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Yes, I have limited the access while I try to figure out what the heck is going on here. Thats my oversee everything. Yes, Mike said he was done, but Mike was also angry at the time. I could see that plainly. The thought to delete his account never crossed my mind. We have a lot of members that have left us...told us they were leaving, and we never deleted their accounts. That decision was Mike's to make...either to delete it, specifically ask us to delete it, or leave it should he wish to return later.

Our job isnt to take things personally. There have been members here in the past I would have loved to delete, but didnt. There has to be a better way than this.

Willy The Londoner:
W T F is going on today? I wake up to find that WW3 is well under way!

When Scottish Rob wakes up I am sure that he will be over there to knock a few knees together.


I'm thinkin...there should be some kind of method to allow members to decide what needs to be deleted. One man with his own subjective opinion or interpretation may flaw the poster's true intent.

Fivetrout you have a good idea, The problem is it doesn't work. Because of human nature I guess you would call it. I belong to three other forums. Where I'm not a mod. That deal with the subject of boats. That are really heavelly moderated. And they are the same way, they go way off track. They go so far off track there has been a couple of death threats. It got so bad on one of the forums I belong to. That they shut down the forum for 6 months. And pressed charges against the guy making the threats.

When they re launched after six months they had sold the forum and replaced all the mods. And you had to be a super exclusive member from the old forum to join the new forum. So you ended up with the same people posting the same things. And no new ideas or information was being passed. So it got to be a drag and I left until they opened it back up. and got some new blood and new ideas. Now as far as boats go it is a rocking forum. That is heavely  moderated. Where any desertion from any idea outside of a boat the member is banned. You don't make jokes, you don't try to be little somebody. And you don't post anything that hasn't got to do with boats. It still runs off course for a couple of days until the mods get it fixed. And they ban the offending party.

When we moved from facebook  to here the idea was the same. Just run the forum don't take any lip service. Make it a enjoyable experience for all. Well it ran off track. And when we tried to fix it, I was the one getting threatened. So I just let it go until I couldn't take anymore threats and bulling. When I put a stop to it this is what happened what you see here. And with management turning tale and running, This is where it is at now.

I Really hope Martin can find a new moderator and they can get this fixed. (Yes I've turned in my resignation)this forum still has allot to offer to the guys going through this.

Ok WTF is going on???

I just read hrough this and wondered what has gone wrong. people come here to get information from 'us' oldies...(although I'm not sure I can give out as much info now)

Personally I dont post as much since my last forey into the middle kingdom after what happenend...But I think 2 things (1) Not as many people come here and asking questions and (2) maybe it has 'run' its course?

I am NOT TAKING sids here) but Mike (mpo) did say he was leaving!! and Max was quick of the mark in deleting Mikes account...We cannot blame any of them nor can blame be given from either one to the other one....(I think thats right?  ::) ::) :-\
(A)Mike seemed angry...
(B) Max wanted to get the site cleaned up asap.

I am no expert but I have seen this coming for the last year.  >:(

Everthing Runs its course maybe we have done that we were lucky that the early years many of the guys went to China and came back and posted their adventures..
 I don't know what we can do to get back to that way  IF  that''s what the forum members want to do. but if indeed we do rstart can we PLEASE have a chat box? ;D ;D ;D


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