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Short of drawing a diagram it is best described as a large cast iron pipe that runs from the sewer to the roof. It is shared by all the  apartments on each floor. It serves as both the drain and the vent.  In each apartment there are drain connections to it through plumbing in the floor.  No p traps of any kind. Just a direct connect so they are directly open to the same gasses that for the most part vent to the roof. Most of the time if you keep the window open the smells don't accumulate but when the wind is blowing right or there is a storm there then the gas and odors back up through the drains and get into the apartment.  Traps would solve the problem but they would add too much cost to construction.  I don't know how thick the floor is but it is also the ceiling of the apartment below. large pipes and traps would be a problem for them.  Another added benefit is that it provides a migration path for the roaches to escape your neighbors bug spray and hide out on another floor until it is safe to go back.

Vince G:
Robert, Yes I understood this but it started from Gerry's "This is a little standing water in the toilet but it is not always enough to make a good seal." I assumed he meant a toilet with tank.

Gerry, It could be clogging in the main and the waste doesn't flush away. But that has nothing you can do about it. I had something like that here. But I pull a little weight here being Mayor of the block. lol

I keep all my drains closed for the same reason. There is a large rubber type shower drain cover made that might help? Most places even dollar stores have them here. Maybe you can find it there? These gases (besides the smell) can be dangerous, in health and in flammability.

Willy The Londoner:
Distressing as it would be to some, the recent video that went world wide of the Chinese fireman rescuing a new born baby that had been flushed down a squattie shows just how the plumbing works in some buildings.  It is surprisng just how a baby survived for so long in such a tight place. But there again I suppose he had just spent 9 months in one!

An update on the baby is that he is now called '59' after his incubator number and the hospital is being showered with all things babywise plus cash and offers of adoption.


David E:

--- Quote from: Willy The Londoner on May 29, 2013, 10:35:16 pm ---Distressing as it would be to some, the recent video that went world wide of the Chinese fireman rescuing a new born baby that had been flushed down a squattie shows just how the plumbing works in some buildings.  It is surprisng just how a baby survived for so long in such a tight place. But there again I suppose he had just spent 9 months in one!

An update on the baby is that he is now called '59' after his incubator number and the hospital is being showered with all things babywise plus cash and offers of adoption.


--- End quote ---

Yep...saw the video on TV...but what intrigues me is how the baby got down there in the first place !!!...nobody mentioned that little detail. Maybe the Mother was washing the baby in the toilet......!!!!!! or something more sinister ??

Willy The Londoner:
The police are dealing with it as attempted murder.  She original suggested that she went to the communal squat toilet and it just popped out. This was until the police and landlord opened up her room to find signs that the child was born there!



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