Author Topic: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US  (Read 3527 times)

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The union representing America's immigration caseworkers warned Thursday of the "real and serious threat" that Islamic State terrorists could gain entry to the United States, either by slipping through the southern U.S. border or exploiting "loose and lax" visa policies.
Kenneth Palinkas, president of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council, issued the warning in a written statement. He's the latest to raise alarm that the Islamic State may be planning to infiltrate the U.S., though top security officials have said they see no evidence of such a plot at this stage.
Palinkas specifically alleged the administration has made it easier for terrorists to "exploit" the country's visa policies and enter the homeland.
He complained that the administration has "widened the loophole" they could use through the asylum system, and has restricted agents from going after many of those who overstay their visas.
Further, he warned that executive orders being contemplated by President Obama would "legalize visa overstays" and raise "the threat level to America even higher." He said there is "no doubt" many are already being "targeted for radicalization."
Palinkas' union represents 12,000 workers with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which handles immigration documents.
His statement, though, also backed recent claims from lawmakers and others that ISIS is already looking at the southern border. Palinkas cited the threat that "ISIS has already or will soon slip across our porous southern border."
On Wednesday, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said at a House hearing with Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson that he had "reason to believe" that four individuals were apprehended trying to cross into the U.S. from Texas on Sept. 10, and that they "have ties to known terrorist organizations in the Middle East."
Johnson said he had "heard reports to that effect" but could not speak to their accuracy.
Johnson, though, stressed that the government had "no specific intelligence or evidence to suggest at present that ISIL is attempting to infiltrate this country though our southern border."
At the same hearing, National Counterterrorism Center head Matthew Olsen also said: "There has been a very small number of sympathizers with ISIL who have posted messages on social media about this, but we've seen nothing to indicate there is any sort of operational effort or plot to infiltrate or move operatives from ISIL" into the U.S. through the southern border.
Still, Johnson said the U.S. needs to be "vigilant" and aware of the possibility of "potential infiltration by ISIL or any other terrorist group."
Warnings have been circulating for weeks about that possibility.
In August, the Texas Department of Public Safety put out a bulletin that said ISIS social media messages showed "militants are expressing an increased interest in the notion that they could clandestinely infiltrate the southwest border of US, for terror attack."
Chaffetz, in an interview with Fox News, said he's concerned about that prospect.
"We have a porous border," he said. "I'm worried about them actually coming to the United States and crossing that porous border and getting into the homeland."
Hopefully, if anything good at all can come out of this situation it will be getting stricter enforcement of existing laws and perhaps new laws to help weed out threats like this in the future.

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2014, 07:29:19 pm »
It is not only people sneaking or finding a way into the country that you have to be worried about. Its the ones that who are already there who could cause the problem.

In Australia some of those arrested were born there and the same will apply in the USA.   The same must be said of all countries.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Robertt S

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2014, 08:21:15 pm »
It is not just people sneaking in, it is people who travel here on student and tourist visas with no intentions of ever leaving until they marry a citizen to sponsor them or they complete their mission like we witnessed on 9/11. Some of the hijackers from that day were here on student visas and yet 13 years later the United States still has not instituted a method or policy to track or apprehend those who overstay their visas. I think political correctness and multiculturalism will be the death of western civilization as we know it. I wish the USA would adopt more stringent immigration policies for immigration to the USA and at least attempt to enforce our current laws instead of playing politics with our country's border. I think anyone who immigrates here should be given ample time to integrate within American society and also be required to learn our LANGUAGE and LAWS, if they refuse deport them back to their country of origin. If they want to retain their native customs, culture, laws, and language that much, they need to overthrow the government in their native land and stay there instead of coming here seeking asylum and then expecting us to change our laws to suit their religion, customs , and traditions. We have become a nation of social cowards who are afraid to speak out publicly against foreigners and minorities lest we be labeled racist and bigots. I for one will be glad to see a new administration that has enough courage to stand up and make GOOD and SOUND decisions based on FACTS and not politics and polls. To hell with political correctness, I want common sense and fiscal responsibility to take a front seat for awhile.

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2014, 11:22:13 pm »
You know it would be nothing to implant a tracking chip in the visa. It would only take them a couple of months to figure it out. After that you would just plant the tracking chips in them during the medical check. If they overstayed there visa the chip would turn it self on. Then all you would have to do is send someone to pick them up and deport  them.

In away they already do this.All you guys and galls with smart phones. There is a tracking chip in them. That the government can turn on and off. Whenever they feel the need

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2014, 11:36:53 pm »
The one thing I would advocate would be that every one who comes into a country would need to proved a DNA sample.  That way there would be an easier way of identifying a person at a later date. If they committed a crime then they could be identified more easily.  If they want our hospitality they pay that small price.

In fact as far as DNA was concerned I would make it s necessity that at birth a the DNA of every child born in a country should be provided at the time the birth was registered.

In years to come people who commit crimes, especially the more serious ones, could be identified with the problems we get to date.  Crime will be reduced.

But there will always be those that cry 'Civil Rights'  I say give back the civil rights to the victims.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2015, 12:47:44 pm »
It sickens me every time I turn on the news and see more dead bodies. People out shopping. People out for a cup of coffee. Slaughterer by Islamist extremists. When are we going to strike back. Last month Sydney, this week Paris. When are our leader going to quit holding hands and singing hymns. When are our leaders going to stop talking? When are they going to grow some balls and do the right thing. Join together to annihilate this threat to every citizen on earth. I have been warned by my government not to travel least I be killed by a Jihadists. So I am to hide in my house while my government decides the politically correct thing to do. NO! They know the right thing to do and it is far from politically correct but it is the only thing that will put an end to this terrorism once and for all.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline Robertt S

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2015, 10:27:39 pm »
I think the murderous heathens shit in their own mess kit this time. I do not think that even that professional White House liar Jay Carney could tell enough lies to whitewash the public image of radical Islam now. I think you will start seeing more incidents of public harassment and possible physical attacks by civilians and militant groups directed towards Muslim immigrants especially in lower and middle class areas. I think everyone is sick and tired of walking on eggshells to avoid upsetting Muslims and it is about time the civilized world shows these Stone Age Fundamentalists what happens to murderous heathens who oppress and murder others!

Offline fivetrout

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2015, 11:25:23 pm »
This is the result of the elitist's attempt for world globalization of the economy in the New World Order. We've been arming these sub-humans on all sides for years. Doesn't require a genius to see where our failures are.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2015, 08:25:14 am »
I do not think that there is another country in the World that puts more effort and manpower into extremists than my adopted country does. Yet still there are militant muslims killing and maiming people.

I can remember a British Politician was pillorised after making a speech about a 'River of Blood' but I can see that coming eventually. Maybe not in my lifetime (due to my decrepid age) but something is going to happen and in a way I am pleased that I have not brought Children into the world who will have to face this in future years.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2015, 01:12:51 pm »
before anyone gets into a snit on all things Muslim, maybe they should Google “Lassana Bathily”.
I really do not equate these terrorists assholes to anything religious in nature..they are anything but religious.
they are terrorists.
kind of interesting if you go back down memory lane a bunch of years ago (thank you '5- Trout') we played
loose & fast in the middle- East. if you understand this then you must think the root survival of Israel &
Saudi Arabia (Heckle and Jeckle) at any cost..much to the exclusion (& consternation) of any other stable
middle- East countries.
this foreign policy has cost us dearly.
like WTF!

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Re: Immigration worker union warns ‘serious threat’ of ISIS entering US
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2015, 05:12:08 am »
Of this you can be sure, our government will not do the right thing to bring all of this to an end unless it is politically expedient for them to do so.  So we will go on allowing this country to be changed by Muslim law.  Many Subway restaurants are now pulling pork from their menu because Muslims complained about it being offensive to them.

We have become a nation ruled by the minority because that makes us great.