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Offline David E

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Little Emperor
« on: May 02, 2014, 05:19:26 pm »
Well...I have survived the first 3 weeks with the "Little Emperor" resident in our home !!!

It has not been too much of a nightmare, we have had a few intense discussions about his place in the scheme of things here, but no real dramas.....yet !!!

First point of contention was when I posted a note on the 'fridge about what his daily chores would be...stuff like putting out the trash, picking up his clothes, being on-time to eat meals with know the sort of stuff we all went through as kids. He told his Mum that he did not do such work, it was for Women..................and if he wanted to sleep late it was his decision.........

Next was when he announced that he was off to the City to meet with some Internet contacts and go to Karaoke etc etc.......I told him I would need to know exactly who he was meeting, where they were going, what was their phone numbers and addresses and what time he would be home...and most important, how would he get there !!!! His answer was that they are his friends, not mine and their info was private..........and that he expected Mum to drive him to and from the meeting.

About then I sent Mum away to the shops and had a VERY serious discussion about the "price of eggs"...I think I scared him with the "intensity" of my requirements as to his behaviour in MY home.

So we now have a sorta sullen acceptance of the status quo, he aint happy about it all, but I am patient, he will come around or perish  ;D ;D ;D

On point of observation....he has just finished High School in China and got very good marks the low 90's. He boasts that he is some sort of Maths genius and was not really aware that Maths is my passion...and part of my qualification. So I gave him a good grilling on Maths to discover what he really knew about the subject. And accepting there is a language problem, I am convinced that he has almost no intrinsic or intuitive understanding of the Mathematical Process, his learning has been by rote, like all Chinese Students, he has sweated blood learning by heart reams and reams of Text and basically memorising the whole text book...and has worked 24/7 doing just this for all subjects. This is the usual format of Chinese Education and gives rise to the myth that most Chinese Students work harder than their Western counterparts. They may work harder but I am sure thay are not as clever...once you step outside of the rigidity of knowlege produced by rote learning, there is not much left.

The entire results focus is on test scores, these can be easily manipulated by memorising the whole text book...but it leaves a lot to be desired in the actual understanding and cognisance of the subject matter.

He will need to mightily adjust to modify this approach when he enters the Aus University system which has an entirely different need to UNDERSTAND your subject, not just to parrot it !!!!

Hey ho..interesting days ahead !!!!!!!!!!

Offline JustJim

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Re: Little Emperor
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2014, 07:32:18 pm »
Funny stuff, Dave.... ;D

He might be the Emperor but you are God...(as much as any atheist could be, I guess...)

I remember my own college days and Applied mathematics and calculus.  You could bring a full sheet of paper into a test.  On the page you could write anything you wanted.  You could put any number of formulas, etc.  Hell, you could even put the correct answers to the test questions, if you happened to get a hold of them.  It didn't matter, because you had to show your work, and if you did not understand the CONCEPT you were not getting from point a to point b.  All of that rote knowledge would never do you any good.  It is like my professor said, "Anyone can look up a formula.  Knowing how to use it is the real problem."

Good luck with the little Emperor.  I think a good dose of reality will do him well.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Little Emperor
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2014, 07:40:31 pm »
I take my hat off to you for the time you have put into this David.

I doubt if I could be in the same house as my step son for three days let alone three weeks and still counting.  Thats not quite right as he has been here for the odd long weekend. Maybe 5 days at the outside any more than that then we could come to blows.

He has what is a trait for Chinese males plain arrogance.  Now his two sisters are completely different.   One of whom has lived with us for the past 5 months and she is a blessing to have around the place.

I think that anyone contemplating marrying a Chinese women with kids then unless the child is very young and can be gently moulded should think twice where there is an older son in the wings.

Mind you I settled for 1 + 1 and twelve times table.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline shaun

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Re: Little Emperor
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2014, 07:52:00 pm »
At his age David I think mentorship is the order.  You'll have to leap a great mountain for him to accept you as a mentor but I think you are smart enough to do that.

Of course I would suggest something more in line with a spiritual nature but then you'd be trying to straighten me out too.  ;D

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Little Emperor
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2014, 04:51:31 am »

Is 3 weeks enough time for the guy to settle into YOUR cuture?

YES you can ay down as many rules as you want but it is inbred in him the way he should behave..
Even though it is your home it will take time for him to 'learn' how he should treat the home

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill

Offline David E

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Re: Little Emperor
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2014, 05:05:37 am »
At his age David I think mentorship is the order.  You'll have to leap a great mountain for him to accept you as a mentor but I think you are smart enough to do that.

Of course I would suggest something more in line with a spiritual nature but then you'd be trying to straighten me out too.  ;D

Yes Shaun..

My preferred option is to win his confidence and become a benevolent Mentor...always the best way !!!...I will work diligently to this end.

My fall back position if Plan A fails is to become the benevolent Dictator !!!

I dont really care which way if push comes to shove.

MMMMM....possibly if things go bad, I can push him on to the Catholic Church...they should give him some real perspective on life...maybe teach him to be a lecher and a paedophile ?????

 ;D ;D ;D ;D


I am not really "laying down rules"...just providing a definitive framework from which he has clear understanding of the ground rules. Kids need boundaries (IMHO) and kids need parents to set these boundaries...fairly and equitably.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 05:08:08 am by David E »

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Little Emperor
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2014, 01:24:17 pm »
I may have worded my post wrong mate...sorry

Your reply was what I was trying to say :D :D
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill