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MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« on: September 13, 2014, 08:11:50 pm »
Islamic State militants have released a video claiming to show the beheading of British aid worker David Haines, in what British Prime Minister David Cameron has described as "an act of pure evil."
The 44-year-old Haines was abducted in Syria in 2013 while working for an international aid agency. The British government had managed to keep his kidnapping secret out of concern for his safety until the most recent video identified him as a captive.
Prime Minister David Cameron described the apparent murder as "an act of pure evil" in a tweet from his official account.
Sky News reports that Cameron is returning to Downing Street to chair a COBRA emergency response meeting.
The UK Foreign Office had said earlier in a statement that they were "working urgently to verify" the video.
"If true, this is another disgusting murder," the Foreign Office said in the statement.
"We are offering the family every support possible. They ask to be left alone at this time."
Islamic State militants have beheaded two American journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff, as well as Kurdish and Lebanese fighters, and posted video evidence online. At the end of the last video showing the beheading of  American journalist  Steven Sotloff, the Islamic State group threatened to kill Haines next and briefly showed him on camera.
In the video posted Sunday, the group threatened to kill another Briton.  Both British men were dressed in orange jumpsuits against an arid Syrian landscape, similar to that seen in the Foley and Sotloff videos.
The SITE Intelligence Group, a U.S. terrorism watchdog, reported the video, which was also posted online by users associated with the Islamic State group.
The video was entitled "A Message to the Allies of America." Haines' purported killer, who appeared to be the same man speaking with a British accent as in the previous videos, tells the British government that its alliance with the U.S. will only "accelerate your destruction" and will drag the British people into "another bloody and unwinnable war".
Late Friday, the family of Haines issued a public plea urging his captors to contact them.
It is funny how the media calls them militants, I think murderers is a more fitting title for these animals. Hopefully the world will wake up and decide to EXTERMINATE this plague from the face of the earth.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 08:14:46 pm by Robertt S »

Offline David E

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2014, 05:52:20 pm »
I know we try hard to keep the Forum free from Religious issues....based on the premise that your religion is your personal choice and that's far as you dont push it down other throats....but......

When, when, when is the World going to wake up, and act decisively to rid the World of these monsters.

All nations who claim to be civilised must rise up in unprecedented and violent response to this evil. 110% effort, whatever it takes should now be directed against them...with all the rage we can muster. They have lost the right to consume our Oxygen !!!!!

nuff said.

Offline shaun

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2014, 08:59:54 pm »
Far be it from me to say anything religious.  ;D BUT......

Time is proving everything I have said about radical Muslims.  Your life, my life means nothing to them.  The only thing that is important to them is their values, their agenda and 77 virgins.

I don't really blame the radical Muslims, I mean I do but I don't, for what is going on today.  I blame the western politicians who have ignored these people and their agenda for years thinking that this would never happen.  So here we are in the midst of a crisis and these same politicians are standing there with their thumbs STILL up their butts saying, "how did this happen?" Yet we keep putting these morons back into office.  I am disgusted with our whole political system.

We need a McArthur or a Patton to straighten this mess out.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2014, 10:16:03 pm »
My own opinion is that this has nothing to do with religion at all.   Did Waco really have anything to do with religion or was its one man's lust for power.
The same is directed towards ISIL (I will not call them Islamic or State). 

I personally could not believe the London accent I heard from the killer as he murdered both Americans in cold blood and then the British aid worker.

  It was not that long ago when two so called muslims murdered Private Rigby outside Woolwich barracks and was trying to behead him when police arrived. Unfortunately the Police only wounded them and they survived to spend the rest of their pathetic life in jail.  I think this current monster took notice of the public outrage at the way Private Rigby was murdered and realised just how much publicity he could achieve from it.   We westerners do have an abhorent distaste against this kind of death maybe because it is not an instant.

They have no values of any note and as for 77 Virgins they are taking them whilst they are still alive!  Women and girls are taken from their homes, the menfolk murdered. My God they are a throwback to a World long gone bye thousands of years ago (but maybe only 70 years or so in the case of Japan's invasion of China.)

Many Western born muslims have gone there as very unimportant nobodies but have found that they are still nobodies and will end up hated or dead nobodies. 

We need strong leader ship in the world and unfortunately it does not come when so called leaders are looking ahead to see if he/she or his/her party will be re elected in 4 years time!  But then is that not the kind of person that leads ISIL to commit countless atrocities!

In a way I am glad that I have no offspring or descendants that have to face this and worse in the world in the years to come.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline David E

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 06:11:05 pm »
My own opinion is that this has nothing to do with religion at all.   Did Waco really have anything to do with religion or was its one man's lust for power.
The same is directed towards ISIL (I will not call them Islamic or State). 


Cant say I agree with you there IS about religion...but not what any civilised person would consider the meaning of that word.
We are seeing a modernised version of a religious conflict that has gone on in some form or another since the time of Richard 1st...the Great Crusade. It is a conflict between religion that has evolved alongside the World vs one that has not and is still stuck in Medieval darkness and hate.

In fact it is eminently arguable that Catholicism is but a poorly disguised version of Roman Imperialism (which was what it was designed to be when Emperor Constantine invented it to prop up his failing Empire), whereas "other" Christian sects have evolved with the times and present a more palatable, rational and benevolent version of religion for those who feel they need it. So apart from Muslim fundamentalism and Catholicism, the World has grown in a religious sense into something more palatable.

Unlike the Japanese rape of civilisation in the 1930's to 40's which was a pure grab for power and resources...not a religious conflict by any stretch of the imagination.....even though it equalled (or exceeded) some of the earlier religious conflicts in it ferocity, brutality and horror.

Just my 2 cents worth.... ;D ;D ;D

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2014, 11:21:18 am »
Willy I have to agree with David on this one.

This is a Holy or a religious war.  They are specifically targeting Christians.  One of the tenants of Islam is that it is better for a person to be dead in they are not a Muslim.  They'll even kill their own family member if the convert to Christianity to, in their mind, save them from themselves.

According to ISIL anyone who supports Israel is an enemy to Islam.  Since American is still an ally to Israel, though not as much as we used to be with our current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, we are enemy number 1 with Great Britain as enemy number 2.

Our politicians have failed the American people by ignoring this issue far too long and now you see the mess we are in along with your homeland.

David if you take the Bible as a historical document only the problem between the Jews and the Muslims goes all the way back to Abraham and his two wives.  You know it always seems to be over a female when men get into real trouble.  We've been paying for this one ever since.

America, Britain, or even Israel didn't make this a Holy war Islam did.  Even the Imam's wont speak out again what is going on.

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2014, 02:11:51 pm »
According to ISIL anyone who supports Israel is an enemy to Islam.  Since American is still an ally to Israel, though not as much as we used to be with our current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, we are enemy number 1 with Great Britain as enemy number 2.

Salafists such as ISIS believe that only a legitimate authority can undertake the leadership of jihad, and that the first priority over other areas of combat, such as fighting non-Muslim countries, is the purification of Islamic society. For example, when it comes to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, since ISIS regards the Palestinian Sunni group Hamas as apostates who have no legitimate authority to lead jihad, it regards fighting Hamas as the first step toward confrontation with Israel.

This war is a power struggle Muslim against extreme terrorists that are also Muslim, but extremists. This war is also about politics since the group is also anti democracy. This war is also about race as they have persecuted and murdered minorities such as the Yazidis, Shabaks and Turkmens.

America is not enemy number 1 and Britain 2, since the journalists were executed because we are getting involved in this power struggle. Yes we need to get involved before this radical group gets too much power, but to think a Patton or MacArthur is what we need is a wrong analysis. Wars are messy, and to think that we can go in and squash it is miss guided. It took Alexander the Great only 6 months to conquer Persia, but nearly 3 years to sub due - not conquer - Afghanistan.
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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2014, 02:16:21 pm »

 I am sick of it and I am sure the rest of the world is .  The countless dead, the countless maimed, the countless children, the countless atrocities against the helpless. The countless expense to the rest of the world. They hate each other and anyone stupid enough to get involved in a blood feud that is as old as Islam itself.

Hey! put me in charge for a day. For a while I would be an evil monster but history would paint me as a Saint.
 I would turn everything from Egypt to India into one big glowing, green glass bowl that would not be inhabitable for a thousand years. And it would be the most peaceful thousand years we have ever known.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 02:33:55 pm by Pineau »
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2014, 03:30:26 pm »
Gerry what are you going to do with the rest of the Muslim brotherhood that is stretched across the rest of the world. Are you going to do camps Or just exterminate them on the spot. I think that was tried about 70 years ago. If I remember correctly. It didn't work out to well for that guy. I think he ended up poisoning himself and shooting his wife, Then shooting himself.

I have worked with Muslim's I have drank beer with them. I have chased girls over most of southeast Asia with Muslims. Iv'e ben to there homes played with there kids and flirted with there daughters. We have discussed politics religion. And everything else under the sun.

Do you know what they want? They want the same thing we all want. Just to be left alone to raise are families in peace. To grow old in peace. To pray to there God in peace.

Different countries different religion have ben hounding them since time begin. They are just tired of being messed with. .They just call it a Holly war. So in there mind it makes it right .This latest round of killing and destruction is just the different factions fighting for control. To see who can be top dog.

The English started this with the crusades. The  Americans did this with the native Americans. The Spanish did this in the Phillappines and south America. The Germans did this in WW2 the Japanese did this in WW2. and centuries before this. All it is, is some schmuck who can talk a good revolution. And get the other schmucks to follow him.

Take the head in one stroke. Not part of the head the whole head. Pick the JR. Lackey. put him in Charge. Don't give him money. Don't send him aid. Make Them do it all by themselves. Don't ever interfere with his government or there people again. it will be ok. Until the next guy sticks his nose in somebody elses business.Oh and don't forget to tell JR Lacky to not get a big head and think he is the fucking man. Because you will always be watching.And you will slap him like the bitch he is.

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2014, 04:31:53 pm »

You don't get to be left alone to raise families in peace. To grow old in peace. To pray to you God in peace.  You got to fight for it. You have to deal with the assholes that are trying to prevent you from doing so. If you don't deal with them they will control and suppress you. And that is what has happened again and again in the middle east. One faction trying to dominate or annihilate the other.  So the asshole of the day has again raised his ugly head.  It has been spilling over into the rest of the world that would rather remain neutral. But eventually the rest of the world will take action. I would be a little more extreme than most sane god fearing people. Because I am neither sane or god fearing when it comes to these criminals. 

The Crusades have ended. The Indians own most of the casinos and a lot of the oil. The Spaniards have all gone home.  The Germans are back to building Dos Autos.  All of them have been dealt with and no longer a threat or nuisance.  These zealots can be dealt with too if someone had the balls to do it.

As for the Islamic brotherhood? Remove their leaders and funding and they will wither and become assimilated into a more benevolent society in a few generations.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2014, 09:00:28 pm »
Everytime you pull the trigger, everytime you drop a bomb. You have just given them more recruits. If you make them disappear. The followers will loose interest. If enough of them disappear.

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2014, 09:18:48 pm »
This war is a power struggle Muslim against extreme terrorists that are also Muslim, but extremists. This war is also about politics since the group is also anti democracy. This war is also about race as they have persecuted and murdered minorities such as the Yazidis, Shabaks and Turkmens.

Ultimately the war is about ridding this world of the Jewish nation and population and those who support them.  This dates all the way back to the first generation of Abraham.  Isaac and Ishmael both sons of Abraham but different mothers.  You are correct it is about the purification of a race but it is in the spiritual sense.  The only reason the Palestinians have had any play in any of this is because the Muslims believe the land the Jews have belongs to the Palestinians alone.  If Israel is crushed and the Jewish people are removed from the region then the rest of the Muslim world will treat them like the low life they have always considered them to be.

Bottom line this is what this is all about and the Muslims in the middle east will tell you this.

As far as most Muslims are concerned they are good people who want to live a peaceful life just like you and me.  They want peace, they want a comfortable life, they want to progress and they are held captive my Muslim extremist just like you and I are.  As a people group I have no issue with them except for the extremist.  Funny I don't like crooks and dishonest people either.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2014, 11:16:16 pm »

They just call it a Holly war. So in there mind it makes it right .This latest round of killing and destruction is just the different factions fighting for control. To see who can be top dog.

I agree with the quote from Maxx. It is one person who wants to be top dog who in this case has used Islam as a back door. Others have used other religions as religious leaders have a ready made audience.  It has happened since forever.  It will continue for time immemorial. 

The only way to eradicate it is for it to be dealt with sooner rather than later.  ISIL has been smouldering in the background for some time. Soon another group will get more publicity by committing even more atrocious acts then will come along another and another.

People with charisma will always attract people whether for good or evil. People with money will also attract people with charisma to suit their purpose.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2014, 12:17:29 am »
Willy since we don't have a like button like Facebook do's. I will just put this out here. I think you nailed it right on the head.

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Re: MURDERERS hiding behind Islam MURDER British Citizen
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2014, 11:09:10 pm »
A new phase of what we all face, wherever we live, has been uncovered by the Australian police.   The terror of ISIL is spreading. Our Australian brothers will know more about this but I hear on BBC news that a group in Australia planned to take a random person wrap them in a ISIL flag and then behead them whilst filming it.  15 arrests made.

This is a warning to anyone wherever you are in the World, not just in Muslim countries, and it strengthens Obama's decision that ISIL must be crushed as it shows that that we are all in danger.


Willy The Lpndoner

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