Author Topic: Blog sample's , for the ones that can't see them otherwise .  (Read 2221 times)

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This is my newest Blog post . Something to think about , what we are doing to our Lady's / Wife's when the time comes to be together , wherever that might be .

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Up-rooting a Flower ! What are the Consequence's ?

Are there Consequence's to worry about ?
This Photo , of a beautiful white Lily plant , that sit's by my front Entrance of my House . It is of course my favorite Flower of them all , as they grow long stems and very large and gorgeous Blossom's , that are just reaching for the Sunlight , like mirror's . These Flower's grow from Bulb's , which means ... in the Winter , when there is less Sunlight and pretty Cold where I live . Which is in the High Desert , about 70 miles north from Downtown Los Angeles . They will take a rest from looking alway's the best and most beautiful in Spring , Summer and Fall . That of course does not mean , that I love this Flower any less ! It will alway's be part of my Home now and for as long as I live . I have this Flower now for almost two year's , come November .
How time fly's , especially from the last time I had a very close look at it and realized how much I was in Love with this Flower . That makes me think , what if I would up-root this beautiful Flower from it's Home and all the Bulb's that make up this Family in this special area , where it's gotten so used to ? I definitely don't want my lovely Flower become sad and start to wilt on me . That has me worried so much , nowaday's . Of course I will Love this Flower wherever it might be put or placed , but will the Flower love me back the same after it has been moved , from it's favorite spot ?
But as time has it , this Flower must be moved and taken away from all the Bulb's it cherished for all it's Life . That does make me somewhat , of a bad Person to do this to a Flower , when all it wants to do is Love you and show all the beauty that it can .
So it is going to be up to me , to love it even more than ever before and see if I can keep it looking at it's best and show me how happy it is , by giving me , those big white Bossom's to look at , and tell me by that ... I'm in Love with you and very happy to be in my new Place !!!
After all is calm and a mild breeze touches my Face , I realize ... that this Flower , is actually my *** LAO PO ... QING ***
Deep down in my Heart , I must of have know it all along ! That there are no Consequence's at all ... only Love , that would make any BEE happy as can bee !
Posted by Shanghai MiFeng at 8:34 PM

Offline China Shark

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RE: Blog sample's , for the ones that can't see them otherwise .
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2009, 01:21:26 am »
Damm Arnold you are one sentimental fool yet that is what I like about you and can relate to. Great analogy, I find myself constantly making analogies in my head lately thinking about all the change that has occurred just in the last seven months. China and it's women has transformed us into better men. I am not the same person I was even three months ago. Learned to control my temper better, have more tolerance with things in general, become the man I always knew I could become in life. Sometimes you need to step back to really appreciate what life has to offer. Sorry, if it is sappy yet is how I feel inside anymore. Bravo to all on here that have found the piece of mind and serenity that we were all seeking before we discovered our destinies. Life is a gift we must cherish the time we have here for life is short.
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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RE: Blog sample's , for the ones that can't see them otherwise .
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2009, 01:39:20 am »
Thanks Michael , maybe I am a Fool , but a happy one .
Sorry about the NO picture , but Qing's favorite Flower is the Lily and it also was my late Wife's favorite .
As you know , I jumped into this with both feet , but you went in Head first and I envy you for going all the way and are on the way to make the Dream real . You are 3/4 of the way there , now all you need is the perfect Lady to share it with . When you find her , I'm sure we all get to hear it . Hope it happens to you soon . Hey , hope to see you in Guangzhou soon .