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Offline JohnB

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China cracks down on dating website fraud
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:52:16 am »
Seems as if the government is putting the clamps on everything the dating internet, if it does not portray the
innocence of boy meets girl.
Maybe a 'lengthy' China visit may soon be the most logical way to meet the China woman..if logic does not
escape your sense of reality.

From BBC China News.
China's internet regulator says it will target fraud on dating websites and other online match-making sites, local
media reports.Fraud has become a "public nuisance to millions of users, especially young people", the Cyberspace
Administration of China said in a statement.It said it would clamp down on "fraud rings" and "prostitution", and
enforce online real-name registration.
The upcoming Lunar New Year is a busy time for dating websites. More and more young people are searching for love
online as they move into cities for work and parents are no longer pairing them up with potential suitors, says the BBC's
Martin Patience in Beijing. It's also big business, he adds. One site,, said it had more than 100 million users
in 2014, Xinhua news agency said.
The Chinese government routinely blocks thousands of foreign websites including news providers and social media sites
such as Facebook and Twitter. It also conducts a wide-reaching censorship programme. Recently it has stepped up controls,
pressing again for real-name registration for all web users, restricting access to virtual private networks (VPNs) and cracking
down on "internet rumours" - inaccurate reports on micro-blogging sites.

Gong Haiyan: China's number one matchmaker "110 million
high-quality members in front

Wow! 110 million 'high quality' members!
If you are serious about something that is so important a life style change, then get up from your sorry fat ass, shake a leg,
or two if you can, and gotta go!!

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: China cracks down on dating website fraud
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2015, 09:54:08 pm »
We always assumed it was us foreigners that were the centre of scams etc. Far from it.

With there being tens of million more men in China than women then they are open to fraud as they have to go online to try to find a wife.

The agencies only use Chnlove as a add on to their business. A business that officially is subject to many rules.

In fact it is an offence for any person to take money for acting as a match maker!

You also need to acquire a special, hard to get, licence to introduce foreigners to Chinese Nationals for marriage purposes.

Thousands of businesses and officials are facing investigation into all types of Corruption since President Xi took over.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,