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Just when........

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Willy The Londoner:
I think that we all admire you David for the way that you have dealt with this is a methodical and clear manner.  You have set out quite clearly here what you have done and said since this problem came to light.

I am not a Catholic but think that if she had spoken to an experienced Parish Priest that he would have put her right on the matter.  The problem is she has been got at by newly fledged Christians in college and even in the Bible these are described as the worst kind to give advice and that they should refrain from doing so. Simply because they do more harm than good. 

I have never been married before now and having only been married for 4 years I am a fledgeling myself when it comes to marriage advice but I see one problem ahead and I have no doubt that you have thought about it long and hard. That is if she does have second thoughts about getting on that plane then you will always have the nagging doubt that it was for the elevated lifestyle she has enjoyed since getting to Aus and the other financial facts rather than wanting to be with you in a loving relationship.

No doubt you have already made an educated decision on this.

You know that we are all here for you as a listening post for any rants or rages or anything else you wish to impart.


David, as I see your marriage... you have endured several low blows not only from your Wife but also her Son too. You have done what most Men would have done with a "New" bride, stick it out. Now you have reached (or been pushed to) the end of an (could have been) wonderful Life for both (3) of you. Any Man has his limit's and I feel you have come to an certain point, you don't want/deserve such treatment after giving her all you got to give. Qing and I talked about your situation, you know what she firstly mentioned... that she "Must" be one of little education (thus easy to influence by others) to see the great Life (if you are the great/nice Man we see here) you can and will provide not only for her, but also her Son. Qing also said, it is the Culture imprinted into her and it will not/never change. Only if it's too late and she had time (lots of it) will she see what she's lost. Kind of Childish really on her part, so I might give her one more chance (even an Ultimatum if necessary)... you have done your part period!

I wish I had words of wisdom to add to all the great comments given here, but I can't come up with anything.  I just want you to know that I am thinking about your situation and that I hope it resolves for you in a way which is good for you.

Vince G:
I am not sure if I can give advice to David? We seem to have the same way of thinking. I am going through a similar situation. On a date site that has blogs & chats. A few months ago I met a Indonesian woman. She started it, I was minding my business. We talk everyday, always in touch and have gotten very close. What pops up every now and then is something troublesome.. she is Muslim. She has asked a few times if I would convert? for it seems it is a sin to be with or marry a non-muslim?

First let me say as a little side note. She is 18 yrs younger then I and very beautiful as well as educated and business owner. Other men have told her they would convert? But I have stood my ground and gave my feelings on it. I had told her (David take note) Do you want me to Lie to you and betray our relationship and convert? I won't do it.

So David, I would make these points to the wife. If she's still not listening then leave her a letter to read. Points being if you jumped off that cliff into the water how would she be saved by this? You jumping into the water to die when she is still alive? This is suicide and a sin in the catholic religion. Abandoning the husband is also a sin. And then if she wants you to lie and deceive her? Say you won't. Tell her you will keep her safe from harm and care for her for her life and that is why you feel she is doing wrong by converting.

Wish you luck

Vince “.. she is Muslim. She has asked a few times if I would convert? for it seems it is a sin to be with or marry a non-muslim? 
First let me say as a little side note. She is 18 yrs younger then I and very beautiful as well as educated and business owner. Other men have told her they would convert? But I have stood my ground and gave my feelings on it. I had told her (David take note) Do you want me to Lie to you and betray our relationship and convert? I won't do it.” 

Vince, I'd do it; likewise, not convert. Florida must be very boring compared to Indonesia. I think your life would become very, very interesting. Something of new cannon fodder for this forum. I do not think a Muslim wife is of mention of anyone but you.


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