Author Topic: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?  (Read 17596 times)

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ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« on: February 23, 2013, 05:40:31 am »
I want to know everyone's thoughts and factual knowledge of whether this ChnLove Date and the Agencies involved with the site are all SCAMS. I have not found any factual information that actually verifies ChnLove Date as a real non fraudulent company. All information I read is bad about the ChnLove Date site/company and all the related agencies are Scammers.



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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 11:57:45 am »
If it was all SCAM.. I guess my Wife of nearly five years is not REAL!  :'(
Isn't there GOOD and BAD in everything? It's up to you to seek the truth of which one it is and that is why we are here.. to help.

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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 05:47:58 pm »
Charlie , as Arnold has said , you have to sort out the Wheat from the Chaff , noting that most if not all photos are photoshoped with some changing the lady a little whilst others you would not recognise the lady if she was standing next to you , I can go back to 2007 on that site and I think it is worse now than back then .
 Why waste money when you can set up your computer with the English version of Chinese QQ including videocam , even join their contact area and see who you are talking with after a couple of interesting , to say the least trips to China my better half found me on QQ and she was already in Aussieland , not that she told me that till after a few weeks of me giving her English lessons on QQ .
 Simple answer is with all contacts until you are face to face whether you are in China or your city and have a few dates nothing is certain and Chinese ladies are very savy , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline Rhonald

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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 07:21:21 pm »
I want to know everyone's thoughts and factual knowledge of whether ChnLove Date and the Agencies  are all SCAMS. All information I read is bad about the ChnLove Date site/company and all the related agencies are Scammers.


I see you like to deal deal in absolutes. Unfortunately, there is no all 100 % guarantee and your question is easily answered - NO. No as in not all are scammers. Yes there are scammers and yes there are genuine good and bad results from members here. You wish factual knowledge, well my wife is real and if you search any postings from the member Proteus , you can read his comments from the inner workings as he was our translator during my Chnlove experience.

With time, we have come to realise that there are much better alternatives then Chnlove, and eventhough I was successful using their service, I would go a different route if I could jump back in time and redo my journey with the knowledge we have gathered here.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 07:23:01 pm by Rhonald »
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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2013, 07:22:44 pm »
Its real, and its a scam at the same time. There are good agencies, and good translators, who are honest, and there are others that are dishonest. Unfortunately, to find out, you need to pay. The business model that chnlove uses, leaves it open for individual agencies to take advantage of men.

I have used chnlove, and was successful, in as far as I met and married the woman I was chatting with. I won't get in to details, but I am no longer with this person. Do I think my translator was completely honest? At the time, I thought yes...but now? Nope.

Personally, if I was wanting to meet a Chinese woman, I would use a different site. That is my opinion. Others have found success...and many have not.

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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2013, 07:52:35 pm »
They are as real as they get.  If you invest a small fortune and a ton of time, you can come out with a Chinese wife.  They will suck you dry if you give them the chance.  There are MANY men paying thousands of dollars a year for the opportunity to write love letters to complete strangers they will never meet.  These men are the reason this company is the way it is, and they would be stupid to not take advantage of them. 

Why?  Are you thinking of becoming an investor?  I bet they make a killing.  Pure profit and a growth industry. irresistible as chocolate

Offline David K

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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2013, 07:59:27 pm »
Lovesick Kiwis are an increasingly easy mark, with dating scams costing people more than $2 million last year.

Overall, New Zealanders were cheated out of nearly $4m dollars in 2012 but more than half of that was lost through romance scams.
Dating scam fraud rose, with $2.2m lost last year compared to $900,000 in 2011, according to data from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
Netsafe Operations Manager Lee Chisolm said fraudsters targeted vulnerable people online, befriended them, then claimed to urgently need money for an emergency.
"These scams can see the victims emotionally devastated and lose their life's savings," Chisolm said.
"Three people lost over $100,000 each last year."
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Offline Jason B

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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2013, 08:42:36 pm »
I see sheep can use computers now then David......... :P

As for scams they are everywhere.  I only wrote to my now wife for a period of about 3 months via CHNLOVE, one or two letters a week and then went to see her in China.  There were are few bits of fluff added to letters but these were mainly done by people in the office who were not part of the main letter writer/translator who just happened to be Xia's flatmate.  So even inside an office there is scammers.  But the main question there is; is it the people who work there or the company putting pressure onto the workers?  As for CHNLOVE themselves I think to a degree they have separated themselves from the agencies and are more like the front door into Chinese services.  But things may have changed I have not used them for more than 3 years now.
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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2013, 06:45:29 pm »

Scan or not, I would defenetly choose a different way to meet a chinese woman today.

I wrote to a woman and travelled to meet her in Guangzhou. She was probably the woman in the picture, but the agency must have written evrithing for her. She had no knowledge of what we had discussed in the letters, neither did the information I had about her match what she told me when I met her in person. I made a clean break as soon as I understood that.

There are a lot of more "efficient" and less expensive ways to meet chinese woman. chnlove would be about the last thing I would try.

The best way to meet someone is the most simple one. Get on a plane and visit the country ! Try to avoid Beijing, Shanghai and the most touristy cities. Get out in the streets and interact with real woman.

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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2014, 01:35:06 pm »
Hey, no one  has ranted for such a long time about Chnlove I guess it is due.

So just for the newbies education.

I spent three months in contact with what I thought was a Chinese woman that was seriously interested in me. Over that time I noticed inconsistencies in the stories and letters. I also saw photos of the woman over that time transformed from a beautiful woman that looked half her age into an unattractive frumpy middle aged overweight  woman. It became obvious to me that I had been swindled and they had pulled a bait and switch. The experience cost me in excess of 1000 dollars before I figured it out and pulled the plug.

I later went to China on other business and met the lady. While there I visited with the woman for a full day and have since had email conversations with her.

I got the entire truth. This is what I know as fact and can prove with photos, documents and letters.

The matching agencies use as an umbrella/shield to present their stable of women to the gullible public.   
The women do not write to you!  and your letters are not being read by the ladies. You are talking, flirting and falling in love and discussing your deepest secrets with a translator who is trained on how to pull the heart strings of a love sick western man. I  Don't want to make you puke but there is a good chance that she is a he.. and has a hairy chest and a pot belly. (actually mine was a young boy) .The lady who they are representing has very little knowledge of the correspondence between you and the agency. But they are aware of the tactics and dishonesty that is taking place on their behalf.

They (translator) discourage direct communications of any kind, as it will end their revenue stream generated by translating letters between the two of you.  Some excuses you may hear is  " I don't have a computer" " I am not computer literate."  "I cant afford a cell phone or we could talk. " "My English is terrible and I feel much more comfortable using the agencies translators for our communications". You will hear many stories and excuses that directly contradict each other.

Let me say this,  computers are very accessible to everyone in China. You can go to an internet cafe and use the computer for an hour for 5 RMB (that's less than a buck).  Most everyone under 50 years old is computer literate. The QQ  computer game (farm) is a national pastime in China. And cant afford a cell phone. What a load of crap. You cant sling a dead cat in China without hitting someone trying to sell you a used/stolen cell phone for pennies on the dollar. I once saw a decrepit old man riding a cart pulled by a water buffalo while talking on his cell phone.

The photos. My god the photos. You have never see such beautiful women in your life. Only trouble is they are fake. fake. fake. They start with a professional photo session with tons of makeup and then they photo shop the image into someone that you would not recognize if she were staring you in the face. When you finally realize this beautiful, young woman is pushing 40-50 years old and can't possibly look this good you ask for more everyday "normal" photos. Well they knew you would ask and they have those waiting for you prepared in advance just for you.  And heavily Photo shopped.
The ladies pay a huge fee for the agencies representing them. An additional fee is collected from them/you if the scam is successful in getting you to marry them.  Don't think that you can outsmart them or detect a scam from the real thing. They have thought of everything and know their business. No slur intended but the Chinese have had thousands of years of practice separating you from your money.  Also know this, the Agencies have very good Photoshop technicians on staff and  there is a group of Photoshop artist in Nanning and Shenyang. They are the best. They can make a jellyfish look like a mermaid. I have learned to recognize their style.

I strongly advise you to stay away from Chinese marriage agencies that use this marketing technique. They are nothing more that organized crime with a very good store front.

Below are photos.  The women I spent a thousand dollars to correspond with and the woman I met when I went to Shenyang.  One in the same. Notice the cleavage? The woman has no boobs so they gave her some.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2014, 02:26:10 pm by Pineau »
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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2014, 02:10:27 pm »
True; true and I see you've had your picture photo shopped for this site.  No wonder your wife fell in love with you.   ;D

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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2014, 02:18:02 pm »
Well thank you Shaun,
Actually that was my serious look for your Beer wars thread. I'll change it soon.
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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2014, 02:24:37 pm »
Beware of the old " bait and switch " tactic also. Many agencies use this tactic also, they get over by baiting you with an attractive lady and then once you are there she suddenly loses interest or has a life and death family crisis in Mongolia and can't meet you in person. The agency will ALWAYS have ample ladies waiting for the agency to call them in to meet you. If you research long enough you will discover many of these attractive ladies are no longer with the agencies having married someone or just decided they would marry a local fellow, but the agencies still continue using their profile especially if it has proved to be a revenue generator in the past. Many men have to actually write the agencies and insist that they stop using their wife's profile after she is married.

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Re: ChnLove Date Internet Dating Service, Scam or Real?
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2014, 02:18:32 pm »
So when Mei and I had our wedding pictures taken I got to witness a transformation.  I sat as they poked her and primped her, applied tape and eyelashes and makeup and who knows what else and at the end of the process she was super model beautiful.

But for everyday life she hates wearing makeup.  And I prefer her without it too.  There is no fuss and no muss, no waiting while she applies this or that.  And I like her natural beauty - I don't need that super model....

So what is my point?  I don't begrudge the women wanting to look their best.  I wouldn't say "buyer beware" because it is prevalent throughout our society.  You should see some of the gorgeous Hollywood stars before they get their makeovers...    You wouldn't look twice in normal life...

Anyways, when I was in China I got a chance to meet the people at the agency that Mei used.  What I gathered was that they are real sincere in wanting to help their clients.  And they are cautious about the type of men the women might meet and what those men might request of the ladies.  They see themselves as not only a filter but also a shield for their clients.  Quite a few jokes were made about all the men passing themselves off as being "Generals."

And they believe that if they can plant the seed of attraction that they will have better success.  So if they have to spin a few tales or flirt on behalf of their client they see no harm in that.  Plus they make a living.

In my own experience I started contacting a gal through the EMF's and it started to run into the $200 - 300 range.  It was about then that I found this site and when I started pressing "her" for direct contact she started to give me the same stories as Pineau mentioned.  She held out a carrot that when her friend (who apparently knew a lot about computers ) got back from her trip abroad that we would be able to QQ then.   It sounded suspiciously like she just wanted to make it through the summer on my dime, before she went back to college ;D

It was at this time that I met Mei for the first time, and rather than go through the whole thing all over again I said that I would only communicate with her directly, and for whatever reason, we were "allowed" to exchange QQ numbers.   The rest is a whole 'nother story...

Oh, one more thing that the ladies at the agency said...  there are a lot of men on these sites who are "pretenders."  They are just bored and maybe they want to spend a little money just flirting with some gal, but they have no means and no intention of ever going to China.  This is another type that the agency is trying to weed out, and also they don't care that they are taking his money.

So although I met and married Mei through China Love, I know that I am one of the few.  And I had help and advice from this site to help me.

A lone wolf would be taken to the cleaners by that site and by all the expenses that he might incur in trying to get a wife from China.