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Patrick and Lisa - Our story

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Smaug... thanks for the reply.

1st.. I keep track of her period on my own... it isn't difficult and I don't need an app :)  I did it with my ex, and with most other women I've dated...  Our problems were not during her period.
2nd... Nothing is keeping me in the USA... but Lisa doesn't want me to move to China.  I've offered to move there on more than one occasion, and she knows I'm serious and that I will move there in a heartbeat.  She says it will be too much pressure on her... an extra mouth to feed, more bills, etc.  I'd prefer the USA anyway, but it's always there and she knows it.

Like Ivy, Lisa has made a decision and she won't change her mind.  I'm 100% sure of this, and have no more worries on that front.  My only real concern right now is the process of immigration.  How long we have to be apart, and if we will be successful.  I tell her all the time not to worry, that I will do the worrying for us both about the immigration process.  Once that's done, I am going to buy a new home here for us to live in, and that will be my next worry... followed by the ability of Lisa and Amy to adjust to the new situation.  I don't have problems adjusting to new situations, for the most part, so I'm not worried about me.

Anyway, if Lisa said, tomorrow, that she wants me to move to China, I would be on a plane within a week... no questions asked.

Just got a request for more evidence notification by email... waiting for the letter from USCIS to arrive so I can find out what they need.  I was hoping to have an easy process, but I knew there could be difficulties along the way.  This will be the first.

I first saw this I started laughing but its not that funny when I think about it.

 They want everything, including the kitchen sink, When you are finished it will weigh a couple of pounds and be about 2 inches thick.  browse through my thread and look for my response to the request for evidence. End of the road  page[9]

  This is going to test your determination.

It looks like it was Lisa's divorce certificate that we turned in with the package.  I'll have Robert double check it, and then print it out again and mail it back to them FedEx... so they can get back on the case.

So, we turned in the new whitebook and they are now reviewing the evidence from the RFE.

This is an interminably long process.  I was going to go back to China in January, when I had time off available from work.  However, we have decided to save it for when her interview comes up, if we ever get to that point.  I'll go out to China for the interview, wait as long as I must, and hopefully be on a plane back to the USA with Lisa and her daughter Amy.  If I don't hear anything by March, I think I'll just take a few weeks to visit then.  Don't think I can wait a lot longer than that :)


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