Author Topic: Patrick and Lisa - Our story  (Read 31185 times)

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Offline Pineau

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Re: Patrick and Lisa - Our story
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2014, 12:07:35 pm »
Patrick, I only mentioned the white legs because I have Irish skin too. The glare in the mirror is frightening. haha

I suppose you have found out that living with a woman of Chinese culture is a bit of a challenge.  I went through it with Fiona but I was in China and I was in the minority, so I often lost the battle. But in the end there were no losers. Just a better understanding of each other.

I like your attitude toward problem resolution.  The 24 hour rule works but women don't understand it at first. They just want to talk and talk right now. Why wait for 24 hours. After they see it work a few times and witness the monster that went into the cave come back out an angle they become believers.

Men are from mars and women are from Venus is a good book but most (nearly all) Chinese women don't have the reading comprehension to understand the message in it.  It's message is that men and women are fundamentally different and that is the cause of the conflict and it goes on to explain the differences. It does not change anything. It just explains the differences and gives you an understanding of how the other person thinks. And most of the time just an understanding is all you need.  I think Lisa's English skills would allow her to understand this book.

Congratulations on the new house. Now you know what your going to be doing in you spare time for the next year or so.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline JustJim

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Re: Patrick and Lisa - Our story
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2014, 01:44:25 pm »
I wanted to comment on what you said about Lisa being homesick.

Mei and I had this little tiff also but the shoe was on the other foot.  I was in China at the time, I think it was my April trip and I was missing home cooking...( i.e. American food ) and I was related this to Mei and she quickly set me straight. 

In essence she said " So you would rather be with your food than with me?  "    She has a good way of seeing things...

Anyways, it was an eye opener for me and I will try to remember when she is in the US with me and she starts to feel homesick how I was feeling back then. 

I can vouch for the clear skies.   Lisa was living in the same area as Mei and the skies were always overcast.  I have been sending Mei pictures of the beautiful sunsets around here and she loves them.

It is good to hear from you Patrick.  Once you really settle into the new house you will have more time for each other.  And don't worry about her driving.  If she drove in CHina then she already has more experience with traffic than most of us will get in a lifetime. 

Offline Pineau

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Re: Patrick and Lisa - Our story
« Reply #62 on: March 15, 2022, 03:59:31 pm »
Epilogue ... Patrick turned out to be a cheating weasel and the marriage fell apart because of him.
The good news is that Lisa moved on and is now with a really good man.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.