Best beer is my home brew India Pale Ale....I have some which I am now drinking which is 8 years old...just gets better and better.

Dammit David.... now I want a beer... Your pale ale sounds great. I like a good (COLD) pale ale.
Okay, the best beer I ever drank....
I was stationed in Germany in the late 70's and our post was right next to a monastery that was a good two maybe three mile hike up a mountain. At the top of the mountain was their monastery and they had a small dining area where you could get a beer and some bread and cold cuts. The beer was so dark that I could not see the bottom of the mug, and I got to keep the mug too. Someone told me that is had been rated #2 in the world, but that it was only available right there at the monastery. You could not get it anywhere else.
I still remember the taste of that beer, and I don't know if it was so good because it was at the end of a beautiful hike, or because I was so thirsty, or because it was just that good. But I still remember that beer, so it must have been real good.
The worst beer is anything too warm... is it true that in England they drink it warm? I can't imagine that, and I hope I got that wrong.