Author Topic: oops! I didn't...  (Read 5514 times)

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Offline fivetrout

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oops! I didn't...
« on: September 27, 2014, 04:00:08 pm »
Yesterday was my first anniversary being a married my wife Hong.

 Now understand, i have no problem expressing my emotions in a romantic nature... and do so often! Yesterday when she skyped me...she was very excited to express her joy at this milestone in our marriage. %#!!%#@!...I totally FORGOT!! I looked at her with total disbelief, started to pound my head! Then as most men would do...begged for her forgiveness...even though I didn't deserve it! Even her son had called her to wish her a happy anniversary. She didn't acknowledge my poor attemp at being never fazed her.

Hong continued to smile, laugh and sing with joy and happiness. She mentioned that the day before was our anniversary in china and that today was the special benchmark here in america.

I don't know if our love we share conquers all, or that she was allowing me to save face...I'll never know? But i did receive insight as to how understandings or mis-understandings might be dealt with or rectified. Family harmony, trust, and love will always prevail with this woman, even with a lug-head like me at times. Hong knows and understands my heart very well, and with that...comes forgiveness.

I feel very lucky to have a woman like this!


Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: oops! I didn't...
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2014, 10:08:35 pm »
  I always have problems with remembering dates.  I have four sisters who I am in contact with regularly and they always remind me as to whose birthday is coming up. They always have done that but at least now I have excuses for not sending them out birthday cards or even Christmas cards.

 I know that we were married in January 2010 but unless I get the red book out I have no idea of the day!  The same goes for my wife's birthday. Her 'official' birthday is 14th Feb in the red book very easy to remember as that is Valentines day, however that is based on the Chinese Calendar and her actual birthday is in March!   I do however remember the date when we first met in 2009.

By now my wife knows what my quirks are ;)

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,