All About China > Understanding Chinese Women


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That was a really funny story. What a sad sack *laughs*

You couldn't pay for a holiday like that. What a blast. He will be telling his buddies about his visit to China for the next fifty years *laughs*

Vince G:
The two girls that get him into buying drinks? Why didn't he bargain the amount?

Nothing new. That's been going on for many years "everywhere".

Even when dating from personal ads their were some that would meet men and ask to meet for dinner. The guy not wanting to appear cheap agrees. She orders the expensive stuff. Eats, drinks and says goodnight. Takes a few days to understand she must do this every night and gets guys to pay for her dinners. Happen ONCE to me after that it was "coffee only" or "drinks" and I said the place.

In NYC this guy wouldn't survive walking down any street. Mike prob knows this? You learn how to walk and reply an infamous "F***Off".

RobertBfrom aust:
Maybe he is a Thailand travel agent in disguise , all my time in Changsha only approached once and when I showed the card to my lady , she suggested that it maybe would not be a good place to visit , was I not happy with her , well I was just sitting in the street having a smoke while she was in the beauty parlour and the card was in Chinese . Guess my part of China was pretty tame haha .
 The other side of the coin was he did not mention anything about agencies , and proved once again contacts are vital as we were able to turn Alex's bad luck around in 12 hours , and now he has 200 to choose from , regards Robert .

Vince G:

--- Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='5220' dateline='1244548437' ---and stop looking up at all the tall pretty buildings!
--- End quote ---

I have given some thoughts as to how it will be taking my lady there (to NYC) and showing her everything. Pointing up at a building and knowing I just became a target? and their reaction when they find I'm not really a tourist. lol


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