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Is anyone active online here?

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Have a great trip Gus.

I still have all my boarding passes, flights and everything from my first trip in 2009.
Throw away nothing and copy everything was what I did. You cant have too many photos.
Good luck and I hope all goes well.

Safe Journey and as Robertt  said - make it also a - SAVE Journey

Check the middle of this page if you want to see documentation deluxe.,2747.615.html

Well I just arrived back home from Liuzhou. What a wonderful trip, and beautiful bride & sweet family in law. Now to bring Li Hong to USA. Next hurdle. Any advice?

Robertt S:
Filing an I-130 petition for her is the first step! If you need any assistance with the documents needed just let me know! I can show you how to front load a petition that saves you some time with USCIS.


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