Author Topic: Guangzhou  (Read 18982 times)

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Re: Guangzhou
« Reply #30 on: May 31, 2013, 03:22:26 am »
Wow, my building's internet breaks for 2 days and my thread turns into a discussion about toilets!

Anyway, baby in u-bend is as big a story in China as it is elsewhere.

Personally I think it's a hoax, most Chinese toilets won't flush paper much less a new born baby!!!!

I forgot to say that China has 5000 years of history but they haven't invented the flushing toilet yet, well at least in my apartment.

I prefer the squat toilets though, they're easier to clean, there's no plumbing for monstrous spiders and insects to hide behind. Plus I've heard they're better for your appendix.

Fortunately it doesn't seem to smell much.