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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2013, 01:16:29 am »
I'm finishing up my visa paperwork (I'm using Visa HQ) and it says for Multiple Entry I need to send a letter giving a reason why i need the multiple entry.
   I didn't get this when I did my visa paperwork,they only asked for what  major  purposes I was coming to China on the form, and I wrote tourism but my purpose was marriage. ;D                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2013, 02:38:24 am »
You need a multi entry if you plan to return before the visa expires, or if you plan to travel to Hong Kong and back.  I don't think they need any specifics, just put down that the possibility exists. irresistible as chocolate

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2013, 03:31:36 am »
If I was asked , and I wasn,t when I renewed mine last November , I would write that you intend to visit more than 1 time in the next 12 months for touring and personal reasons , the question might be arising if it is your first China visa , regards Robert .
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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2013, 01:30:12 pm »
That's right Robert. Same here, the first time all kinds of questions... after that... what "You" again?

Offline AbovetheLAW

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2013, 12:42:41 pm »
How are things? Things between me and Ke Shu have never been better. We talk so much via Tango (app on the phone that works as long distance texting) its crazy. She told me yesterday that she feels she is so lucky to have found me, lol she exaggerates sometimes. I cant believe i have a woman that is so devoted to us, its refreshing.

In other news, Im having a bit of a hiccup with my flight. I made a rookie mistake and booked the ticket without noticing the layover I have in Seoul on the return flight (24 hr layover...yikes!!) So now I am on the phone with the booking company and they are talking about cancellation fees out the a$$. Its my own fault for being so excited and not looking at the details. I found a way better ticket online for around the same price (this one with only a 13 hr layover) but I have to wait to see if the booking company will let me cancel my ticket (they said they will email me within 24 hours) I hope the flight i saw isn't snagged up before then.

 I don't dare talk about any of this with the girlfriend because she worries easy. I will never make this mistake again.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2013, 08:54:18 pm »
That 24 hours stop over is Seoul is a killer. The other problem is that if you are able to cancel a flight then it costs an arm and a leg and that makes the money you may have saved look insignificant against the final cost.

Sometimes it can be false economy searching for the cheapest way to fly.

But I do realise where you youngsters (working age) have to try to save money and you know it makes you more akin to your lady as it matters not how much money she has in her bank as the haggling over prices is always there.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2013, 09:49:24 am »
Never say never. I have said it but I still get in situations that force you to do it again.
I've spent the night sleeping on a bench in Japan because I cut my connection time too close ( only a dumb ass like me would do this twice).
I spent 5 hours with no food or water on the tarmac in Taiwan because we were forced to land for fuel and not allowed to leave because of a Typhoon.

I have spent half a day sitting in the hot sun waiting for a train that only ran twice a day and I had just missed the first one.
I have spent hours one night in the back of a taxi drawing stick figures on the window with a Cantonese speaking cab driver waiting for the monsoon to let up enough for him to see the road.
I have ran through airports, (haven't we all)

I've  left my bags on a shuttle and chased it on foot for a mile before giving up.

You know the bridge at Lohu between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Yes, the one with little speed bumps  every 4 inches.  Well those speed bumps will shear the wheels right off of a cheap Chinese suitcase.  So I can remember walking (stumbling actually) from the station, to my hotel, dragging two 40 kilo suitcases with no wheels. Hong Kong in June at noon is such a pleasant place for an afternoon stroll.

I have fallen to sleep on a plane and woke up to find the ugly old woman sitting next to me cuddled up on my shoulder and drooling on my arm.

I have suitcases that are somewhere in the world with more frequent flyer miles than me. I hope they found a good home.

I have been stuck in traffic on a LA freeway and watched my flight  take off ....and,  and , and.

I have been traveling to international destinations for 30 years and I still get surprised by some of the things that can catch you completely off guard and make you wish you had never left home. But when you finally arrive...check in...and fall onto the bed, well its just another chapter in your diary and life is good again.

Never say never. 
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #37 on: June 07, 2013, 10:14:28 am »
Gerry , now you know why Australia is the lucky country , 8 to 10 hours and we are in HK or China proper with direct flights to GZ , HK , Shanghai and Beijing with the flights generally close to time , jumping up to Shenyang all the way from Melbourne is about 12 hours door to door , unless I want a nice massage in Shanghai on the way through  ;D ,
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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #38 on: June 07, 2013, 12:55:58 pm »
Nothing I have done or endured while traveling could ever come close to the saga played out in China every new year when the great migration starts. I have witnessed it myself at the Guangzhou railway station. It is amazing.

If you get a chance to rent this you will also be amazed.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2013, 09:14:05 pm »
Nothing I have done or endured while traveling could ever come close to the saga played out in China every new year when the great migration starts. I have witnessed it myself at the Guangzhou railway station. It is amazing.

If you get a chance to rent this you will also be amazed.
As I approached my first Great Migration here I made the mistake of traveling by train about 12 days before it started.  I can remember wondering why there were all the barriers and canvas tenting in place in the forecourts of railway stations. I also wondered why the forecourts were so huge. I had of course heard of the travels for Chinese New Year but heck I was traveling a good time before it.

Once inside the station preparing for a 8 hour slow train journey the crowds grew and grew until you could hardly move in the waiting hall. Each waiting hall is just for each train. Suddenly the doors open and fortunately I was close to the exit door way. If I had wanted to pause I would never have been able. I am not the smallest of people and I was just carried along on a wave of humanity and that included going down stairs and it did not begin to ease until those on the platform where able to locate their carriages and the crush eased.

I often reflect the start of that journey and the very start of the migration that I encountered was so hectic I could never have imagined just what it would be like traveling at the start of the event itself.  From that day on I decided that going anywhere during the great migration was not for me.

The pictures on the TV, every year since, convinced me that I had made a good decision.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline AbovetheLAW

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2013, 10:49:54 pm »

It has been a while, I have just been trying to ignore time and focus on my work. Now as I approach 38 days I am losing my strength to hold out. The anxiety is killing me, to know that we are so close to touching each other....the feeling only makes me angry at myself for being in this situation and having a lot more of these situations to come..

Things between us has never been better. We have had maybe 3 major fights along the way but somehow we have gotten past them. The last tiff we had was because her ex boyfriend was telling her negative things about American men and filling her head with lies. She began to ask me questions and appear insecure about our future and I know those thoughts were not her own. We got into it because she would not let me have his Skype or email address (so I could tell him a thing or two). After I calmed down we talked about things and we both agreed she should not communicate with him ever again, she says she only kept talking to him to be polite but she didn't have feelings for him...and I trust her.

How do you guys get through these days without constantly thinking about your departure day? I am so excited its crazy. When I was 70 days out I didn't really pay attention but now...I cant stop looking at the calendar...sigh...

Another question, anything I should know about Chinese customs(airport customs station) she wants me to bring her some american cereal and I also have some small gifts, anything I should watch out for?

Well I think I will do another update...when I am at 20 days but that will never come because I have been in the 30's forever.

- Jake
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2013, 12:15:53 am »
I suppose it depends on which airport you land in if you are going direct into China.  I have never been through an mainland international airport.
Mind you I have not heard of anyone on here having had problems with what they bring into China.

When I have gone back to the UK for visits I have only ever gone into Hong Kong then used the Ferry to get to Zhuhai or Zhongshan. I suppose in all I made 8 trips there and back. In Zhuhai I have only ever put my cases through the machine and collected them the other end.

I have made more trips back through Zhongshan Port than Zhuhai and have never once been directed to go through the customs area here as I am always waved through the easy way out. Age has its benefits at time!  Maybe after writing this I may well get a pull next time.

They maybe are not too concerned as they know that getting through the security at US and UK airports to get on a plane is pretty strict and if you were hiding contraband it would have been spotted before you boarded.

I know at Heathrow once I was stopped and went through the full search as the rub down had revealed to security a package of some sort fixed to my body.  I got through that ok as it was a big wad of cash I was taking back with me in a money belt. But I did have to show them the receipts of when I withdraw it from my London bank. But when I got back home to China no one paid any attention to it at all.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Martin

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2013, 08:00:13 am »

How do you guys get through these days without constantly thinking about your departure day? I am so excited its crazy. When I was 70 days out I didn't really pay attention but now...I cant stop looking at the calendar...sigh...
- Jake

This is always a tough part. I too am leaving in just a few days. I bought my tickets a few months ago, and have been counting the days ever since. It is hard to keep your mind off the coming trip. But time will pass, and soon enough, you will be flying to China to see her.

Offline IrishGuy65

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2013, 11:32:56 pm »
When I got to Guangzhou all they did was the usual X-ray and pat down. I had many gifts in my suitcases which included some foodstuffs, and I had no issues. At every hotel I have been in (3 so far), they all had American cereals for breakfast, so it isn't uncommon.

As for the waiting... Talking with her every day really helps, but I personally couldn't get completely away from the anxiety. Until you are face to face with her, it will be there. I tried to load my schedule near the end so that I was too busy to think about the trip. It didn't work.

As for the ex... I think it has been talked about here quite a bit that these women have many, many outside influences. You won't get rid of them all... You just have to go with the flow sometimes.

Just remember... All the anxiety is worth it the first time you hold her in your arms.
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NOA-1 Received: 10/1/13
Request for evidence: 11/13/13
RFE evidence received by USCIS: 11/29/13
Approval of petition (online): 12/17/13
NOA-2 Received: 12/24/13
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Offline AbovetheLAW

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Re: Leap of faith to Shanghai!
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2013, 01:13:41 am »
@Willy, Thanks for the tips. Im not so worried now.

@Martin, Yes its agony but as you said time goes on. I think I just need to focus on each day.

@Irish, Wow thanks for all the information esp. when you have your own trip going on right now. Ok, I will tell Keshu about the cereal at the hotel i don't think she knew about it. Also your right...i wont be satisfied until she is in my arms. Thanks for the advice man.
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