Author Topic: The Failure of Multiculturalism  (Read 2875 times)

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Offline Robertt S

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The Failure of Multiculturalism
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:18:22 pm »
I do realize that there are refugees that need safe harbors, but I believe that a muslim would be much happier resettled in a country where Islam is the dominant religion. You will notice that only 2 or 3 of those type countries are accepting refugees. I am also puzzled as to why there are many more young able-bodied males than children and females, is it their belief that women and children should stay in a dangerous war torn area while the so called men run away to Europe?  The president says that they will vet the refugees that come here, but every department that will be involved in this so called vetting process has already told him that they DO NOT have the resources to check these refugees out. The black market in Turkey, Iraq, and Pakistan are already selling letters of threats that are addressed from ISIS to financial refugees for a handsome price. It has also been reported that many of these so-called Syrian refugees are actually from Iraq and Pakistan.  I do not see how any peace can ever be had in that region until Islam has a reformation like all other major religions and join the 21st century.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 06:15:28 am by Robertt S »

Offline dumbo

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Re: The Failure of Multiculturalism
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2016, 09:23:40 pm »
Can this post get taken down here. It is pretty racist in tone. It also has nothing with the purpose of this forum.

Offline Robertt S

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Re: The Failure of Multiculturalism
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2016, 10:48:15 pm »
Can this post get taken down here. It is pretty racist in tone. It also has nothing with the purpose of this forum.

Islam is not a race.

Offline JohnB

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Re: The Failure of Multiculturalism
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2016, 12:32:36 am »
Of course the post is not racist but then again it can be argued.

The whole world is in a state of flux. Political, national, regional, religious conflicts dominate the news. No one person, no one
country, is immune. Constructive, understanding arguments seem to piss off some people. People in the States are more, getting
more angry. The loudest, most insulting people prevail. 

Look at the idiots who say that government is the problem, then do little to resolve it. Look at the idiots who promote war. Look
at the idiots who like to stick their nose in other nations' affairs. It is easy for us, as a country that sits between two great oceans,
to do as we please since the Soviet Union capitulated, damn the consequences. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Getting back to the Europe crisis. The principles of casualty are in play. I am sympathetic.
We sit far away throwing darts at immigration, strange religions, even stranger cultures. Loud mouthed politicians, loud
mouthed news services, preaching down to the ignorant masses. We are ignorant. We know so very little. We never do learn.

Offline Robertt S

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Re: The Failure of Multiculturalism
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2016, 07:28:38 pm »
Of course the post is not racist but then again it can be argued.

The whole world is in a state of flux. Political, national, regional, religious conflicts dominate the news. No one person, no one
country, is immune. Constructive, understanding arguments seem to piss off some people. People in the States are more, getting
more angry. The loudest, most insulting people prevail. 

Look at the idiots who say that government is the problem, then do little to resolve it. Look at the idiots who promote war. Look
at the idiots who like to stick their nose in other nations' affairs. It is easy for us, as a country that sits between two great oceans,
to do as we please since the Soviet Union capitulated, damn the consequences. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Getting back to the Europe crisis. The principles of casualty are in play. I am sympathetic.
We sit far away throwing darts at immigration, strange religions, even stranger cultures. Loud mouthed politicians, loud
mouthed news services, preaching down to the ignorant masses. We are ignorant. We know so very little. We never do learn.

John, I agree with almost everything you said. I think the two parties should just come out and admit that it is all about the money and power. I wish ALL politicians had term limits and no lifetime salary afterwards. I believe if big money is taken out of the equation along with term limits then people who actually care about important issues might get into politics instead of these people who turned politics into a prosperous career.
 Again you are right about the US trying to be the world's police force which usually results in us becoming Motel 6 for whatever region we stuck our nose in. I personally think we should REALLY attempt to become energy independent and get completely out of the Middle East, that area is nothing but a disaster waiting to happen.
As  far as immigration goes, if you can not be reliably vetted then you shouldn't be allowed to enter the USA. Concerning the illegal aliens that are already here perhaps the government should start enforcing policies and laws that are already on the books. The E-verify system would be a good system with a few tweaks such as doing away with fines for employers who knowingly hire illegals. The fines should be replaced with prison terms for the HR director and the CEO's of these companies. These large companies do not think twice about fines, they just write them off as the cost of doing business. I would imagine a few late night snuggles with their new 280lb cellmate would get their attention better than a fine. ::)

I think the loud mouths are getting the attention because they are saying what people are feeling, more and more people are becoming less tolerant of refugees daily and I doubt it will get better anytime soon. I am glad I do not live in the Europe at this time because that place is becoming a powder keg and the behavior of some of the refugees are making things worse.

I think you are right about us being stupid, especially when putting feel good politics and political correctness ahead of common sense and sound judgement.

Offline David E

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Re: The Failure of Multiculturalism
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2016, 05:48:15 pm »
For a lot of years now, this Forum has never felt constrained to meticulously stay within the narrow boundaries of marriage to Chinese Women.

We have many, many times strayed into all aspects of life and had many healthy debates and discussions.

Sometimes it has been necessary to cool down some of the more inflammatory utterances...but this is a rarity.

Throughout the whole World at the moment there is a growing anxiety about the multitude of problems that are developing in the "Multicultural" arena. Anybody who seeks to canvass opinions about all this runs the risk of instantly being labelled a racist by the PC minority.

We have seen so much evidence that a clash of cultures is happening and the silent majority are beginning to stir.

Certainly, in Aus it has been necessary to impose Draconian measures to prevent illegal migration....merely to preserve the inalienable right of our Government to decide who will live here and who will not. This has in no way interfered with our sending as much foreign aid as possible so that these refugees can have some way to fix their own problems....and to have CONTROLLED migration intake that is also generous.

If the doomsayers want to see this a simply a clash between religions...then so be it. But that is not sufficient rational to ban all and any discussions on the issue by interested parties.

Discuss, debate, dissect...but keep it clean. Censorship never helped anybody and the right to speak out should be carved in concrete.

My 2 cents worth.