arrange a temporary gopher to look after us...preferrably a 19 year old, blue eyed nympho super-model whos Father owns a pub, private jet and a 60 ft luxury yacht !!! a bag full of that would be a sight to behold...probably kill the pair of us !!!!

Either that would kill us or our wives  - BUT WHAT A WAY TO GO...........!!!


Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline David K

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Re: Two bomb shells today...
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2013, 02:30:41 am »
Second bomb! She thinks we should have a baby! haha  On a good day I can almost tie my shoes! I laughed as she frowned a bit! Heck, my dad did it at 57, I'm 61 this year. Hong assures me at 46 she is still very capable. jeez......... ::)

Hi Chris:
I had the same proposition - I think is partly a cultural thing - the notion of family seems to be the
closest the Chinese mind gets to immortality. And also its a very natural outcome to wish for in a tender
and loving relationship.

However, my body is in the Willy the Londoner age bracket, and I have dim distant memories of
sleepless nights, endless nappy changes and ongoing exhaustion (it  took me 4 times to learn ).

She came up with Chen Ning Yang, a Nobel prizer who married a 28-year-old girl at the age of 82 in 2004.
I countered with an article from Wikipedia ( in Mandarin ) on Vasectomy  :-)

The Snip trumped the Nobel. Thank goodness   
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