Gerry that hair is the quickest way I found to kill a vacuum. One of the vacuums I tried to fix. I spent about a half hour one day cutting it out of the roller brush. Two months latter. I was doing it again to a different vacuum. That eventually died from the same cause
Gerry I'm like you I have a shop filled with just about every type of woodworking tool Known to man. The only thing I'm missing is a wood lathe, And a thickness plainer. My wife won't even get close to them they scare the hell out of her.
Every plant and tree we have here has almost died from lack of water. I have to step in about every 3 months and start watering them again. Or remind my wife to water her trees and roses.
At the end of the day it's pretty funny both of her parents were successful cotton farmers. They still are they have huge cotton fields they still tend to. Last time I looked at the cotton fields. they were just doing great. But my wife can kill a cactus from the lack of water

My wife do's a awesome job with the kids. If there was a award for mother of the year my wife would of won it for the last six year running. And she can cook better then most people I know. It's just the mechanical things and killing the appliances that baffels me.