Author Topic: What Happened to Global Warming?  (Read 3642 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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What Happened to Global Warming?
« on: February 12, 2014, 09:17:29 pm »
Freezing cold across a large part of North America,.  UK going through months of heavy wind, rains and flooding. Even here in Zhongshan it is reported as the coldest week in living memory and nearby Hong Kong the coldest in 75 years. At least people are not sitting watching TV whilst wearing a winter coat. They are now wearing two or more and sitting around looking like Michelin Men.

So can someone tell me where the Global Warming went to? ;D

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline shaun

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2014, 09:39:31 pm »
I can tell you where I live right now we are under about 2 inches of ice today.  My city Augusta, Georgia was the center of what we would call a large ice storm.  MPO4747 would say it was a small thing but since they almost never happen we are never prepared.  All of our electricity is overhead so we have down power lines everywhere.  Our one snow plow is on loan to a museum in some 3rd world country.  The only defense we have is salt.   Global warming, we welcome you today.

Offline maxx

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2014, 12:42:27 am »
It all went to New Mexico and California, Record drought in CA. this year along with last was 51 f today, it was 55f yesterday. And mostly cloudy.

Offline fivetrout

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2014, 01:56:21 am »
Lake Tahoe lows 50's during the day, but last week's storm added 4-5 feet of new snow at the higher elevations...badly needed!


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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2014, 02:48:39 pm »
.....So can someone tell me where the Global Warming went to?

I myslef don't really know, but since I BBQ less the weather changed.

Offline David E

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2014, 04:14:09 pm »
Ha Ha !!!!!

You will all note that "Global Warming" has ben universally changed to "Climate Change"........

Once the ridiculous myth of global warming had been busted, the Greenies needed another more appropriate hysterical phrase to extend their madness....hence "Climate Change"

One thing that we all can be absolutely certain of is that the Climate has and will change has been changing for umpteen Million years, sometimes warming, sometimes cooling...but always changing. So using this phrase gives them an even each way bet. There is still no firm evidence that the minor changes we see today are anything but a small blip in the overall evolution of the World Climate. We are assessing the changes on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis and nature dont work that way. Many of the changes occur over Geological time frames which can be measured over MILLIONS of years.

For instance, at many Roman sites throughout Europe, their Towns and Settlements which were constructed on the sea-side are now many miles inland, so even over 2000 years there has been significant changes...and the Romans had no motor cars, power stations or such.

We seem to be at the moment in the middle of a mild interglacial period where Polar ice caps retreat, which will raise sea levels....again. Now, this is a real bitch for the Human population because we always build so much stuff close to the Ocean. But Nature dont give a toss about that and to think that we can change it is an object lesson in arrogance.

But that is what we humans are real good at...believing that the whole Planet exists just for us and that we are the most important thing that ever happened in the Universe....DUH !!!!!!

Offline kenny

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2014, 08:26:16 pm »
Well said David...Global Warming... it aint happin here!

Offline JohnB

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2014, 11:51:20 pm »
I'll be different in that I piss all over the naysayer's parade.
There is Global Warming, Climate Change, whatever you want to coin
it. It is happening & a goodly portion of it is, excuse the un- humor, “MAN- MADE”.

Offline shaun

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2014, 01:45:23 pm »
I scraped off about 3 inches of the solid Global Warming off of my van yesterday.  Sprinkled kitchen salt on the driveway because rock salt has not been on the shelf since last summer.  The only need we have for rock salt is in making homemade ice cream. 

Didn't have enough salt and the ground was to hard to dig.  My driveway goes uphill about 15 ft to get to street level.  It took about 20 attempts but I made it.  All of this for a cup of coffee.  Most everyone was closed because of the weather but thankfully Circle K was open.  It was a mad house.  The fuel line was 3 blocks long for what?  Food was gone for what?  Two days of ice?

All I needed was coffee because the electricity was out.  Next purchase is a generator.  It took me 30 minutes to go through the line.  I had drunk the coffee before I paid for it. Fortunately I know the clerk well and she told me to fill it up again and get out of her_()*&*(@ store.  Hehe!!!!

Offline David E

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2014, 05:37:12 pm »
I'll be different in that I piss all over the naysayer's parade.
There is Global Warming, Climate Change, whatever you want to coin
it. It is happening & a goodly portion of it is, excuse the un- humor, “MAN- MADE”.

Probably not the right place to get into the overall Climate Change debate, but we almost never see the words of wisdom from the other side of the fence...and of course John B , you are eminently entitled to your opinion.

Let me just try to add some info. from the counter arguement....which amost never gets an exposure...its not "newsworthy".

We are burning fossil fuels at an alarming question.
All this burning takes one atom of Carbon (C) and adds 2 atoms of Oxygen (O) to result in vast quantities of (you guessed it !!!) CO2.....

We are destroying mega square miles of forests, polluting the Oceans,  thus depriving the Planet of the Oxygen generators. At the same time we are breeding humans at a rate of a million a week...who also need to consume Oxygen to survive.

There are thousands of active Volcanoes on the Planet, gobbling Oxygen and producing again vast quantities of CO2 (amongst other nasties)

So where is the Oxygen coming from, how come we can still breathe ???? Strangely enough, the Oxygen levels are slightly rising !!!!  Strange.

I am reminded of the story of the ancient British King...King Canute, who was so convinced of his God given right to be supreme that he chose to demonstrate this to his subjects and had his Throne placed on the beach and commanded the tide not to come in.........

Needless to say, he got very wet.

When CO2 levels were very high in the Carboniferous Period many millions of years ago, forests and plants bloomed all over the Planet, it was a Plant Paradise...and all these plants eventually died off, leaving behind all the coal and oil we now use....

The Planet has a fixed amount of Carbon, Oxygen and all the other elements, they are not "Made" or "Created", they have been around since day one and wont change...forever. All we are seeing now is yet another minor re-distribution of how and where these elements are more, no less.

Offline JohnB

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2014, 12:44:00 pm »

You did not fail. I knew you would 'come- a- calling'.
"..we almost never see the words of wisdom from the other side of the fence..". I had better clear the dust of my lofty perch & fetch a few
5, 6 letter words or more & fashion a few sentences. Anyways, your statement, as I expected, was excellent. Very scientific analysis. I thank
you for your heart felt comments without propulsion by emotion.
I agree with you. Most things. 
The world is telling us something is wrong. The good thing is, is that the causal effects of this calamity are being addressed. Somewhat.
Right now, it sort of like the Indians running around the wagon trains 20 times or so, trying to figure out the way to breach the settler's defenses.
Every wagon train being a little different than the ones before.
On the BBC website this morning shows the 'jetstream' has changed. Something is going on upstairs. Then again, the warmer Pacific Ocean water is
actually forced deeper than what we thought the 'norm'. You know, & from what I read, 50% & more of the world's oxygen comes from
the world's oceans.
So, things do happen. We just do not fully understand.

'World Stewardship'. We are doing a good job at f*cking things up. Sorry to read so blunt, but that 'f' word is probably the best way to describe our
stewardship of the world's resources, lifestyles, & progress. To me it seems out of control.
It will be interesting to see if the newly emergent China middle class will have any affect of their air & water qualities.
I live in the Rocky Mtn foothills of Northern Idaho. This years winter is somewhat normal. Just a slight lack of precip. Then again, life is really not all that
'cookie cutter' perfect anyway. I wish you & yours well.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 03:30:01 pm by JohnB »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2014, 08:48:56 pm »
I think I understand what David E is saying. I maybe wrong of course!!!!!

As I read it the earth has been going round and round for millions of years.  Our weather records have only been in existence for a maximum of 2000 year or less.  Which is just a drop in the ocean in relative terms.

They talk on TV of happenings in past two hundred years or so and that is not even a microscopic drop in the ocean in the life of this World.

We have no idea exactly of what went on before, millions of years ago or even as close as 100,000 years ago. All I know is that in that millions of years the world survived everything thrown at it and we are still here (at the moment) but who can see what will happen before the next person reads this!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline fivetrout

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2014, 09:42:39 pm »
True we are poor stewards of this planet. But to have any impact at all and address the must be done whole-heartily by everyone on this planet. Unfortunately it's two steps forward and three steps back. Everyone wants to do there personal part...well, until we are taxed for it. 

Offline David E

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2014, 11:00:03 pm »
John B  et al....

Regarding Oxygen....

Yep...50% of the oxygen generated by plant life (the only kind of Oxygen that is available for us to breathe !!!!!)..So much of this plant life exists in the Ocean as algae, So much terrestrial plant life has been destroyed by Humans  ????? and so much of the World"s Oceans are polluted by Humans...and so many more Humans (Oxygen thieves) are being born each day, and so many Humans are burning fossil is entirely logical that we dont have enough Oxygen to breathe...but that's not the case........strange.

So the Jet-stream is changing...we only discovered the Jet-stream about 100 years ago...what possibly could we tell about the long term (Geological) behaviour pattern of the Jet-stream from which to make a valid judgement or prediction.

I am labouring this point because it is sooooo easy to get drawn into the hysteria of Climate change which IMHO is almost entirely driven by loonies and Scientists who want umpteen squillions of dollars in Government Grants to research this phenomena for the next umpteen years and thus ensure their rice bowls remain full.

I draw the parallel of Climate Change with the Cure for Cancer. There has been so much money poured in over 50 years , both Government and Private sector to find and market a cure for this awful pestilence but the Researchers would lose their Grants (and rice bowl) if the job was ever finished.

Dont ever forget what a society can do when it is given unlimited funds in a time of acute National crisis...I refer to the amazing achievements of Project Manhattan in the 1940"s. I am CONVINCED that the same principals apply to Climate Change and Cancer...but vested interests have zero incentive to bring either or both to a conclusion.  Unlimited funds have already been allocated to each of these problems......yet still we flounder around in emotional hysteria.

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Re: What Happened to Global Warming?
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2014, 11:52:06 am »
          A debate that will continue on.