Author Topic: "Mike" aka China Shark  (Read 16778 times)

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2013, 10:08:00 am »
Which version are we talking about...original, 1.2, 2.0, new and improved, 3.3 turbo charged?
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Offline john1964

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2013, 10:42:56 am »
I myself have had a few "run ins" with china FISH, Just a obnoxious , been there, done it all, have the t shirt to prove it, and know all about China, Lets leave sleeping dogs lie, John.

Offline Jason B

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2013, 07:27:39 pm »
the only thing of value I ever got out of the idiot was he kept mentioning the OTHER site and so I queried this and here I am and have never used the other chat boards again. On my first trip to Shenzhen and as a newbie I was going to meet him for a coffee but after reading some of his help - read opinions - I decided not to bother.  Probably a good thing as he would have met the MRS and would have said something to piss her off with his obnoxious views.
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Offline shaun

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2013, 08:14:59 pm »
With all of this talk about Mike I thought I would go over to the other site and look around a little.  All I saw was the SOS.   :o

Shark infected water.   ;D
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 08:19:35 pm by shaun »

Offline JohnB

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2013, 10:08:46 pm »
I think all you guys missed what he wrote.

Well, when I read Mike's post, it is that he is 50, has been in China a few years, and is not doing very well.
No woman.

Despite his best intentions, probably a good game plan by all means, very generous with his advice, both good & bad.
By all means, any Westerner can live in China for whatever length of time, but the fallacy of assimilation into another culture (China), if that is what one (CSM) desires, it is that their own foreign idiosyncrasies will corrupt their 'self- assumed' definition of just what is a Chinese person. The resulting factor is conflicted. You (the Westerner) cannot take what you think, box it, and put a label on it. Call it China. 
If assimilation was not the goal, then how about a faulted observer status?

There are lessons to be learned, even for China Shark Mike. I think he will still tell you that.

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2013, 01:32:49 am »
Like roadkill faced with a convoy of juggernauts, I don't think anyone could possibly miss what he repeatedly writes. The fact that he switches from self-aggrandizing guru to maudlin paranoiac only reveals two sides of the same coin. Personally-speaking, I get much more from hearing people's journey to China, with (and against) immigration, rather than any attendant interpretations or opinions. CSM's regular appointment with disappointment has less to do with cultural differences, than it has to do with personal make-up. We all had an image of China and Chinese women before we went there or met one, and have had to adapt our image when confronted with the reality. But if your self-image is that far removed from reality, think how much more difficult it must be to overcome cultural preconceptions, not just in China, but anywhere.
I am about the same age as the shark, living and working in Chongqing with my wife and 6-month-old son. I might even be one of the ugly, old and overweight ones CSM loves to characterize everyone who isn't him as. I'm not desperate, nor do I have any social disorders, but if I start exploding with vicious verbal diarrhea as soon as anyone disagrees with my worldview, you have every right to cart me off to the funny farm. I sometimes share my experiences in the hope that they might resonate with other people, and they might be of some practical benefit. I also hope I write well and am funny sometimes. But I don't wear a badge that says I know more about China than any Westerner, whether they live here or not.
In a crude way, CSM is helpful to newbies, in the same way that a concerned parent slaps a toddler's wrist to stop them from burning their hands. But after the rookie errors many of us make, we may need something a little more sophisticated in the way of advice, when it comes to the more complex issues of day-to-day living with a Chinese woman. The other site is full of "How do Chinese ladies have sex?" questions, and CSM slaps their wrist. Good for him. This site deals with more complex issues, with more in-depth questions than "Why didn't it work out with my latest girlfriend?". So maybe CSM should just carry on with his public service to newbies, while we carry on with the grown-up stuff.

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2013, 04:30:10 am »
We are all about acceptance here, yes? New ideas, new concepts, re-education of preconceived ideologies? Also new cultures that come with undeniable challenges. I have in the past blasted a few on the other site, a few with blow-hart self importance issues, arrogant, rude, and obnoxious! Sure CSM has taken points to the extreme at times, but for those here that really listen to his message...he is fighting for the respect and honor of the typical Chinese woman. We have all read posts from men with less then good character, trying to degrade these women, and classify them more as a commodity or as schemers at best. And when CSM ripped them a new a$$, not one here... can truthfully say he didn't support it! Just as there are many here that only write about the virtues, and sugarcoat a lot about visiting China, I also appreciate the realistic truths that all members share from their experiences. Mike has shared his victories with well as his sorrows to reach and teach others. Anyway, that's my perspective!

Offline IrishGuy65

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2013, 07:02:38 am »
Since this thread was created, I've taken some time to review some of these posts.  In civilized society, communication has 2 parts, giving information and getting information (speaking and listening, basically).  When speaking, there are also two parts.  One is the message, one is the conveyance of the message.  A good communicator is one who uses both parts to get his message across.  If you only use one half, your message has a chance of being lost.  For example, if I'm walking down a street and see a friend, then he smiles at me and I notice he has spinach in his teeth, there are several ways to tell him.  One, I say, "You have spinach in your teeth." in a quiet voice.  Another way would be to say, as loudly as an American can say it, "You stupid son of a bitch, you have some green shit in your teeth!! Don't you know anything about hygiene?"

So, go back and read some of his posts.  Can you tell me what his message generally is?  Some here have said he thinks he is better than everyone.  Some say his message is that you have to live in China to know something about Chinese women.  You get the idea, there are many different opinions.  My point is, whatever you think about China Shark Mike, I can tell you this: he is not a very good communicator.  So, his message is often to garbled to be understood.

I think the original question was:  Wouldn't he liven up the place?  My answer would be yes, but that isn't what this forum is really about.  It's about information sharing and helping people like myself, who are going through what many of you have already gone through.  Getting and sharing information to help current and future members understand what they are getting into, and helping them find success in their journeys... that is what this forum is about.  I personally would say that CSM would take just as much away from this forum as he would add to it.  Liveliness doesn't equate to enjoyment.

Just a relative newbie to this forum's opinion here.
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Offline john1964

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2013, 07:16:15 am »
 Some say his message is that you have to live in China to know something about Chinese women.

 He is obviously is a obnoxious SOB , i read that he has had relationships with no fewer than 7 women in his stay in China, Many Chinese women like the idea of a western husband but when they meet the "fish", they bolt, 7 women ???, cant see it is all their fault for the relationship to end???, they have learnt how arrogant this man is and run, just my opinion, John>

Offline shaun

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2013, 07:21:05 am »
JohnB.  Great observation.

Plus your thread has, through CSM, livened things up a little bit on this site.

Vince G

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2013, 09:19:02 am »
I can tell you this: he is not a very good communicator.  So, his message is often to garbled to be understood.

There is a underlying reason for his garbling. It is his thoughts written out, under the influence of alcohol or other substances. This is why his perspective runs up and down in the same post.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2013, 10:47:45 pm »
Maybe he does not want to rush into things. Others on here have and have headed into problems!

Me, I had traveled the world and it was not until I was way into my 60's that I decided that the time was right to make a permanent attachment. Having kids was never an option I wanted to take. Probably because I am selfish to a point.

maybe the women are not running from CSM! He could have picked up on the fact that most on here have been married at least once before and what does that say about individuals. Are you saying that in every case of a divorce amongst our members that it was the woman in the wrong!

CSM has time to decide if and when he wants to marry. The longer he takes in deciding means the shorter the time he has to rue the day he rushed into something.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:15:51 am by maxx »
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Offline JohnB

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2013, 12:21:31 pm »
In regards to CSM, I give him his due. His 'Modus operandi' is as the 'Keeper of the Gate' at the ChnLuv forum, all things China, all things China women. He operates well within the confines of that other forum...sometimes compassionately so and other times like Judge Roy Bean, as witnessed by CSM's all too graphic approach in problem resolution. Maybe this mutually advantageous relationship of CSM & ChnLuv adds to the synergies of the ChnLuv forum. Without CSM that would be one dead forum.     
Cutting to the chase of the China woman quest, one has to realize a lot of guys at the ChnLuv magazine website are, just plain & simple, clueless. It is as if they think they just go down to the corner store and simply order a beautiful China woman. Then again, the worst, there are a lot of f8cking assholes out & about this world, highly energized and mobile thanks to the internet, they only want to get their rocks off. As graphic as I write, it is just exactly that. This ugly shadow blights the good intentions of all honorable gentlemen seeking a China wife.   
We may think the numbers of these tainted one's are small, but it is not so. Just talk to any marriage agency principle. It is 'today's' reality show.

Of course all the male members on this forum are 'honorable' guys on this 'adult version' of that ChnLuv forum. Seemingly so, we do not suffer conflict. We have a good number of contributors dispensing good information.
Being so, I think CSM serves his good purpose over there. His is the typical 'theory X' behavior of the protective, but arrogant American. He doesn't suffer the fools, the unwary. Whether this works well with his own personal quest in finding his 'perfect' China woman, that remains to be seen.

For me, getting married. It was easy. It is easy!
Guess what? The hard part has just begun.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 02:56:21 pm by JohnB »

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #28 on: May 26, 2013, 12:39:31 pm »
Which other forum are we talking about?  I've only ever visited this one. irresistible as chocolate

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Re: "Mike" aka China Shark
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2013, 12:43:54 pm »
hey Neil, try this