Jeex...Lighten up Guys.....
Now and again, some of the Bros' jump off into irrelevant's a laugh, it's healthy, and it's part of the diversity of character and opinion that most of us share as an adjunct to the main objective which is our Chinese Ladies and the respective trials, tribulations, sucesses or failures...the whole nine yards.
The Mods have always worked diligently to make sure that we are all genuine Chinese Partner seekers here, and you can be sure that we are a very diverse bunch....but in the main, we have an underlying sincerity to explore all things Chinese/Chinese Partners. Almost always, the fraudsters et al get culled out by the mods, or laughed out by the bros.....( witness the thread from "new face" who started all this.)
If this (or any) thread goes beyond what is considered appropriate...then the Mods will can it, or it will die a natural death from lack of attention/interest.
There are many, many "serious" threads and posts on the Site......just one little piece of irrelevant trivia aint gonna spell the end of the World as we know it !!!
ps...Shaun...I think "hear, hear" is what you had in mind ? ? ?