Author Topic: Merry Christmas!  (Read 3166 times)

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Offline JohnB

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Merry Christmas!
« on: December 21, 2013, 06:08:51 pm »
I think this website is showing signs of maturation. Not that is all bad, it is just calls into action (I think) a little rearranging of the site
furniture. Maybe the addition/ deletion/ or changing of a few sub categories is warranted, I imagine it to be, under the heading of
'General Discussion & Useful Links'
; foreinstance,  'Ask an Experienced Member' may better be served under the category
'Dating a Chinese Lady
'. Or maybe the addition of 'Religion & Politics' (as it relates to China, only) under 'General Discussion &
Useful Links'
may be of service to others who are about to cross the threshold of China.
Another thing, I respect the authority of the 'Mod's' in regards to the postings. They are the 'keepers of the gates', no
one else should assume that undertaking. If errant postings such as 'Новинка Фейс' or 'raunchy admirer letters on chnlove'
are presented, but not in accordance with the 'Topic' banner, than the mod should actively determine to move that said post to the
sub- topic 'Campfire' arena were it can be bandied about or die it's pathetic self. If anyone takes themselves that seriously where
their posting intimidates or jeopardizes the free spirit, the 'give & take' of this site or the integrity of any one of the members, than it is time to
address this issue. I really do not think anything under those 2 postings is serious enough to get emotional about. I think the posting authors
just had a little fun & some of us bandy the b.s. about. The mods know this. Maybe they should have the ability to redirect the posts in
it's entirety to under the 'Campfire' title.   
In regards to the 'MOD'S', Willy is of mention to one of the mod's disappearance, but some of the published mods are busy in
other life’s undertakings. It looks as if Chong has vanished. Irishman exited gracefully. Rhonald is busy contemplating a relocation. Arnold
busy husband. Maxx...very active!   
Some help. We have a few participating members that are highly proficient & highly published. Could be the site would be better served by the addition
of a couple of new mods. Maybe Martin, as the site owner & administrator, should contemplate a few changes for this newly revised website of his.
Just a thought or two of mine this day in space.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 06:14:18 pm by JohnB »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Merry Christmas!
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2013, 09:40:15 pm »
Maturation? At first I thought that was a posh way of searching for the older Asian women! However after a couple of reads and a check with I now understand what it means.

 I think that I personally may have probably passed even the maturation stage and ventured into a severe case of senility.  Well my sisters think I passed that stage in 2009 when I left the unsafe streets of London and decided that the rest of my allocation would be spent in China.

As for changing the headings etc. Members treat this like an old glove, they seem to know just where every thing goes and they are comfortable with it. If we think something is out of place or it should not be here, we make light of it and it is soon forgotten.

 Ok there are a couple of things that I miss since the changes a couple of week's back  but as Martin is having to do all the processing and upgrading himself I can understand that he wants to keep the housekeeping on here as simple as he can.  I think the changes that have been made to date should be OK.

As this is headed 'Merry Christmas' then I hope you are all well prepared for the festive season. I, as usual, will be celebrating with a few grains of rice washed down with a glass of Pearl River water and of course the obligatory chicken foot.

Merry Christmas to all.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline shaun

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Re: Merry Christmas!
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2013, 08:55:35 pm »
As little activity as there is on this site I don't think we need to add more mods for the sake of adding mods.  If we were to grow again with a lot more new people then we might need a little more moderating.

I think we are where we are at due to the economy.  Chnlove seems to be hashing and re-hashing ways to snare fresh blood in.  Until the economy changes I think we should leave the site as it is.

Merry Christmas to all.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Merry Christmas!
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2013, 10:00:23 pm »
Your right Shaun.  Leave it as it is..

As for the economy, my economic situation has never been better.  Since moving to China my finances have got better and better.  The lowering of the value of the RMB has been well outweighed by the higher amount I now get for each US Dollar against a British pound.  But I know that has had an adverse effect on others.

I hope that things will get back to as they were when Chnlove was at its hay day.  But I fear that it never will but when there are new successes such as Jim and Patrick and  others who are less documented then there is hope and I see this continuing for a while yet.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Pineau

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Re: Merry Christmas!
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2013, 02:15:14 pm »
My Christmas wish for all ...May you see winter vistas as Art, branches bare light and shadows touching to show its true form not concealed . Memories past called to join the present the ones that make you smile. Giggles from a Child mixed with your own. Music that brings voice, movement with another you know that soft sway that encompasses. A fire light or candles that make one dream as it warms. A toast of hot butter rum cider, perhaps Wine allowing an appreciation of all Life. Grace , Peace of mind and heart, health and the knowledge it is this moment we are Given. May you see love in the eyes of others. Open a car door for an elder. May your life be full ... And on your lips a smile of Great Joy!And in your heart a celebration ...For To Us A Savior is Born

Jennifer J Dorrell Orcutt'
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline Pineau

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Re: Merry Christmas!
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2013, 01:28:28 pm »
Whats on your mind?
It sure has been quiet around here.  So I think I will make some noise.

Remember my ex wife Jing. Cleaver woman she is.
I found her waiting tables in Shenzhen in 1999. Not a penny to her name and her only possessions were her clothes. 
Today she owns two houses in Colorado and is buying a third. She owns a beauty salon, and a 3 bedroom house in China. I just gave her 60k as a final divorce settlement. She pooled that with her savings and is building an apartment building in YiYang. Her net worth is about 3/4 of a million.  Not bad for a dirt poor girl from yiyang.. I shouldn't complain. I get free haircuts when I go to her salon.

Life is really not fair. If you think life is fair your in for a lot of surprises.

New year resolutions?

My new years resolution is
1.  to start eating right. Stop the junk food and eat more veggies.
2. I also will lose 30 pounds this year.  I am 218 pounds and should be 170.
3.  The past 3 years of traveling, living in China, buying a new house and supporting 2 households has really put a big dent in my savings.  I need to Get control of my budget. and live within my means.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.