Author Topic: Interesting if it Happens  (Read 1560 times)

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Offline ChinaBound

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Interesting if it Happens
« on: May 11, 2014, 10:55:45 am »
Imagine you're on a nice, long train ride in the United States. You close your eyes for a quick nap and wake up in... China? Yup. That could happen if China goes through with a proposed high-speed railway linking it to the U.S.

 The project, nicknamed the "China-Russia-Canada-America" line, would be over 8,000 miles long and was first reported in China's state-run Beijing Times newspaper. The paper interviewed a railway expert from the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

The Economic Times reports that, according to the expert, the "bullet trains can run at 350 km per hour, enabling passengers to travel from northeastern China to the US in less than two days."

According to Discovery one of the biggest challenges for the ambitious proposal would be building a tunnel to cross the Bering Strait, a 125-mile stretch of arctic water between Russia and Alaska.

 â€‹But according to China Daily, another state-ran newspaper, the technology to build the tunnel is already in place and will reportedly be used on a tunnel linking China to Taiwan - a distance of nearly 94 miles.

 So, is it possible that we'll be taking a train over to China anytime soon? Not quite. There are more than a few skeptics out there, especially on a tunnel that runs four times the length of the Channel Tunnel - which runs from Great Britain to France.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Interesting if it Happens
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2014, 08:16:20 pm »
'Imagine you're on a nice, long train ride in the United States. You close your eyes for a quick nap and wake up in... China?'

 'There are more than a few skeptics out there, especially on a tunnel that runs four times the length of the Channel Tunnel - which runs from Great Britain to France.'   

 Could be much worse you could open your eyes to find your still in America. ;D ;D

Plus the Chunnel as Brits call it, is only 31 miles long and cost the equivalent of 18 billion US Dollars and 8 years to build .  It needs 400 trains a day transversing  to make it viable with the trains becoming magnets for illegal immigrants.

Well I think I will be correct when I say 'Not in my lifetime'. But then I said that about the Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macau  Bridge and a trip around Hong Kong Harbour shows how that is progressing. ::) ???

Willy The Lpndoner

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