Author Topic: Leap of faith to Shanghai!  (Read 39758 times)

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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #75 on: August 27, 2013, 04:27:34 am »
Ha , we told you that you would love Shanghai , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #76 on: August 27, 2013, 11:13:56 am »
Jake, make sure to save a Fri/Sat to go up the Financial Tower in the evening with all the lights on all over the Bund and beyond. The Pearl Tower is nice, but takes longer to get up and cost the same (150 yuan).

Take a little Boat ride after Dinner if that is to you likking? I am jealous, as I call Shanghai my second hometown and miss it much.

Offline AbovetheLAW

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #77 on: August 27, 2013, 05:28:49 pm »
I will thanks arnold!. Right now keshu is sleep and im looking at some pictures we took earlier, a deep sadness has just hit me when i realized...I have to return after this week. Wow, my admiration for those members who have waited years for their wives to join them in their home is at a whole new level. I dont know how im going to live without this so hurt how far i must be from her. These are my thoughts as she lays next to me....Ok fellas i guess i will get a bit more sleep. Today we are going to relax and watch som movies and maybe go get a massage. Hey Arnold my girl want to make me some dumplings, would you happen to know where a good grocery store is in shanghai?
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #78 on: August 27, 2013, 06:34:18 pm »
Jake , ask the desk girls they should know which way to point you for dumpling supplies , regards Robert.
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline AbovetheLAW

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #79 on: September 04, 2013, 07:59:30 pm »
Whole trip story coming soon, I had to go straight back to work as soon as I got back and haven't had time. This weekend I will tell my tale.
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Offline Pineau

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #80 on: September 04, 2013, 11:34:28 pm »
Me too!
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline AbovetheLAW

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #81 on: September 09, 2013, 12:08:34 am »
Im so busy I can only write one day at a time. I will start with the first day then do the 2nd and 3rd day maybe next weekend. I just have such a busy schedule right now.

So the journey began when i drove to an airport ride n' fly service around 8pm and reached the airport around 9:20pm. I did not take into account the amount of people checking into international flights for Korean air so my time schedule was off a little. It took me maybe 40 minutes to finally get the the counter and check in. I checked my one bag in, got my tickets and began to feel the reality of my trip. I then went into security which was a breeze and after that I was off to the terminal. My timing was almost perfect because I got to my terminal around 10:50 and boarding started at 12:00 am. So i just listened to music and waited. After that was off to Korea and slated to sit on a plane for 14 hours. It was more like 5 hours for me because of the 3 ZzzQuil i took. I had a very pleasant experience and flight with Korean Air. I will try to use them again. After I arrived in Korea I was super hungry but nothing was open as it was 4am there when we landed. So i waited and then went to the most familiar thing to me 'Subway". After that I connected to the wifi (which was easy) and tried to contact my Keshu. She responded with excitement and to tell me she was on her way to Shanghai by bus and she could not wait to meet me. My flight to Shanghai was at 11:30 am and the hours went by just fine as I had a new movie to watch on my laptop called 'Pain and Gain". It was pretty good. Then the call for boarding cam and I could not believe how close i was to her. That flight actually seemed longer lol. So once i landed in Shanghai I had such a feeling of excitement and amazement that i was on the other side of the world. I then tried to connect to the wifi to contact keshu but it was so difficult that i gave up. I was not worried because me and Keshu had a plan for something like this. I told her just wait for me in the lobby and i gave her a time frame. So my trip was going smoothly until I his the immigration booth and got held up for 10 minutes. I lost some weight since my passport picture and apparently i look totally different so I had the Chinese security checking my face and my passport several times and asking me questions....smh. So it finally got sorted out and I was off to get my bags. I could see when the lobby was and I knew she was there waiting on my so i began to get very antsy. It took forever for my bag to come out and i almost began to think it was lost but it finally came out the dark hole and into my hands. Then i began to rush towards the lobby and had so many thoughts running through my head like 'should i kiss her?' and 'when do i give her the first gift". Once i passed through the doors i began to look around to see if i saw here and I immediately recognized her. I saw her! she was looking at the flight times and looking confused (i could tell she was worried) but she didnt see me. I really wanted to go surprise her and creep up behind her but my excitement took control and i called to her 'Keshu!'..... she did not turn right away then she turned to me and a super big smile came on her face and i said lets go outside where there is more room. It was super crowded in the lobby and there would have been no intimacy.

Once outside I looked at her in amazement and said 'Wow! Keshu your so beautiful" and hugged her about 20 times. She was so shy but said 'you look good too'. Then i told her i have something for you and she was very excited and happy. It was a panda teddy bear, i knew she would like it because panda is her favorite. So after all this we found a taxi and went to the hotel. Once we dropped our bags, i told her to come here in chinese, and she came over to me. I held her in my arms and kissed her and she kissed back (later she told me she enjoyed this very much). Then we talked for hours in the hotel until we got hungry then went out to eat. That's when i fell in love with Chinese cuisine! We ordered too much food and could not eat it all. We both laughed about it and got it to go. The moments we had together that day really confirmed our love. I knew this was the girl i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I told her this too and she was so happy. After we went to eat we went back to the hotel and cuddled up to watch a movie. She was so sleepy that she fell asleep during the movie and I eventually cut it off and joined her in sleeping. She allowed me to sleep close to her and we had a restfully sleep that night.

The first day was not the best day for me but it was a day i will never forget. I see how people forget to take pictures of first meet, it was the last thing on my mind. She jokes with me now and makes fun of my reaction when i first hugged her lol.

That was the first day but not the best day. I will post the next 2 days maybe next week.

- Jake
...   ...    ...  Death! ... ... ... ... ...

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #82 on: September 09, 2013, 09:11:07 am »
When it comes to LOVE, The law states above all else, that you fall into it - great vibe with your story so far & here is my hoping to vicariously read more.
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #83 on: September 09, 2013, 10:22:47 am »
Jake , great 1st day and we now wait with baited breath for your update , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #84 on: September 09, 2013, 02:02:23 pm »
Man.... Jake, that brings back memories of my first encounter with my Wife at Pudong! Your one day story so far, has given me Goosebumps already. Can't wait for the next update.

Offline David E

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #85 on: September 09, 2013, 04:33:00 pm »
Ho Hum...been there, done that !!!...

Just joking Jake, now you know what many of us here have been rabbiting on about all this time....great aint it !!

Best wishes...David

Offline AbovetheLAW

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #86 on: September 13, 2013, 07:15:05 pm »
Day 2 & 3:

The next day I remember waking up not realizing I had Keshu next to me. I let out a morning fart then immediately had a jolt of terror come over my body once the reality of what i had done hit me. I looked over at her to check for her reaction but she was out like a light (she a pretty heavy sleeper). I then began to get ready for our day at the zoo. After my shower and morning routine I looked to see if she was still sleep but she was just starting to get up. We exchanged shy and smiley 'good mornings' along with some talk about where the soap and other toiletries were and then she got  begin to get ready. I told her she could share my soap and toothpaste before the trip so she was expecting that. After she was ready we looked out of our hotel window overlooking the city and marveled at the view. Then we talked and joked and shared some kisses and left for the Shanghai Zoo. I asked her if she wanted to eat first or after we finished with the zoo and she wanted food so we went to a place called Yang's Fried Dumplings. It was very very very good. She ordered for me (of course) bean noodles in curry with beef (out of this world good) and she got a vegetable type noodle soup and then we shared some dumplings. Everything was so good and we now had the energy for the zoo lol. We then looked for the bus and set out.

After a 10 minute bus ride and 60 yuan later we entered the zoo and set out for the Panda that she wanted to see so bad. When we first entered the park we were enjoying the nice trees at the entrance and the beautiful breeze that day. It was a little cloudy but no rain and a very nice humid breeze. Well we were walking with her stuck to my arm (she always walked so close to me, it feels weird not walking with her now..) when we saw two tour cars sitting near the entrance. I figured they might cost but Keshu said this is where we might need to go and went to sit down, there was a guy there who said we must pay 60 yuan to ride this and that it was the only way to see the park because walking was too I then told keshu we are not doing this because i saw people walking into the park and we would be fine, when she pointed this out to the guy he got defensive and im sure said some offensive things to Keshu about me as i saw him pointing at me and her shaking her head. We quickly got off of the tour car and made our way into the park, I told Keshu dont let that guy ruin our time together and she quickly forgot about it. We then began our hunt for the Panda and of course then put it at the very back of the park. So after we saw 6 or 7 different animals we found the Panda. Each animal Keshu was very excited to thinking she has never been to a zoo before this. So we saw the panda and got pictures then began to make our way ALL the way back to the entrance/exit. After the Panda I could tell she was tired and i was tired so I suggested we go back to the hotel rest then go eat because before the plan was to eat right after the zoo, at this point we both favored rest. We finally got back to the entrance and took the bus back to the hotel. At this pint it was probably 4pm. When we got back we said we would take a short nap....that turned into a 3 hour nap lol and we both laughed about it. I really wasnt worried about setting an alarm because i was on vacation.

After the nap we got a quick dinner at a hole in the wall restaurant. I got something like beef noodles and she got egg with noodles i think. It was ok...not as good as Yang's but decent then we went back to the hotel. I put a movie on my laptop and we watched Hangover 3 with Chinese subtitles..(she loves American comedy movies and told me to bring that before the trip). During the movie i felt her hand move to my leg then her lips began to rest on my neck lol. We began to kiss and ... she told me she wanted to shower with me...and what happened after that....lets just say we had to watch Hanover 3 again the next day.

So day 3... I will  post about day 3 tomorrow.   
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Offline fivetrout

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #87 on: September 13, 2013, 09:32:18 pm »
So she made the first move huh? (sweet!) I showed Hong pictures of my hotel I was to be staying at for the first few days. One included a claw foot type bathtub except with facet is in the middle. And so, I asked her if when I arrive would she share a bath with me? Yes replied yes! WOO HOO!

I think I'll bring candles now!

Offline AbovetheLAW

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #88 on: September 13, 2013, 10:28:15 pm »
Lol its very nice to shower with someone you love and wash each other. Also technically i made the first move when i kissed her but i think by that time she realized i was the same guy who she has been sharing her life with for 5 months via internet and emotions and her being more comfortable allowed her to express her love. I welcomed it and told her i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I know what you mean though, it was nice to not be the only one thinking about intimacy...
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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #89 on: September 13, 2013, 11:14:45 pm »
 :o more.... :P mas.... 8) mehr....  ;) wai de xie-xie ni....