Well.....I have just got through my first 3 months with the "Little Emperor" living with us.
I suspect my life expectancy has halved in this period, I notice my hair is greying rapidly and I get irrational feelings like murder, torture and throwing things, far more frequently !!!!!!!!!!
I begin to see the real ugly face of Male Chinese children, I begin to understand the vast cultural gulf that exists between me and him. But more importantly, I begin to understand that I cannot in any way rely on his Mother (my wife) to get involved in any issues that challenge his arrogance, that attempt to change some of his worst habits or that seek to impose on him any normal standards from my culture...she is just too culturally imprinted to go up against him.
Ming rushes round after him 24/7, she is visibly losing weight, is irritable and just plain overworked...but she cant/wont stop !!
Some specific issues that have caused friction...
He WONT eat any Western food...she therefore cooks 2 complete sets of meals every day.
He is used to a squat toilet and has no concept of toilet hygene and his toilet is always awash with urine all over the floor...she cleans it several times each day.
He demands she drives him everywhere...he does not have an Australian driving License....she can make 4 or 5 trips a day ferrying him around to his friends/school etc.
We were out in the Yard last Sunday...I was cleaning the Pool and I handed him a yard brush and told him to sweep the patio.....He bolted indoors and Mum came out and swept the patio...she told me that the yard brush was too hard on his hands and he wont do it !!!!!!!!
I also notice that in his bathroom he has 5 different hand creams, 4 different shampoos and more cosmetics than his Mum........

..including hair spray, hair gel, laquer and many other junk I dont recognise.
He has told Mum that he wants to finish with English lessons...its too cold outside to go to school....and he wants her to buy a mountain of camera gear for him so he can start a photography Business. He also wants my daughter to make him a website for this Business (for free of course)...when he announced this at a family dinner the other day, my daughter just looked at him and said calmly..."get stuffed"...so you can see that he has already made a mighty impression on my family !!!!!!!
OK..that's the rant over...and thgat is only a few of the issues we have faced with this arrogant, bad-mannered little prick.......now what to do

My only way out of this is to set him up independantly from us...which means a huge expense for me...which I really dont feel inclined to spend, or to insist he goes back to China,(where I would have to support him anyway)
I guess that divorce is now looming as the only realistic outcome, because I feel that when push comes to shove, Ming will back him over me....as she has done so many times in the past 3 months
What a balls-up