All About China > Share your love story

Just when........

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David E:
Yep...watched "The Abyss"...but that was a completely different scenario...

Giving the only suit to the man was the best way to increase the probability that BOTH would survive...the man ( being stronger) could more quickly tow the drowned woman back to the rig...and under conditions of hypothermia, she would have a very good chance of revival. To give her the suit would be likely to result in BOTH of their deaths....she would struggle to get back to the rig before he suffered irreversible brain damage.

To jump into a raging Ocean to rescue a woman...without any life support, or specialist training is the highest probability for both to die. To go for professional help is the best chance for both to live.

I am sure that the problem I face is not one of odds or is one of "face"...I bet she has discussed this scenario with some of her scaly Chinese mates who were totally convinced that their husbands would NOT jump in......just see it as an opportunity to get a younger wife..... :-\ :-\...whereas Ming and bragged that HER LG would immediately leap in and save response put the mockers on her statements and she loses face.......not my problem !!!!...I am the innocent victim here....and not happy about it.

The worse thing is that you are being honest and yet, you get dammed for it. You seem to hit the nail on the head thinking the situation is due to face.

David I recently went through an ordeal with Peggy that brought us to critical mass.  It was either going to kill the relationship or make it better.  Peggy spoke of divorce.  She consulted with her friends.  She lost a lot of face.  We fought about it a lot.   Finally I just got quiet and gave her space.  On my own, and I know this isn't your cup of tea, I spent time praying about it.   I did some private consulting with Maxx over the issue but the biggest thing that happened was giving her time to sort everything out.  Then after about 1 1/2 weeks she began to thaw out a little and we finally got back on track.  Everything is good now.  Remember that these women like to blow off some steam but they are practical.

I don't know if this will help you but if it does great.

Another thought just came to me.   Menopause!!!!!   :o :-\


--- Quote from: shaun on November 07, 2013, 07:09:32 pm ---
Another thought just came to me.   Menopause!!!!!   :o :-\

--- End quote ---

Yes the time that us Men need to pause before commenting!


--- Quote from: Rhonald on November 07, 2013, 07:04:08 pm ---The worse thing is that you are being honest and yet, you get dammed for it. You seem to hit the nail on the head thinking the situation is due to face.

--- End quote ---

Well yes, but did Ming have time to even talk to anybody regarding this artical? Only then would 'Face" be involved... right? It sounds more a -one on one- question. On the Honest part, I also have been told many times that I'm too honest by many Folks. As the World turns, so do the Morals.. I guess?


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