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Offline JimB

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2009, 02:52:48 pm »
She told me this am that the health bureau is inspecting all of the hospitals to make sure the quarantine areas are following their guidelines and also checking the cleanliness of the hospital.
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Offline Frans B

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2009, 10:12:49 am »
Flying Pigs and the WHO

Flying Pigs, Tami flu and Factory Farms

WHO takes a page from a Michael Crichton Novel

As the late great American poet Yogi Berra might have put it, “this just gets absurder and absurder.” The international agencies supposedly responsible for monitoring worldwide dangers of new pandemic threats, the WHO and CDC are acting like the directors of a Hollywood “B” grade sci-fi movie or the author of a copycat version of Michael Crichton’s Andromeda Strain novel. The global panic over outbreak of a new human-to-human Swine Flu pandemic is increasingly revealed as a likely operation in mass psychological terror whose only beneficiaries are the few global pharmaceutical giants that are in the business of peddling so-called “antiviral” drugs—Roche, SmithKlineGlaxo and Novavax most prominently. The losers are the rest of people, normal folks.
Political Lies and Media Disinformation
The media reports are twisted. Realities are turned up side down. Policy statements are not backed by medical and scientific evidence, statements are unfounded.
Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Millions of people worldwide get the flu each year predominantly during the winter months and wet season in the tropics. Most people are sick for about a week. Some people (especially young children, pregnant women, older people, and people with chronic health problems) can get very sick and may die from the flu.
There are millions of cases of influenza across America, on an annual basis. “According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal, the flu kills up to 2,500 Canadians and about 36,000 Americans annually. Worldwide, the number of deaths attributed to the different types of flu each year is between 250,000 and 500,000”
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 10:27:00 am by Frans B »
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Vince G

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2009, 10:54:24 am »
One thing wrong with that Frans, Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra is a former Major League Baseball player and manager and is not "Late" yet. He has many Quotes that have been written.

Offline Irishman

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2009, 10:57:16 am »
I'm starting to freak out a little over this.
The English have decided to move from containment to treatment. They are predicting 100,000 cases there by August. people travel from Ireland to England all the time which means its about to start sky rocketing here.
Worldwide it seems that the fight is lost, keeping that in mind the Chinese policy of putting people in hospital for a week if anyone near them on the plane exhibits flue like symptoms seems futile and seriously inconveniencing to travellers, if it was a normal sightseeing holiday I had planned I'd probably cancel because of this. I am definitely asking to change seats if anyone near me so much as sneezes or coughs before take off.
I really hope they abandon this sooner rather than later .
I've the constitution of a horse and haven't been sick in years so am not particularly concerned about this but am more concerned that I'll arrive in Beijing only to have to spend my first week there in some crappy hotel room :(
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Offline JimB

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2009, 11:22:19 am »
In the last couple of days there have been 90 new cases of Swine Influenza in the Beijing area.  Particularly in the 4th ring.  this is the neighborhood of my lady. And her hospital.  Mostly school children were infected.  Todays newspaper there "Traced" it to an American couple.  It said something to the effect that they were there on a "political mission" (what that means I havent a clue and Neither does Angel). This bothers me on a few levels and raises questions on what they are trying to accomplish with this article.  Plus with my trip just 37 days away, how or will it affect me.  i would not like it but I could stand to be isolated for 7 days, after all I am going for 2 months. Or will they just stop Americans from entering the country. Of course this act is not a medical one but a political one and is that the reason for the article?, to get their citizens up in arms as this was about children.  Think how we would react to something like that.  Wouldnt our citizenry cry out for a ban on all Chinese coming into the country until it was cooled down?  Whether they do it or not would be another story.  Depending on the political climate at the time and were we mad at the Chinese for some reason.   I could bypass Beijing and go straight to Wuhan if need be.  But she cannot leave because she is a charge nurse in surgery.  She tells me that they are not leaving their dorm at all except to go to work and come home. 10 cases are in her building.  There is starting to become a great concern.  I asked her if anyone has yet died, she said she knew of only one.  A senior citizen.  Thankfully not a child. We have not heard from Sameldrum1 yet.  He was supposed to leave yesterday, I think. He was going to Beijing I know.  It will be interesting to hear from him to see what, if any, reactions to him are.  I do not think there is cause for alarm yet but I am starting to look at back up plans. Just in case.
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Vince G

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2009, 11:41:45 am »
I don't know what is going on. Here in Florida with such close ties to Mexico (don't ask) There was a reported 3 people in the whole state. 1 passed recent from it, a 80 something yo man.

Offline Irishman

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #36 on: July 03, 2009, 11:54:04 am »
This is the thing, I don't think the mortality rate is any higher than with a regular flu virus. Surely its in everyone's interest therefore to let it spread and we all all get immunity to the thing before it mutates into something more serious and starts killing normal healthy folk too instead of just the usual elderly and weak.

Jim this thing about demonizing Americans as being root cause is worrying too.
I remember reading in the paper there that this years new year celebrations caused a hotel to be burned down after foreigners set off illegal that might be true but I find it all too coincidental.
I can see as the virus takes hold the press going crazy and blaming Americans /westerners and that making our journey difficult, hard to see how this is going to play out.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 11:54:41 am by Irishman »
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Offline JimB

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #37 on: July 03, 2009, 12:36:48 pm »
There are two stories about the New Years fire.  I saw the building when I was there. At first it was just that they were celebrating the Grand opening of the hotel and didnt test any fireworks before hand.  Next it was foreigners had illegal fireworks.  But the truth is a combination, the local company, (Foreign owned) was celebrating the grand opening and new Years when fireworks went astray and landed in it.  Starting the fire. Apparently the guys lighting the fireworks had no professional training, hence illegal.  it started in an unfinished part of the building so everything was exposed and caught fire easily.  That is what a cabbie and my friend both said.

The political climate between the US and China right now is not great either.  China is also trying to maneuver to get their currency as the world standard instead of the US, so I think any reason to blame the US would be used.  It also may be true what the paper said. Angel took the paper at its word.  And gave it to me as a fact when I asked her how she knew about the carriers.
You are right it is hard to know how this will pan out.  I am not pushing the panic button yet, but I am surely looking at backup plans.
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Offline Peter

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2009, 12:23:08 pm »
I did write to my travel agency and asked them about this. I have only 1 hour and 5 minutes between my flights in Hong Kong so I have to change really fast from one plane to another. I also told them that I got news about people waiting for 40 minutes before they was allowed to leave the airplane..
The travel agency contacted Cathay Pacific and was told that they thought there wasn't going to be any problems about this. I was also told that I have to take a new contact next Wednesday and see if there is any change in the situation.
Thanks for the advice bout filling out a health document. I will fill in my Ladies address and phone number since I doesn't know where she rented our apartment.
I hope this wouldn't mess up our wedding....
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2009, 06:14:22 am »
I was checked by doctor when I arrived in Zhuhai a week ago.  Asked a few questions stuck a thermometer under my arm told me I was OK. and off I went into this new world.

All they wanted was my China telephone number in case anyone sitting near me on the plane or ferry contracted it.

They are now reporting it on TV here that UK numbers are going up and in a month should reach 100,000 but that figure is styill below the one the give for USA.

The figure no one ever gives is how many out of the numbers they quote have now got over it and are no longer a risk to others.

Willy The Londoner
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Peter

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2009, 01:47:35 pm »
Willy.... Did they do the check when you arrived on the final destination or when you was changing flights somewhere in China ????
« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 01:47:57 pm by Peter »
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Offline Irishman

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2009, 03:02:55 pm »
The Irish government just announced that every man, women and child that wants it will get a vaccination this Autumn here.
As I'm planing on returning for Christmas after August then I'll be getting vaccinated for sure, assuming I haven't gotten natural immunity by then!
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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2009, 08:09:54 pm »
Jim, there were 5 cases reported here last week.  All at the military hospital and they are saying no connection between patients prior to hospital visit. Hmmmmm..........


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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #43 on: July 09, 2009, 10:27:25 am »
Everyone is being hyped up on this Swine Flu. From the 100,000s and possibly millions, that have caught this flu, the only people that it has affected, over and above normal flu symptoms, are the Sick, the susceptible, and the very old.  That has been confirmed by every country affected to date. I listen to the BBC news here, talking to the top Professors in their field, they say there is no serious concern at this time, the virus H1N1 has never mutated to their knowledge. Seems that's the only worry they really have, of the H1N1 virus mutating.

The Chinese Authorities always panic, if they think that anything will affect their standing in the world. It's the Face thing again...... hahaha!!

Anyway in answer to the question raised abovet, .... Yes virtually everyone recovers, in the same time span as they would with normal Flu.... 10 to 14 days


Offline maxx

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RE: Swine Flu
« Reply #44 on: July 09, 2009, 10:31:12 am »
David what was it the Chinese bungeld a few years ago?Was it  Asian bird flu or swomething like that.