Author Topic: Just signed up, have a Chinese girlfriend  (Read 10303 times)

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Offline brett

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Re: Just signed up, have a Chinese girlfriend
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2013, 08:53:57 pm »
Yes I also know all about the money thing. The best friend of the girl I will see today got married to a rich HK man and their wedding ceremony in a hugely expensive house with a pool etc. etc. etc. was a massive show of status. As is marrying a rich HK man and getting HK residency of course!

Well I'm under no impressions that my girl likes money - she's told me that herself.

Not everyone here is poor. I once dated a lady with a million dollars in her bank account. Funny thing is she still wasn't satisfied with her wealth, so she went on to rip off her employer.

This time round I've also dated a couple of fairly wealthy ladies. They're looking for love, not money. I guess Chinese guys are scared of these very, very smart ladies.

Maybe they're after Western passports also. But I've never met anyone in Guangzhou who's talked that much about moving away from China. And I'm perfectly happy to stay around here for a while. Soon the Pearl River delta will be one enormous city with a population greater than that in the UK.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Just signed up, have a Chinese girlfriend
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2013, 07:40:25 pm »
  I think the Chinese men want a woman they can control. And the successful ones don't
  need to depend on a man.

  And then there are the ones who want to know what you can do for them. But as I said
  it takes a lot of time and commitment by both. We are not their answer to salvation unless
  she is from a dirt poor family. Then they will sacrifice the love for the marriage.

Unfortunately some who come here have neither the time nor commitment to make a relationship work.

I have met a lot of successful women here.  Even successful ones lose husbands to the younger ones but then they do have the money to satisfy their 'womanly needs'.  8)   For some woman in the 35 - 55 age group that is enough for them.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline djal

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Re: Just signed up, have a Chinese girlfriend
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2013, 04:14:18 pm »

I understand your feelings.  But what I find somewhat strange is that it is mostly Chinese women who are known to be VERY jealous...  I had a Chinese GF which I had to leave bc of bad temper AND jeaolousy.  She begged to take her back but i refused.  What I can say is that it made me feel very uncomfortable when I was with her at the end...  I just had to always "analyse"  what I was doing to keep her calm and secured.   Just an example,  I was on a cruise with her and stood up to go ask the lady who was serving us to bring me extra cans of pop to bring to the cabin.  She thought I was making a pass to that waitress!! :(

The relationship killer indead!