Author Topic: Leftover Women?  (Read 2235 times)

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Offline shaun

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Leftover Women?
« on: August 13, 2013, 08:43:45 pm »

Offline maxx

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Re: Leftover Women?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2013, 12:07:39 am »
Shaun I read the article earlier tonight.I thought it was a good article to a certain point.I think it missed about half the reasons why there is allot of unmarried women in China.So I guess we can call the article a fluff piece.

My thinking the reason that there are so unmarried women in China.Is allot of these ladies don't want to be a whipping post.For there husbands.Those of us who have ben at this awhile.Could probably set here.And post horror stories of.How Chinese men treat there wives.We could probably set here and post stories till hell freezes over.

And let us not forget the ladies.How about The Shanghai princess Syndrome.That these girls operate under.I have watched my sister in law date a few different Chinese men.One was in the Army.One was a business owner.One worked in the construction industry.The Army guy wanted to get married.So that his wife could take care of his sick mother.The business owner wanted.A whipping post.The construction guy didn't have a car or a house.And wasn't making allot of money.So all these guys were a loosing proposition.For my sister in law.They didn't own houses.She didn't want to be a maid.Or a punching bag.

How many men do you know that own there own house at 20 years old?Or say 25 years old.I bought my first house at 21.I bought my first car when I was 15.I had a good job.But by even western standards.I'm a exception to the rule.The Shanghai princess wants to marry the guy who has all of this.But most twenty to thirty year old guys.Don't own there own house.So they wait and they wait.And before they know it.They are in there 30s.And they are damaged goods in China.I'm not saying that they need to marry the wife beater.But maybe they do need to give a little on there idea of a perfect man.

Me my wife.And the translater were setting in a restaurant in Zhuhai.The translater leans over and tells me.That he thinks a certain waitress is pretty.So I call the waitress over.I tell her the translater finds her attractive.The translater is scared to death of this girl.My wife is mortified.That I would do something like that.She tells me that if the translater is interested in the girl.That he first must find one of her friends.Make friends with the girls friend.Then have her friend introduce him.To the girl that he is interested in.I'm thinking to myself.If it is that much work to meet a girl.Then it is to much trouble.And I probably wouldn't bother with it.

As I set here and write this.I wonder to myself.How there ever got to be so many of them in the first place.Then I remember that before.That all marriages were arranged marriages.And we have all seen how that has worked out for them.

We all know how a Chinese man feels about a divorced women.It gets even worse if the woman has a kid.Her chances of getting remarried or married in the first place.Are just about zero.So that is my 2 cents on it.

Offline David E

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Re: Leftover Women?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2013, 06:17:50 pm »
On the subject of left-over Women in China.............

Now I'm afraid I am going to bore the pants off you all with some Statistical Theory...... ;D ;D

In any Society, with just about any target parmeter you could name, the population follows the "Bell Curve of Normal Distribution", that parameter that will fit about 75% of the population. That is why 75% of Men in any Society will be 5 ft 10 to 5 ft 11

Outside of this Normal Distribution will be the outliers on the extreme of the 12.5% of the Men will be under 5 ft, and 12.5% will be over 6 ft.

So we also have the Normal Distribution of Wealth.......12.5% of the polulation will be a rich as God, and 12.5% will be poor as Church Mice

These are the "mismatch" points that are so obvious and newsworthy in modern China. It is almost impossible to imagine that these outliers will get together because they are so mis-matched. So 12.5% of the affluent and successful Women will be chasing 12.5% of the affluent Men...the other poor bunch will be chasing each other too !!!

(BTW, dont hold me to 12.5%, its only a number and can be anything from almost zero, but it will be a small number !!)

Now, the last thing a rich Chinese (or other) man is looking for is a competitor in the Money stakes...they want other thing such as prestige, envy amongst peers and so on.

So the unfortunate affluent and modern Chinese woman has almost a zero sum equation of finding a suitable partner....she is unlikely to attract a peer outlier, she wont accept anyone from the Normal Distribution and she would run a mile from the low point occupiers of the bottom outlier.

This phemomena is also seen and all societies, for instance in Aus or US, the outliers will be a large, but not a mind blowing number. But in China because the base population number is so big, the outliers are in the millions...hence it is percieved as a massive and newsworthy problem. but Statistically it is no biggie.

All this is good stuff and does not really figure until the Female bio-clock starts ticking away !!!! Then it becomes critical. And that is the biggest problem that is faced by these affluent Women...the normal requirement for stability, family and children conflicting with the modern, less-than-normal chasing of wealth and status.

I am sure glad that I am not one of these women...I dont envy their chances of future happiness !!!

For example, let me pose a question to all of us guys from the "Normal Distribution"......

How many of you know a guy from this group who managed to attract and marry a Woman from the upper outlier of wealth and status ??????

I know I personally searched for years to find a blue-eyed blonde rich nymphomaniac with a body and a face to die for and who owned an Aston Martin, an Ocean-going yacht, a Private Lear Jet......and a pub........who would be keen to marry me. But sadly I was not successful believe it or not...although I dont understand why   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 06:43:30 pm by David E »

Offline maxx

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Re: Leftover Women?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2013, 06:48:58 pm »
David E Doe's marring the daughter of the wealthy individual count?If so then yes I have married the wealthy daughter.I have also dated the well off girl.

Offline David E

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Re: Leftover Women?
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 06:24:23 pm »
AAAH...yes, but you are MAXX....I'm taking here about normal people !!!!!

I HAVE dated rich Women who got there in their own right, and I have dated and married the daughter of a rich Man (my ex-wife  :( :( :()...but it is not the same statistical event as attracting and marrying a self-made rich woman....she did not come with Dad's money...quite the opposite in fact  :-[ :-[

In fact, some of the richest women in Aus (Gina Reinhart for example) got all their money from their Father when he passed on. If you have seen Gina Reinhart, you would surely understand why she is unmarried......

Offline maxx

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Re: Leftover Women?
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2013, 11:00:35 pm »
David E yes you are right she didn't come with mommy and daddy's money.She did come with the headache of marrying that kind of woman.I think I should of ben compensated for taking her off there hands for 3 years.Maybe a pocket watch.Or a certificate at least.For putting up with her for that long.


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Re: Leftover Women?
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2013, 11:31:58 am »
AAAH...yes, but you are MAXX....I'm taking here about normal people !!!!!

well.. I guess you could also say, I'm definitely not normal! To marry a Woman at 25, while she's 37 with seven (7) kids under her belt. I wasn't even "Drunk nor Drug'd out at the time! Love is a strange and strong thing... isn't it?