Author Topic: Visa from Hong Kong to Shenzhen  (Read 5813 times)

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Visa from Hong Kong to Shenzhen
« on: October 14, 2015, 10:18:28 pm »
A friend of mine recently was able to visit his girlfriend in Shenzhen without going through the process of applying for visa in his own country.

What he did is shown below and is in his own words.

' I crossed checkpoint at Port between HK and Shenzhen with ease, took a matter of 10 mins, and just over 300 RMB for the 5 day Shenzhen visa, price differs depending on your nationality. I arrived at checkpoint at 10 pm, you need to take care as some of the port checkpoints have different working hours. Good to also note that if you want to extend beyond 5 days you simply cross back in to HK and come back to SZ the same day, you can get up to 3 re-entry in 1 month.'

This is ok for Shenzhen but will probably not be practical to try to fit in a two week trip to any other city in China.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,