Pregnancies - in general - scare men, I think.
It is the one thing that we really have zero control over. Well, other than the initial contribution...
After that we really aren't needed and I think for the longest time we were fine with that.
Nowadays, especially in the west, we are expected to go to Lamaze classes, we are expected to be in the delivery room, we are expected to be very active in the whole process.
My ex was very involved with the naturalist movement, and both of my children were born at home. I am listed as the "doctor" because I cut the umbilical cords, but there was a midwife there both times. I stayed home with her for two weeks after the first was born and I felt completely overwhelmed, but I wouldn't trade the memory for anything.
I read that article about Chinese beliefs... because of my ex I am familiar with a lot of different customs and beliefs about birthing and I wasn't too astounded at what I read. Some of those ideas have been adopted as good practices for natural births.
This custom of the "sitting month" doesn't seem too outlandish. You will survive it I think.