it's a can of worms Robert
why not? the republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying to congress about Monica. I think Bill & Monica made
for a lovely couple.
kind of odd.. when Bill left office, our national deficit was reduced. And, was projected to be in it's entirely by 2012.
No war. So, may I ask, what happened to our post Cold War dividend? what the fuck did the republicans do to it?
what the fuck did the republicans do to our country?
now, we find ourselves on the shit end of whatever Trump does.. America, now a pariah on the world stage.
we, unsure of ourselves. we, unsure of what tomorrow may bring.
blame Obama.
blame all.
blame everyone.
he stands on the bully pulpit, as if a Mussolini..
spouting his self proclaimed IQ, yet ignorant of all things of concern. the fires gets closer.
yet again, what the fuck did the republicans do to our country?