Author Topic: Have you been been harassed over your choice to marry a Chinese woman?  (Read 5607 times)

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Vince G

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You know even when I dated off the local personal ads years ago I didn't tell many how we met. I think it's like watching porn. Nobody wants to admit to it. Knowing the comments that will follow.

Offline Irishman

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I just tell people that i met her in China and she's Chinese, my friends are happy for me , i guess I'm lucky in that respect.
If any of them started making comments , well they wouldn't be my friend any more.
In work my colleagues are from the four corners of the earth - due to the nature of the work its hard to find people here to do it so my employer brings them to here. I think that leads to a far more open minded bunch of people, several of the guys have married Irish girls so the idea of me marrying a Chinese girl doesnt seem strange or unusual to them at all. They are like a bunch of old women in the main asking when's the wedding :)
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Offline Danny

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Amongst my friends here in Australia, people seem to meet through the internet as much as through the usual way (eg at the pub or through mutual friends).

Here in Melbourne nearly half of people were either born overseas or had a parent born overseas, so it's just really normal.

Everyone has a story about someone they know who has married a Chinese person: sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. Which is about the same sort of success rate as any other ethnic group.

There is a big Chinese population here in Melbourne and they fit in just fine here. They fit in really well and so no-one thinks anything of anyone who dates a Chinese woman. Even socially, Chinese people don't just socialise with other Chinese people, they are happy to socialise with Australians and any other ethnic group.

Some communities (eg those from the Horn of Africa and the Middle East) find it a lot more difficult to settle here in Australia. But the Chinese, they've made a great success here and good luck to them.

Paul Todd

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Lady Astor to Winston Churchill "If you were my husband I'd poison your coffee" his reply "If you were my wife, I'd drink it!"

Most of my co-workers are middle age women, I told them all about my engagement to a Chines lady. After all the usual questions/ veiled insults,like She's just marring you to get out of China or for your money and my favorite, does she know what you look like! :D
Things have calmed down some what. Well to my face anyway.I know them all quite well, out of the seven of them only one is happily married, one has been living with an old time biker for the last 15 years and is very happy,She said to me the other day that she was going to see the boss about sexual harastment at work, I said ,why whats happened? Oh she said I'm not getting any! the rest are divorced and bitter.I think there lonely but with their attitude they are going to stay that way.they spend there evenings downing bottles of wine,watching junk Tv and spending loads of money on cosmetics. I don't think there in any position to criticize me, so if they try to insult me I just sit them down and try to explain, Usually start with some thing like "Do you remember what it feels like to be head over heels in love?"
My friends know what I'm like so are not surprised at all ! As David said It's what my future wife thinks thats important.No one else :D

Groucho Marx quotes,

Now there's a man with an open mind -- you can feel the breeze from here!"

I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.

Have you seen much of Cinderella since the wedding?

You can't dress up a turnip

You'd make a good burglar - your arse would rub your footprints out.

Haven't told my ex wife yet, not that stupid!!!!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 10:25:58 am by Paul Todd »

Offline maxx

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The only time Iv'e ever experienced something like this was in China.And it was from the people sellimng things that I wouldn't buy.So they were trying to get back at me.

Friends family coworkers have all been supportive,I have seen a few people stareing but that is it.

Offline UK Mark

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A customer of mine married a Thai girl , theres a lot of behind the back , ''bargain basement model'' , ''Ting Tong'' jokes , but they dont have the balls to say it to his face , I've seen them together .. He loves her and She Loves him , So GOOD ON THEM ... They are winners ! , who cares what small minded (jealous) fools say , what business is it of theres?

To be honest my relationship to my Chinese lady is not yet public knowledge (i keep my private life , just that private!) and i do have concerns (for her) that someone might say something to upset her , but rest assured if they do i will shoot them down in verbal flames and if my lady is with me i will kiss her with love and passion and walk off hand in hand with her , laughing
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Offline JimB

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I stopped in a restaurant/bar tonight on the way home to get some dinner. i have been in there a number of times so the bartender knew me.  There was a single 35 year old woman sitting there. He and I started talking about my upcoming trip.  She of course butted in and asked why I was going. I told her to marry a very beautiful woman.  She asked if she was chinese. I told her yes.  She said,  "I am very offended".  I asked her why.  she said what is wrong with American woman.  She said dont you want someone who knows who they are and what they want, not someone who just follows orders? I said, that is exactly who I am getting.  She had earlier told me that she had a 19 year old daughter and she had never been married.  So you are 35 have never been married, why?  Dont you know what you want and who you are?  Can you honestly tell me how many of your friends know what they want?  My Chinese fiancee knows exactly who she is and what she wants.  She is a woman who has a very good career, and wants a real man to love her.  She knows she loves me and I know I love her.  Apparently you have no idea what you want or who you are.  Because if you did, you would have found someone and would not be sitting in a bar at 6 o clock on a Friday night trying to find love through a bottle and be offended by someone who has found exactly what he wants.  She of course tried to turn it around by saying she could not find a good man.  I told her dont you think it is too damn difficult for both of you trying to wear the same pants at the same time?  I said a real man wants a real woman.  By that time i had gotten my order. So I just laughed at her and walked out.  I looked back at her when I reached the door.  She was looking at me like she had no idea what i was talking about.  I gave her the thumbs up sign and left.  I laughed all the way home.
God, I am so glad i found who I was looking for and not searching the "lost American woman syndrome".
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Vince G

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I had to reread it twice. She is 35 and has a 19 yo? I don't need my calc to figure this out? She's been sitting at that bar for many years. :dodgy: Unless she lied about her age? But your right, I should be so impressed by a barfly. Yeah she's worth marrying. :icon_eek:

Offline Irishman

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Quote from: 'JimB' pid='4958' dateline='1244249208'
I told her dont you think it is too damn difficult for both of you trying to wear the same pants at the same time?  I said a real man wants a real woman.

LMAO!! that got a loud chortle from me :icon_razz:
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