I can see a concensus here for the group.
It seems that you all agree
1. Moderated discussions are discussions where message postings are monitored and controlled.
2. The old site was tightly moderated by a small group that was in power over the mass of users, and it had a lot of problems.
3. It was not a problem for the small group that held the power, they were not subject to the negative effects.
4. It was not so great for those that were the subject of all of the monitoring and controlling, for them it really sucked!
5. Posts were held off from being made public, this caused a lot of frustration, and delay. Even worse was when your post was rejected with a short reason given such as "not good", or "breaks the rules". Even post that were "good" would not appear in public for 12 to 24 hours, a very long and difficult delay period, which prevented any active discussion.
6. The end result was people were discouraged from posting at all, and even driven away from the site, because of all the monitoring and controlling, and it is a dead site now.
This site is also highly moderated, but it is better because:
1. Posts are created and appear in public right away.
2. Every post is monitored and controlled by a select group of power users, who screen every post.
3. Offensive posts are immediately deleted, but Non-Offensive posts are selectively edited to keep the power users happy. It is fast and effcient since no reason need be given at all for cutting out and editing of the "bad" posts.
4. This is great for the people in the select power group they can post whatever they want and delete whatever they don't like, they are in control.
5. It is not so great for those outside of the power group, in fact, at times it really sucks, and if you don't like it, you have no recourse but to go post some where else, Because any posts that question or complain about the monitoring or controlling of your "offending" post is also deleted.
6. The end result is that people are discouraged from posting at all, and even driven away from the site, because of all the monitoring and controlling, and the site is actually an exclusive club for those that are in the power group. Clearly they are all in agreement that being on the inside, life is great, and they do not want to change anything
So it is not really a surprise to see that all of the people who are in the power position are all in agreement that life here is good, and they are very happy with how things work, they are all on the good end of the stick, and there is no reason to change a thing.
For those that are outside the power group, however, they realize that they are the subject, and sometimes the target, of another that holds power over them, and life here is not as good, they are not as happy with how things work, they are all on the other end of the stick. And since things are not going to change for them, they end up leaving.
This is how things work here since 2008 when I started. Over time I "learned" to post less and less, and have seen many others leave this site, because the reality of being outside of the power group sinks in and they would rather go elsewhere.