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Is anyone active online here?

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I'm here too. I check in about once every six months or so.

re: Is Gus active online here?  ???


--- Quote from: JohnB on August 24, 2017, 03:31:33 pm ---re: Is Gus active online here?  ???

--- End quote ---

Good question. I came out of hibernation for him too.

I am here... I check every day. I am married and trying to wade thru the US Form I-130 and form I-130A to get Li Hong over here. China was incredible, beautiful, exciting. Still looking for advice on languages, and how to blend two wonderful cultures, traditions, and languages as one. Ahhhh you guys are helpful and I appreciate being a member of the group. Do any of the wives have a similar group, or chat program?


Paul Simon's "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover"
"..Hop on the bus, Gus, don't need to discuss much.."


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