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Just when........

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David my computer is trying to eat it self right now.I think I know whats wrong with your wife. and I think I can tell you how to fix it.So I will write a proper post after I get this dammed computer straightend out.In a couple of hours.Till I get this computer fixed don't do anything crazy

Face would be involved as my wife likes to also think forward about the loss of face in things that have not yet even happened or might never happen. It is hard to say how hidden meanings are interpretted if language is not at a high level as well.

Willy The Londoner:
 My wife is going through the menopause as we speak.  I can understand what she is going through.  I am also glad that is is happening whilst she is with he family close by (same gardens, different block).  I think that talking with family and friends about it is something that she could not do with me as her English and my Chinese is definately not up to such in depth conversations yet.

Us men will never know the effect that such occurences have on women. They have a distinct knowledge when they come into puberty and they have that same knowledge when the menopause kicks in.  I did not really know when puberty first came to me and so far it has still not left me, well not completely.

My wife has needed a lot more reassurance at this time that I am here for the journey and I will definately not be looking for a younger woman.  She does think at times that she is no longer a 'full woman' For me it was a relief as I never wanted to bring up children at my time of life.

 I do not know how long the 'proceedure' takes but I have detected that slight change in her character and the fact that she tires more that usual.

I just hope for David's sake that this is the reason and that time will prevail. 


"Another thought just came to me.   Menopause!!!!!   :o :-\
Yes the time that us Men need to pause before commenting!"
That is so damn funny! Amazing.

DavidE, I look at this strictly as a gender issue. No more than that. The question is hypothetical. Your answer should have been YES. It does not matter the situation,
it is just that will you be there for her in times of distress, danger, or whatever threatening event. You are her husband!
Think of it, what are the possibilities the two of you are on a rocky shoreline pounded by waves? If it be so, you had better be holding her tightly!

As you indicated, you have done much for Ming. The thing is, just file your lie in the file with the rest of everything else. Let it meld in time with all the good things.

I can't add any valuable input here, but I am happy you are sharing this with us. It certainly gives me a lot of insight, and a lot more questions. I look forward to reading what Maxx has to say.


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