All About China > Your trip to China

Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life

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Hey Willy--
This moment, I have Zhuhai in mind. Jing says Zhuhai is beautiful, so it must be acceptable to her.
She likes humidity...I have visions of monsoon. I guess wet is wet.
I think it was on TripAdvisor, I understand some places in Zhuhai are difficult getting to or leaving,
especially late at night. You have time in Zhuhai. Just for the eh of it, are there the more desirable
places within Zhuhai than others? Curious. I suppose we will just stay at a hotel, stick our toes in the water,
look & feel. Squat toilets are a no- go.
Is your Zhongshan much different than Zhuhai?

Willy The Londoner:
Zhongshan and Zhuhai enjoy the same temps as each other. The monsoons are few and far between but you always know when one is approaching as you get Hong Kong TV in both places and they issue weather warnings as Hong Hong has a lot of islands.  HK TV is in English on two channels.
In the winter months the temp is never very cold and there is never even the threat of the very hint of a snow fleck here. Last year was so nice we never put our small electric heater on once, nor sat indoors with our outdoor coats on!

 The only different is that Zhuhai has a sea front and a stroll down Lovers Road is a must. But the sea front is  away from the main city.  Zhongshan is a bit more inland, about 15 minutes by car and is on the Pearl River Delta and it has other rivers walks in the main part of the city which are easy to get to.

Zhuhai does not allow motorcyles in the city but the electronic bikes on the footpaths are a menace. 

The biggest plus is that in Zhongshan the prices of home either buying or renting are about half the price of those in Zhuhai.
From Zhuhai you can walk into Macau, the new gambling centre of the world, . But there again it is only 28 rmb by bus from Zhongshan.

Having lived in Zhuhai (which they describe as the most beautiful city in China) for a while then having visited Zhongshan a few times I settled on Zhongshan.  Even the fast train service is easier to get to from where I am rather than the one in Zhuhai.  Even a short walk are long walks in Zhhai as it spreads about so much.  Zhongshan is a city still being built.

As in all cities the older parts are a bit less desirable but in both I never felt in anyway apprehensive or  that I could run into trouble at night walking alone.

Many places no longer have the squat toilets and I am sure if you rented a place the owner would not be concerned if you changed the squat to a sit on version. That is job that costs so little and gives us foreigners much comfort.

It depends where you stay. Some hotels in Zhuihai are far away from city centres and you cannot get the feel of places. In Zhongshan they are closer to the city centres and shops etc. 

If you are under 68 you could always get a drivers licence by passing the theory test as in Zhuhai you need a car as everything seems to be far apart.  Cars are cheap to run and buyhere and our new one cost 93800 rmb.   In Zhongshan taxis are cheaper and places are closer together and the private hire drivers are plentyful here and a car is not a necessity. if it is for occasional trips.

The other beauty of these places is that they are close to Hong Kong and that means those in later years of life can access quality medical care very easily and also can get back to their home countries with ease.

And of course there is one other plus to Zhongshan!

I live here.

If you get over here and I still have my drivers licence then, we can go drive around both places.

Gee Willy.  Maybe you should sell homes there or become the spokesman for convincing middle aged men to come there.  It makes me think I would like to retire there.

But then it may not be a good thing for us to live in the same Willage with my love for your least favorite country even if we celebrate your birthday in 4 days.  ;D

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: shaun on June 30, 2013, 05:47:18 pm ---Gee Willy.  Maybe you should sell homes there or become the spokesman for convincing middle aged men to come there.  It makes me think I would like to retire there.

But then it may not be a good thing for us to live in the same Willage with my love for your least favorite country even if we celebrate your birthday in 4 days.  ;D

--- End quote ---
I could not sell a bottle of water to a man in the desert so selling homes will be a no no.  The truth is that I just love the part of China I am in and the people who live here. This is the smallest of the new cities having been a fishing village not so long ago so the whole city is built on immigration from more Northern Provinces.

When I arrive here those years ago I found it was so peaceful and relaxing to the way of life I had grown up with. 

Probably no other on here was born during the WW2, I was born right in the middle of it. I knew little about the war but following it I certainly can recall the years of osterity that followed it together with seeing the results of the regular bombing that London took. When you never knew where the next meal was coming from. Then we were into the Korean war and as the time for my possible conscription into the army approached, that war was over and conscription ended. In the ensuing years many other things came along that jolted the life of many. Many other minor wars and conflicts followed. Then we went through the regular bombings in UK but women and children were being killed alongside men going about their day to day business. That ended after many many years then cam the new islamic causes that brought the USA 11th Sept. and the London bombings returned. Targeting everyday people.
Living in London the country changed to one where many people would not venture out of there home in the late afternoon let alone at night time where crime on the streets flourished and people stayed at home to protect what they had there.

Before coming here I weighed up the pro's and con's before making the move. It is now one that I wished I had taken many years before.

I have a relaxing life, I have no fear that whatever time I go out that I will return home safely to a home that has not been broken into or vandalised in any way.

In short I have two loves here, the love of China and the love of my wife. I hope that whatever time I have left on this earth that I can have both for the rest of my life. 

This life will certainly not suit everyone but where I am located i have everything I need and now and everything I may need in the future is just a short trip away in Hong Kong.


On women's profiles...the gals always speak of a simple harmonious life of which they seek. That is becoming harder and harder in the U.S.


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