Jim X is a translater.And it is going to play out just like the brothers said it will.No matter which way you play it.As far as Y never underestimate a Chinese woman and her goals.If she is interested in you she will do what it takes.For as long as it takes.To win the prize.Chinese ladies are very driven.I haven't met a lazy one yet.Sometimes they even come on a little strong,and fast don't be worried.They are usually in complete control of the situation.And have whatever it is planned down to the minute.
The rules were posted around here somewhere.But they are probably lost by now.I'm going to have to talk to management.About the way the run this web site.Lazy asses are probably smoking dope.And badmouthing each other.And eating dumplings.And drinking Doctor Pepper
Rule # 1 Maxx's 24 hour rule.Live it love it learn it.Never forget it. No matter what crazy thing your lady says to you.Writes to you post to you.Or says to you.That makes you mad or confuses you.Do not reply.Post the question or statement here.Give it 24 hours for the brothers to tell you what the lady was trying to say to you.We have years and years of experience here.And sometimes Chinese doesn't translate well into English.And the trouble was caused by a simple misunderstanding.Or a difference in custom or culture.
Rule # 2 different contry different customs.Your lady is Chinese.She has her way of doing things.You are from a different country.With it's own customs and culture.And you have your way of doing things.You have to learn how to mesh the 2 different cultures together.It can and will be a tough thing to do.But for this to succeed it takes both people.committed to making this work.
Rule # 3 if it isn't the end of humanity as we know it.And nobody is going to get hurt.It probably isn't worth arguing about.If you are arguing with your Chinese lady.Refer to rule # 2 .If that doesn't work refer to Rule # 1 .And we will get it straightend out.
Jim I want to wish you the best of luck.On this little adventure.I also want to warn you that it can be tough.And a little intimidating at times.This journey is not for everyone.It is for those who can step outside themselves.And be willing to explore new things.And be willing to do things a different way.We will help you all we can.But you must put forth the effort and have the drive to finish this.Only to learn that there is no end to this.After 7 years and 3 kids.Most days are still a learning experience for me.So hang on and enjoy the adventure.