All About China > Share your love story

Just when........

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Vince G:
There is no such "franchise" in the Catholic (business) religion I can tell you that. If there is a Catholic church anywhere there? There has to be a Diocese (Head office). Make a complaint.

you guys are much to nice. David, call the cops!

David E:
No, no, no John....

Getting the cops involved at this stage will only get them a slap on the wrist with a wet bus-ticket....

What I have set in motion is something MUCH more relevant........but not for general publication....yet.

you have to admit, down deep, revenge is sweet.

Willy The Londoner:
I know that there is a religion thread but as religion is a major part of the problem David has encountered then I feel that it can be discussed here.

The problem is that there are so many 'underground Churches' in China. Some are supported quite heavily by the Catholic Church based outside of China, especially from Hong Kong, but those supporters even deny the existence of them.

Churches are permitted in China which are regulated like everything else here.  But the underground churches are the ones that cause problems here, these are the ones heavily influenced by some of the so called 'Elmer Gantry' style American Evangelist.   I refer to those who do it for their own benefit of which a large number do.

They know that China will have or probably does already have the largest numbers of Christians than any other country and large numbers brings a very large dollar income.  We all know the culture of the red envelope that is prevalent here and more so within these underground churches.

China is ripe for expansion for these but they are unable to do it through the normal Anglican style Churches that are allowed to openly operate.

Evangalism is not specifically banned but there is a law which they invoke which covers many things and it is one that outlaws the attempts to change peoples minds or opinions in public places.

You have a lot of fodder available to you David.    I know that with your resources and ability you will be finding out more and putting it to good use.

I for one will back you all the way.



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