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Offline fivetrout

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Chris's trip to China
« on: October 10, 2013, 08:13:04 am »
Here are my impressions of my trip!

My experience going to china... and meeting, and meeting Hong in person for the first time.

As a friend dropped me off at the Reno airport...I was still hours or even days away from comprehending exactly what, and why I had reached this point in my life... fleeing to a new strange land seeking what should be basic human relations 101 at home. It is true for most men after having survived bitter relationship never walk in those well worn footprints again! For those of us that never achieved the kind of long lasting meaningful relationship we thought we were destined to have...well, we continue to look... much as a salmon's upstream journey.

Two things I have learned here. First is that Hong is exactly who she has been for me for almost two years now. On her part, she has felt our union had been written in stone... long ago, and that our actual meeting face to face was with the reality I had actually arrived as I promised. Second thing, I hate most of the Chinese food with a passion, taste like shit to me or there’s no taste at all....and have tighten my belt a notch or two in 9 days. Tonight I cooked Hong an American style beef stew, with garlic bread, or whatever those round thick pancakes they sell here everywhere? For me? A happy belly finally, and Hong loved it has she ate like a starving sailor. Her 110 frame can easily put away twice what I can, but then she is very hyper and newer stops! One great thing about Hong? She likes beer as much as myself!

Having logged many miles already by bus and train in and out of a variety of cities...I have found every  where the people are friendly and very-out going to help. Hong besides being a camera whore as I call her...she very social and will strike up an conversation with anyone... which always having them asking about the tall whitey with her. Did I fail to mention we were married after 12 hours of our airport meeting? Anyway, some want to know how this could happen, and others want to know more for themselves perhaps. The men label me as “a good man”.  Only did I see another Caucasian twice, first a Pol at Wuhan, and then A Czechoslovakian at Wudang mountain. As to how members on the forum will claim the Chinese women will be attracted to you and seek conversation with you or just a camera pose is very true! I have been a total rock star here! I have already held many beautiful women in picture posing (60 plus).... from young to old. And another thing! About 4 in 10 I find very desirable. Most are very fashionable in attire and extremely well groomed from head to high-heeled toes. These Chinese woman has put many western women to shame in those regards.

The reality of having married a Chinese woman came to full light when after only hours of having met Hong, I was sitting on the can doing my business when in she comes asking if I needed any help with anything! Haha Thank God I haven't required the squatter pit! And the public restrooms will gag you from the foul smell at 20 yards away. Our restroom at home in Weihai has a toilet, shower, washing machine combo. I still can't get used to the idea of wearing rubber shoes to the can or shower, not to mention...a wet toilet seat all the time. This china girl is completely open and natural with nudity with me, but will put on layers when approaching our windows on the 23rd floor over looking the sea! Speaking of which, our bldg is one of 8 on the sea in a new development. Nothing seems to be plumb and square and the workmanship is very poor by most standards. We are allowed to reside here yet the bldg isn't completed as of yet. There is no fire fighting equipment or fire/smoke detectors hooked up yet. However, the location and views are magnificent! Somewhat like a poorer rendition of Miami beach. The wallpaper which seems complex wide is a pattern with girly flowers suitable for a 10-12 year old's bedroom. Even Hong hates it. The kitchen counter-tops and gas range's heights are 4-5 inch below western standards and the range hood's corners is at Hong's eye height. I keep telling her... dumb-assed Chinese, this and that...she agrees as she has hit the corner with her head 4 times already.

One small issue with my trip here in china is: Hong has been leading me around and never leaves my side or holding on to me. Well, there was that one time on the sales tours one of her friends got us on to for free passage to weihai on the sleeper bus for 14 hours. Anyway, other women sensed I was single or unattached when Hong took a trip to shop for wedding candy to pass around, and a few girls cozy-ed up to me while on walking tour, and I found a lot of commonality with a very sweet girl that could speak limited English. I wonder where her father disappeared to? As far as Hong and I understanding the big deal for the most part. She understands my mood and desires, hand and eye gestures go far. As I write she is explaining in detail about hooking my laptop to a big screen TV for a movie. I know this by her pointing and saying USB on computer. As in most things, I show her a little bit with my fingers as to what she is saying...and we just laugh.

Driving, or getting around in China is INSANE! Anything with a motor is fair game for streets, hwys, and freeways. Although there are lane markings and traffic lights, one way streets...they mean nothing! The ever present honking isn't about annoyance but a heads up and to be aware. And people walking in the streets and even in crosswalks are divided by speeding vehicles. How the hell I haven't been killed or party/ witness to a traffic killing I'll never know! How do the nicer cars here like a BMW even survive?

Hong will do everything for me if I let her. I find it easier to hide my dirty clothes than watching her spending endless hours washing and cleaning everything. She has even washed my baseball cap 3 times in just over a week! Not to mention me about three times a day! Haha  Hong is graceful as well as very physically strong, but also strong headed. Just smile and put two fingers close together! hehehe

Today we went to the beach here...Hong can't swim and so it took some doing, and screaming on her part to get her all the way out to 3 feet of water. She soon developed a love for the turbulent waters much warmer than she ever believed it to be. When I saw her in the very feminine and cute swimsuit on the beach as she revealed herself...I knew very much why I am here in China! Afterwords, in the shower...Hong was determined to find every grain of sand from any nook or cranny it might be hiding in. I found it best to shower with her with a beer or two nearby.)))))
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2013, 08:46:19 am »
Great reading Chris , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline JustJim

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2013, 08:51:46 am »
It was cool to know that someone else from this site was in China when I was.  Your trip sounds like it went great, and I understand what you mean about the relationship being written in stone.  My gal has felt the same way.  I was the one who needed convincing.

One question.. How did you get married so soon?  Did you already have your single certificate?

I am glad that your gal likes your cooking.  It looks like you will be doing a lot of that.  And I agree with you about the baked goods.  That is one thing they can't do.  When I got home the first thing I did was find me a good NY bakery.  Of course, being in New york the traffic was bad, but nothing like we both experienced in China!!!

It sounds like you had a wonderful time.  When do you think you might head back?

« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 08:53:43 am by JustJim »

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2013, 08:55:50 am »
By the way - I wanted to point out that someone hijacked your avatar and posted some picture of a man with a naked face...

Who is that guy?

Offline fivetrout

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2013, 09:17:40 am »
Jim, I had visarite do my visa and singles certificate at the same time. Then scanned them so that the marriage office in Wuhan could see them before I went. Hong had me speak with someone there by phone...and they said we would be good to go when I arrived. Once there it took only a few hours to receive our Redbooks. This was followed by her buying bags of wedding candy to pass around, including key people that helped us along the way. Even the police station in Weihai was a beneficiary to candy and cigarettes when I registered my whereabouts.

I'll think about going back in the spring. I need some dental implant work done...and it's so much cheaper there 250-300 each vs 1800.00 here. I also promised Hong the important wedding photos on the next trip.

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2013, 12:07:46 pm »
Chris..congrats matey you look a lovely couple....Great read.. ;D
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2013, 08:52:11 pm »
It has been great to hear two more accounts of first time visits. Taking off that beard has taken off a few years from your visual age.  ;D

It is far easier for others to get the Single Cert than for UK Citizen. Remember for a UK person to apply at the Embassy in China for a single certificate they have to have lived in China for 21 clear days.

They then apply and can leave the country if the wish as it is another 21 days before the paperwork is done and the certificate is issued and sent by courier to you or your future wife.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline JohnB

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2013, 09:32:05 pm »
Hey Chris, sorry to burst your bubble...
My 1st visit was Changsha. Fantastic food! Each day. Every day. 1st experience was a fish soup, looked like a 'carp' floating in dirty dishwater. Looks are deceptive:).
Again, another time Handan. For whatever reason, a lot of the restaurants & my hotel featured soup. My favorite discovery 'cream of radish'. Go figure.
You will have your China discoveries. In time.

Changsha traffic has to be seen to be believed. Anything paved is fair game, including sidewalks. Think of thousands of salmon returning in their natal river.
This is serious stuff. Speaking of fish, I take it you fly- fish; also, 'catch & release'. Be prepared for Hong's displeasure.

Offline fivetrout

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2013, 01:16:43 pm »
Fly fishing is about education and conservation also. I will teach both Hong and her son how to fish and that the freezer not need be full of fish. If trout is on the night's menu, then of course a fresh trout will be kept. What bothered me in China was: at a small sidewalk cafe in a small village, we ordered chicken, the cook came out with a live, dirty bird for our approval. We nodded yes. Thirty minutes later out came our meal with contained only neck parts, organs, and chicken feet plus small scrapes of the bird. Where's the good stuff? :(

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2013, 08:24:51 pm »
Thirty minutes later out came our meal with contained only neck parts, organs, and chicken feet plus small scrapes of the bird. Where's the good stuff? :(

That was the good stuff. ;D ;D

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline JustJim

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2013, 10:21:53 am »
My gal loves the chicken feet!   I tried them but I didn't see anything interesting about them.  At dinner one night there was one chicken and two chicken feet and she had both of them.  No one else seemed to want them.

Anyways, I am with Chris on this one.  I think it is a big scam.  The cook keeps all the good stuff for himself and gives the other stuff to the customer.  It is like those Japanese who spend a fortune on that fish whose organs are poisonous.

Either way it seems like a win/win to me.  When she cooks for me she can give me all the good stuff, and she can have all the good stuff too.  And there won't be anything left to throw away.      :D

Offline shaun

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2013, 07:08:34 pm »
After a couple of years with my wife telling me that she didn't like chicken feet I sat there and watched her eat one in a restaurant in Shaoguan.  I said, "I thought you didn't like chicken feet?"  All she could do is laugh and offer me one to eat.  It wasn't all that bad.  It was difficult though.

So now I think she can eat all of the feet she wants except when we have guests and then I'll help to gross out the company.

But I do draw the line.  I will never, unlike my wife, suck out the skull of a cooked chicken head and eat.  And my wife will have to thoroughly brush her teeth and rinse out her mouth before she kisses me. ;D
« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 08:05:49 pm by shaun »

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2013, 02:57:38 am »
Here is a thought about chicken feet.  Where have the chickens been walking and what have they been walking in? :o
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2013, 05:29:11 am »
Here is a thought about chicken feet.  Where have the chickens been walking and what have they been walking in? :o

Will someone tell me where the eggs come from? :o

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline shaun

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Re: Chris's trip to China
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2013, 06:08:24 am »
Which proves conclusively that we are from the species of mushrooms.  :o ;D