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Just when........

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My two cents. Tell her you will enroll and take a class in rough water rescue...should the need ever arise. And perhaps improve your swimming capabilities. However, this will only respond to the symptom, not any underlying issues.

As a former Protestant, and converted Catholic (opposite of Mike), I am thoroughly disgusted by what you wrote. The Bible (whether or not you want to read it) says nothing about people scaring someone into religion. In fact, the basic principles of Buddhism and Christianity are really not that far apart...peace, love, understanding. From there, they do take different turns, but I am not wanting to get into debate about religion here. I am sorry that these people have done this to her, and to you. I do wish people can keep their noses out of other peoples business. The bible also speaks against these pin heads realize that they are causing a break in a marriage?  Such short sighted do good gooders drive me nuts. Again, I am so sorry to hear of this rift in your marriage.

David, I feel for you as a brother.   I know this must be gut wrenching for you.  I will keep you and your wife in my thoughts and prayers and hope that all can be resolved to both of your satisfactions.

I will stay out of the religious aspect of all of this and at some point may talk about it in the proper place in the religion thread.  But for now I will refrain and be about my work and business that consumes most of my time these days.

At my wife's first interview, the interviewer told me that they were concerned about our differences in upbringing and religion.  It's always difficult for a marriage to survive when two people have different beliefs.  It would be easy to blame these differences as the reason for the marriage problems.  My concern is deeper.  If a woman can forsake her lifelong religion and change her beliefs to align with some people she recently met, and forsake her marriage to a man she loves, I have to wonder about this woman's core motives.  What drives a woman to change so drastically? 

Honestly, it scares the hell out of me, and it's something that I'm sure we all worry about.  Everyone says, is it a scam?  Will she come home, and then take everything and leave?  We've all heard stories of the lady being told things behind her husband's back that aren't true, usually by some other broken Chinese woman.

How can we guard against something like this?  I don't know if there is any answer. 

David, I'm truly sorry to read what's happening, and I apologize for speaking harshly about your wife.  I hope things can be resolved. 

Neil good question.How can you stop your wife's friends from talking bad about you behind your back.Action speak loader then words.If you treat your wife right.She may or may not see it.Hopefully your wife will already know that your a good person.And the stuff your wife's friends are saying about you just go's in one ear and out the other.Or you can always confront said friends.That has worked for me a couple of times.

As far as Religion go's it is a slippery slope.And people do go from one to the other.Because they think there current religion isn't giving them what they need.Then Have someone hammer on you about there religious beliefs.And if your open to hear what they got to say it doesn't take long for them to make you a convert.


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