Author Topic: Americans Are Down On America  (Read 1580 times)

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Americans Are Down On America
« on: July 07, 2014, 09:01:19 pm »
  We’re No. 33!

Here is something 'American' of interest that may explain a few things about the realities
of today's life and how it may pertain to us & to those who seek their affections in Asia.

"..That newfound humility corresponds with an economic comedown that is looking permanent for an uncomfortably large portion
of Americans. The recession that ended in 2009 ravaged the economic fortunes of many American families, with median household
wealth still about 40% lower than it was before the recession. Jobs have finally started to return, but for many workers, pay is
lower than it used to be. People feel they’re falling behind, and the data show they’re not imagining things. That’s a loss of economic
freedom, which impacts other choices...

...part of the American Dream (which itself has never been clearly defined) is the financial stability that comes from knowing
you’ve got enough money to continually improve your living standards and handle any surprises that may pop up.