Author Topic: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life  (Read 14831 times)

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Offline JohnB

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2013, 11:30:31 pm »
Of leaving America, relocating to China. I am looking forward to this new adventure. A little background information that lead to this thread.
Jing tried life in America and sadly to say, it was not her cup of tea. On Jing's arrival here, I made introductory arrangements with the Chinese community in Spokane. Just an 'okay' experience with her country people. The thing is, a few militant Christians made her American entry a bit difficult. On the 'get- go'! Not good.
I am away at work for almost 11 1/2 a day. She alone. Jing's loneliness of being was like a kiss of death to her China soul. Time just took it's toll on her, and lastly, her father self- immolated this Spring, smoking, fell asleep, died a week later. At least she had the opportunity to be with him his last week on earth. Her two children, of which one is her son, 13 years old. Problems with the son's absent father and his uncaring family.
Anyway, Jing made it through a whole year+ but with difficulty. After father was gone, she did not return to the States.
A lot of the members here are American. Proudly so. I'm older than most here and rightfully speaking (by default), I have probably done more things than most others. I have the problem of not aging gracefully, unlike most of my family & friends are comfortably doing or have done. I just do not get that warm fuzzy American feeling any more. I will not go into detail about this as I probably would piss a lot of the patriots off.
Looking back on all this, I think it is sad but it is a fortuitous moment for me. I feel perfectly in tune for another adventure. So, that is why I started this thread. I want to be with Jing. We tried life together here in America, and now we will try life together in China.

I thank all the members for their honest suggestions. At this moment, subject to whims, the wind, whatever...I think Zhuhai appeals most to me (Jing likes), and distantly Qingdao...Robert S's pick for cultural reasons. Robert, I like that Munich culture myself. Civilization!
The thing is, I cannot figure why Willy would leave Zhuhai and move away to the suburbs, Zhongshan. That is so American!
I guess that is something I will have to figure out myself when I get there.

Question. No mention, but is Macao steeped in it's Portuguese legacy? Thinking food.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2013, 11:59:33 pm »

I thank all the members for their honest suggestions. At this moment, subject to whims, the wind, whatever...I think Zhuhai appeals most to me (Jing likes), and distantly Qingdao...Robert S's pick for cultural reasons. Robert, I like that Munich culture myself. Civilization!
The thing is, I cannot figure why Willy would leave Zhuhai and move away to the suburbs, Zhongshan.

The reason I left Zhuhai was that I found my love in Zhongshan.  She would have moved to Zhuhai IF I had asked her but I knew that she would be better off closer to her relatives  so  it was an easy decision.

Your life here may be easier here if you had someone you could chat with as and when. 


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline JohnB

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2013, 12:03:02 am »
hey CB,
try this for your friend>
I think adventure is good. concrete shoes not so.

Willy, I understand family China style very well. Now. I am heartened by it. Much better life to enjoy for everyone concerned.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 12:08:26 am by JohnB »

Offline maxx

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2013, 02:02:23 am »
John I like zhuhai.If I had a choice that is where I would live.There is a nice restaurant just off lovers rd called the Blue Angel cafe.Best steak and coldest beer in China.There is a big expat community there.So if you hook up with a couple of them.All should be good.If you want to work with some Americans.Sea horse marine is in Zhuhai.They build some real nice boats.The primary owners are Americans.I have wondered threw the supermarkets in Zhuhai.They have plenty of American type food.So food won't be a problem.

As Willy has posted before.Zhuhai is more expensive to live in.Then Jongshan.But I think the trade off is worth it.I like the people and the view allot better.Then I did in Jongshan.The Gombei mall,lovers rd,Walking island,How close it is to Hong Kong and Macau.Make it worth it for me.

As far as Macau goes.Yes the Portuguese built allot of buildings with western style architecture.There is allot of expats that live there.And there are  lots of casinos.That have everything that goes along with gambling.

If you are series about moving to China.Let me know.I have a friend that lives in Zhuhai.That has a couple of houses for sale or rent.I could probably hook you up.And get you a good deal.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 06:30:22 pm by maxx »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2013, 02:16:01 am »
Just remember every time you go to Macao or Hong Kong then on your return you will use up one of your entry visas.  Better to have a multi entry visa. There could also be restrictions on your wife traveling to either place but some restrictions may not apply if if she does have a Guangdong House book.

But then tell me just how often you will really want to visit Gombei Mall or Walk Lovers Road and once you walked out to few yards to the maidens island will you want to do it again?

When I lived in Zhuhai I did all those, once only, and although the higher rates for renting did not concern me it did my wife and she thought them much too high.

The thing is I and others can tell you everything we like about places but it is you and your wife decide in the end as to which location suits you and which place you feel comfortable in.

I think your come and try thoughts are probably best.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline john1964

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2013, 04:11:00 am »
I too have the urge to move to China and be an English teacher, I have been to China about 8 times in all and spent around 1 month on each trip, Not sure which city yet but We will decide this when time grows closer, Only 2 things holding me back at this moment, my 2 teenage children.
I have had enough of Australia, been here for around 38 years, emigrated when I was a child of 11, All my family are here but I have had this dream in the back of my mind for around 3 years, I have told my wife of this dream but I dont think she likes the idea of returning home permanently.
A teaching diploma is not difficult to obtain here in Australia, There is a big demand for teachers in China and in the bigger cities they offer western style accommodation with a monthly salary of 8500 rmb, working 20 hours per week.
I find the children in China are so much more respectful in China and are willing to learn, this is my dream, maybe it will not work out for me but I have to give this a go. John.

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2014, 01:21:02 pm »
China, How it is - Renting an Apartment
some interesting information about living in China...finding an apartment.
maybe not 100% correct for the China curious, but it does forewarn the
unwary about a few pitfalls that will be encountered if one does not follow
the prescribed path in renting an apartment.

I think Willy may want to add his experiences since he has his China pedigree...
what, 5 years?
Oh, & I must not forget Gerry & ChinaBound. Or anyone else that has had
the occasion to live in China for a lengthy stay.

rooted around a few of Serpentza's YouTube videos and he comes across as
very acknowledgable, very sober.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 06:36:54 pm by JohnB »

Offline IrishGuy65

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2014, 08:17:20 pm »
China, How it is - Renting an Apartment
some interesting information about living in China...finding an apartment.
maybe not 100% correct for the China curious, but it does forewarn the
unwary about a few pitfalls that will be encountered if one does not follow
the prescribed path in renting an apartment.

I think Willy may want to add his experiences since he has his China pedigree...
what, 5 years?
Oh, & I must not forget Gerry & ChinaBound. Or anyone else that has had
the occasion to live in China for a lengthy stay.

rooted around a few of Serpentza's YouTube videos and he comes across as
very acknowledgable, very sober.

I have subscribed to his channel on YouTube.  Some interesting information, although some of it is really geared specifically towards Shenzhen, and some of the things he talks about will be much different in other parts of China.
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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2014, 02:13:55 am »
I've only just found this thread. Willy is not the only one living in China. My wife and I have been living in Chongqing since August 2012, I teach at an international school here. Our 16-month old son was born here. Life is great, and we can save much more living here than we could living in the UK. Any questions about living and working here, I would be happy to answer them.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2014, 03:51:13 am »
I've only just found this thread. Willy is not the only one living in China. My wife and I have been living in Chongqing since August 2012, I teach at an international school here. Our 16-month old son was born here. Life is great, and we can save much more living here than we could living in the UK. Any questions about living and working here, I would be happy to answer them.

Yes there is a lot of on the spot info from the likes of Philip', especially when it comes to working as he has officially worked here and in Hong Kong.
 Working? Well I only work for myself online to supplement my more than adequate UK pensions.

As for saving money it certainly goes a lot farther here even with the increase in the Chinese cost of living.

Questions about living here, well I am in a world of my own on that score.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline ChinaBound

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2014, 07:45:07 am »
 And there are others living here also.

Offline JohnB

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2014, 07:58:26 am »
"And there are others living here also...."

Thanks much!
much appreciated Philip. Ted. Willy. and etcetera. Gerry, of course.
who is Boston? I think he is in the mix of China things.
a few more words of experience if you can. what is it you can add?

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Re: Livable China, an 'enjoyable' life
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2014, 08:10:53 am »
 I am not going to say in the open forum in case I am wrong. It was just an observation and a comment I made.

 But I guess it doesn't matter as it looks like he or she has went away and is not going to post anymore???