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Offline IrishGuy65

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Leaving for China in less than a month
« on: June 17, 2013, 10:44:07 am »
July 12 I hop on a plane and start my trip.

Trying to get all my shit together.  If you all have any advice on what I might need to take with me, or what I might need to do before I leave, etc.  Please let me know!
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Offline fivetrout

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 01:28:26 pm »
A chainsaw to remove the seat in front of you! I'm a tall guy...and when the seat in front tries to recline, yup, my knees won't allow it.  :-\

Offline shaun

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 02:00:23 pm »
At the top of the list Imodium and sleeping pills.  The first couple of nights you will be out of sync and the beds are harder than rocks.  Don't worry you'll get used to them but the first 2 or 3 nights I don't sleep well on them.

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 05:38:12 pm »
If you are a a lot of your own Brand...Chinese Cigs are crap.

If you dont smoke, buy a couple cartons to hand out while you are there...Western Cigs are highly prized...and EVERYBODY in China smokes   ;D ;D

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 06:21:49 pm »
Check with your lady about local tipping customs before tipping anyone! Many Chinese are offended if you offer them a tip and will be insulted if you try to force it on them. The cabbies will normally accept 1 yuan above whatever the meter reads for a fuel surcharge! Also agree on a price before you get in the cab and NEVER get out of the cab before the driver gets out and opens the boot or trunk ( depends on your country of origin as to which term you prefer) Because more than a few tourists have been left standing watching their bags disappear in the distance by unscrupulous cabbies.  :o Good Luck and Best Wishes! Robertt :D

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 08:06:55 pm »
One other thing to beware of is sensory overload, after 1-2 days of having all your senses completely overwhelmed you might need to retreat to a dark room and crash for a few hours to give your body and mind a breather. If this is your first trip your mind will be experiencing things that it is not normally accustomed to! Your mind will have to adjust to only hearing Chinese with very little, if any English and your eyes will have to adjust to only seeing Chinese signs and words for the most part. And last but not least! Your nose will be required to shift from sweet fragrances to smells that would gag a maggot in a very few steps. So do not be surprised if you begin to feel anxious or moody the first few days, that is just your mind trying to adjust and compensate! Just hole up in a quite dark room for a few hours and rest, that will give your mind time to relax and adjust. :D

Offline Pineau

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2013, 09:25:16 pm »
All good suggestions. Don't over do it like Robertt said. plan for a down day crash.

I don't trust sleeping pills now a days. Almost all are brain altering drugs. An have bad side effects.  My old reliable is Sudafed allergy medicine. It will calm you down in a couple of days and has been around my decades.

Swisher sweets and Marlborough goes over good with the fellas but I don't suspect you will be meeting too many during your trip.  She has some school teacher friends that might like some American snacks and trinkets.

I wouldn't negotiate with a cabbie unless there is no other choice. Always pay what is on the meter and let him know before that is what you will do. 

If she is picking you up then problem solved. She will drive you everywhere (even places she does not know exist) .  Otherwise go to the taxi queue just outside GZ airport. DO NOT GET INTO A TAXI that is not part of the queue.

Have her write in Chinese all possible destinations on a cheat sheet and make multiple copies scattered among your pockets and bags. From toilet to bus stop.

A money bag or a lot of cash in your shoe.  Go to the bank and get a few thousand RMB.

Travel Insurance. one slip and skinned knee or broken foot will not be cheap. Even in China.

Did you get the prepaid SIM card delivered to your house as discussed before?  Warm fuzzy feelings come with talking to her after the plane lands. 
If you didn't do this then she should have one ready to put in your phone the moment you drive away. 

I can direct you to a great place to buy a DUAL SIM phone
DONT FORGET THE RING.  If you pull the trigger I want to be the first to know.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 11:02:31 pm by Pineau »
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Offline IrishGuy65

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2013, 06:17:02 pm »
Thanks all... keep 'em coming!

fivetrout... I hate economy flying all together, but I'm poor :)   I'll work something out... maybe I'll try to sneak into first class, LOL.

shaun... I use zzquil, and already bought a pack for the trip.  Immodium... yeah, didn't think of that.  Thanks!

DavidE... I don't smoke, but that's a good idea.  I think you and Gerry came up with something for me.  Little gifts for everyone.  I was going to buy some stuff there, but probably better off buying them all some nice American stuff.  (I hope I don't buy something that says "Made in China")   ;D ;D

robertt... thanks for the advice.  I did plan on having a day of relaxation in the first few, but I didn't really think of the huge change I will encounter.  Thanks for the heads up.  As for cabs and tipping... no worries there as my lady, Hongping, will be picking me up at the airport and dropping me off also (unless I find a way to piss her off very very badly, LOL).  We are planning on spending all our time together, so I expect her to advise me of any local customs I'm not aware of, like tipping.  I do expect to ask her often about what to do, anyway :)

Gerry... I'll add some presents to my list of things to buy.  She told me not to get her anything (she doesn't want me to spend money... very frugal, which I like).  But I will anyway.  NOT a ring at this time though.  She made me promise not to embarrass her by asking her to marry me on our first visit together.  Also, we are doing a trip to Hong Kong, and I already got her ring size... so if that DOES happen, I'll buy a ring there  ;)  Also, good idea of having her write places down in Chinese for me.  I'll do that.  I was going to get several prepaid cards, as I read in another post and bring $500 in cash... is $500 too much?  1000 rmb is $160 or something like that?  Travel insurance I got through Priceline when I made my flight reservations, so I'm good there.  Finally, yes, I already got the sim, and I bought a dual sim phone from a place in Shenzhen (off eBay), which I also just received.  The sim card worked, although it obviously couldn't connect.

Chinabound... someone mentioned deodorant in another thread.  I got 2 sticks of antiperspirant I'm bringing.  I don't honestly expect to use it all, but I like to be prepared.  Any extra, I'll leave with her for my next visit :)   Funny you mention the Grandlei... that was where I was initially staying, but my lady knows some people and got me a good rate at the Century Hotel.  The rate is something like 278 a night.... she's a great lady!

I wonder, do they have laundry service at the hotels?  I know it is going to be hot and humid, so I'll need to have my clothes washed or buy another 2 weeks worth while I'm there.

Besides all that, I have compression socks for the flights, plenty of hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and tissues handy, and a nice hat to keep the sun off my poor Irish head (I'd be burnt to a crisp without it, LOL).  I am also taking some vitamins with me, since I'm not sure of the nutritional values I'll be getting while there.  I know I'm not likely to start eating durians...  And, of course, my passport, license, other ID stuff, and a copy of my divorce papers (just in case, Gerry).  Again, anything I don't need this time, I can leave with her for next trip!! :)
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Offline Pineau

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2013, 08:25:38 pm »
And a camera. For Gods sake don't forget the camera. We will crucify you when you get back.
Fiona and Lisa had a wonderful telephone chat this morning. I thought I was going to have to call Starbucks and have them deliver. I think they were laughing and giggling for over an hour. It was fun to observe. I think they are going to be great friends. 

if you want to travel light and purchase clothes when you get there, I will have Fiona tell her where the garment wholesale district is in GZ. Great values there an there is almost anything you can think of to wear sold there.  You could spend a day there just looking at shoes.

I can tell you the best places to shop for electronics but if you can hook up with China bound he could take you right to them. Failing to do that fin your way to Ximenkou Station, literally West Gate Station in English, is a station of Line 1 of the Guangzhou Metro.  It is about a mile long stretch of Zhan Shan 7th road mostly to the east. Bothe sides of the road. Hidden in the alleys on the south side of Zhanshan 7th ( not far from the station )  are hundreds of shops selling new/used/stolen stuff from big screen TVs to brass knuckles.  You can spend a half a day just browsing the sidewalks without going into any of the stores.  I would love it if you could get ma a couple of pair as souvenirs.  The confiscated mine at GZ airport because dum-dum put them in our carry on.
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Offline IrishGuy65

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2013, 10:47:18 pm »
Great, thanks Mike!

Gerry, I got a camera already (also bought on eBay).  Lisa said she had a camera and, again, told me not to buy one.  A $299 camera for $80!  How can I pass up that deal.  Already got the camera, and bought 2 additional batteries and a 32 GB (I think... it holds 8000 pictures) memory card.  Tested it out and it works great.

I bought 2 big suitcases, because I thought I'd need them (and I may need them for things other than clothes, LOL), but I'm thinking I may just take several days worth of clothes and shop for the rest there.  I'd like to have Fiona tell Lisa where to go in GZ.  You said a couple of pair of brass knuckles?  I can do that, LOL.  If you meant big screen TVs, though.... ;)
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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2013, 12:08:22 am »
best to know if the 2nd bag costs.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2013, 06:12:28 am »
I thought that I had better leave my thoughts behind as it looks like you are going to have a huge excess charge to pay for all that which you are planning to bring.

This last few weeks will be very exciting and then tiring on arrival and then all too soon gone.
Just to let you know the temp is 36 here in the shade today.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2013, 09:42:45 am »
Ha , my last trip , I took 2 large suitcases , 1 inside the other with 9 kg of clothes inside , came back with 40 kg of clothes and only 11 kg were mine , has something to do with lady love shopping , when she arrived back another 40 kg arrived and she still has a full summer and winter wardrobe in the apartment  :'( regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline shaun

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2013, 11:37:14 am »
Gerry, Sudafed for me, is out of the question.  My reaction is like being on speed.  I'd be up for hours on it.  Yes sleeping pills can have an harmful effect especially if taken for a long period of time.

At home my drug of choice when I can't sleep is Nyquil.  However you can't carry Nyquil or Zzzquil on board with you.  It will be confiscated by TSA.  So that leaves me a very low dose sleeping pill.  You can put Nyquil and Zzzquil in your check in baggage.

Offline Pineau

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Re: Leaving for China in less than a month
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2013, 11:47:49 am »
never heard of that reaction to antihistamines. it makes most people drowsy and lethargic.  I guess your metabolism is different.

I once saw some Nyquil gel-tabs in the drug store. Looks like a large green jelly bean. Maybe they have the same ingredients.

Does anyone else have a problem typing the word your?  I can type a paragraph and then go back to proof read it and everywhere I meant to type your it is you. Very frustrating.
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